Rough-Rhea Ripley X Reader⚠️

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Heyyy this is my first time requesting but Can you write a first time with with Rhea being rough one shot. The roughness kind of scares the reader at first, but soon after the reader starts to really enjoying it, and has multiple 💦. And of chorus Fem reader please.

WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT!! (praise, degradation, roughness, first time, use of strap-on, oral)

Word Count: 2,094

Reader's POV

Out on a date for the first time in over a month, my girlfriend, Rhea, and I strolled down the street, hand in hand looking in at the now dark shops as we passed.

Each of us would point to the occasional store or coffee shop that we wanted to go back and revisit another day when they were open.

I had one hand wrapped around her strong bicep with the other clutched in her hand, my head leaned against her shoulder as we walked together in step.

The cold night air stung my cheeks, causing me to be as close as possible to Rhea for warmth without accidentally pushing her into the road.

Stopping us just before a streetlight, Rhea grabbed my hand, pulling me into the secluded shadows beyond.

Gripping my hips, Rhea gently pushed me up against the wall, leaning against me as she leaned down, her face mere inches away from mine.

She slipped her hand under my sweater and drew circles on my pebbled flash with her pointer finger. "What do you say, we go back to the hotel, get some hot chocolate sent up, and have a nice night in, hm?"

I shivered under her intense gaze, nodding my head slightly as I darted up to steal a quick peck off her lips.

She smiled and leaned back in, giving me a longer, deeper, kiss before pulling away and tugging me back onto the main sidewalk and back towards the hotel we were staying at.

Her hand slipped from my own, wrapping around my waist and pulling me into her before dropping it to rest on my ass as we walked.

Looking up at her as I felt her hand squeezing me, she had a cocky smirk on her face, glancing down at me to send me a wink before looking back ahead of her.

My face flushed and I hugged her waist tighter in response.

We eventually made our way back to the hotel and up to our room. I excused myself and made my way into the bathroom to change into a fluffy white bathrobe they'd left for us.

As I stood in front of the mirror taking my hair down from the style I'd put it up in, Rhea came up behind me, laying her hands on my shoulders.

I leaned my body into her as she began to massage my shoulders. The back of my head rested in the crook of her neck as she subtly slipped the robe off of my right shoulder.

My eyes fluttered closed in serenity as Rhea massaged my shoulders, slowly pushing my other sleeve off my shoulder to the side.

With both of my shoulders now bare, I felt Rhea's hands be replaced by her warm lips as she peppered my skin with light kisses.

The kisses made their way across the tops of my shoulders before I felt her hands on my biceps, right where the robe sleeves had fallen, beginning to shimmy them down my arms. Before they went down too far Rhea spoke up, "Can I take this off?" She mumbled lowly in my ear as she nibbled at my lobe.

I nodded my head in response, my eyes still closed.

"I need words, sweetheart." She kissed the sensitive spot underneath my earlobe, grinning against my skin when I let out a low moan.

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