Birthday-Damian Priest X Reader⚠️

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Hey, can you write about reader (who's also a wrestler) forgetting damians birthday until rhea texts her and she gets sad and panicky and runs to a near target to get him a perfect gift and ends in a soft smut
Warnings: smut!!- sub!Damian, dom!reader, bondage, no protection used

AN-I've never written smut before so please forgive me for the quality of this. hope you enjoy anyways though

Word count: 1,820

Rhea: Yo, you never got back to me are you coming to Damian's birthday dinner tonight?

Y/n: TONIGHT?????

Y/n: his birthday is today?????

Rhea: Yes?

Rhea: Did you forget???

Y/n: YES😭


I had been so insanely focused on my matches coming up I had entirely forgotten Damian's birthday. I hadn't even gotten him a present yet!

Before the panic completely set in, I stopped and took a deep breath. It'd be fine. Everything would be fine. I just had to go find something to give him.

Running around our shared house, I got dressed and ready, snatching my keys from the hook by the door as I raced outside to my car.

I sped down the road to Target, hoping I'd be able to find exactly what I wanted. I had been thinking about what I wanted to get Damian for months but never found the time to go get it.

Hurriedly parking, crooked as fuck I might add, I rushed inside, grabbed a cart, and made my way to the men's clothing section.

Damian needed some new shorts to wear around the house after he ripped the last ones messing around and trying to do the splits.

I finally found a couple of pairs that I thought he would like in his size before going to the home section.

Grabbing a cute little basket I found, I then ran around for the next 45 minutes getting his favorite candies and snacks, two books he's been wanting to read lately, and some other various little things I found that I thought he would like.

Trying to make my way back to the registers quicker, I took a detour through the toy section and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the WWE section.

Front and center on one of the shelves was a Damian Priest action figure.

Grinning wickedly, I picked it up, put it in my cart, and went on my way to checkout.

Back at the house, I ran around cleaning up and setting up Damian's birthday surprise, trying to get everything done and ready for him before he got home.

Two hours later there was a cake on the counter, balloons and streamers everywhere, and presents filled the space in front of the mantle.

Halfway through making a special birthday lunch for Damian, I heard the front door open.

"(Y/n)?" Damian yelled through the house to locate me.


I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind as I continued to make Damian's favorite meal.

"Smells good babe." His deep voice grasped in my ear as he kissed my neck. I could feel his chest rising and falling against my back as he took a deep breath.

I just hummed in response and moved my head to the side to allow him more access.

"Go ahead and take a shower, birthday boy. Lunch will be ready soon," I told him.

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