Just You-Dominik Mysterio X OC

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Request: Jasmine only has feelings for Dominik but the rest hit on her but she only likes Dom

Word Count: 1,601

Jasmine's POV

The lights from above shone in my eyes, nearly blinding me as me and my faction, the Judgment Day, stood in the ring. Damian, our "leader" was speaking to the crowd over the mic. My job tonight was pretty much to just stand in the background and nod along so I wasn't paying too much attention to what was being said.

The group was made up of me, Rhea, who quickly became one of my best friends, Damian, who was like an older brother to me, and Finn who acted like my father but I was also good friends with. And then there was Dominik.

Dominik and I were by far the closest of any of the Judgment Day members since we were not only the youngest members, but the newest.

Dominik and I had met only a few months ago when I joined the Judgment Day, but I had had a crush on him since our first meeting.

I only began to pay attention again when my name was brought into the ongoing conversation.

"And Jasmine here, as gorgeous as ever," Damian grinned at me, pairing it with a small wink. "I can tell you're itching for a fight. Aren't you, mi sirenita?"

My cheeks burned from the unexpected compliments but I stepped forward, leaning into the microphone he held out anyway, deciding to play into it.

"Wrong princess, Sweetheart. But I am itchin' for a fight. Against Iyo Sky for instance, since she was too chicken to fight me last week."

Damian made an exaggerated shocked face as the crowd 'oohed' in response and I stepped back, crossing my arms over my chest as Rhea slung an arm over my shoulder, pulling me into her side.

Damian kept speaking to the crowd until our allotted time ran out, signaled by The Other Side beginning to play over the speakers as the lights surrounding us turned purple.

Dominik held the ropes open for me and Rhea to slip out as Finn waited on the ground in front of me.

He held his hand out to help me down and pulled me into his side as my feet hit the floor.

I smiled gratefully at his as I slipped my arm around his waist in response as the five of us backed back into the gorilla.

Once back behind the curtain, I stepped away from Finn and made my way over to the refreshments table along the back wall to grab some water.

Whether you were doing anything or not, the lights on you in the ring will have you sweating.

Just as I reached for a bottle, a tattooed hand came around my side, grabbing the same one I was just about to grab.

I turned around to face the thief, my short-lived anger switching to bemusement as I watched her twist open the bottle cap before taking a swig of water, her eyes never breaking contact with mine.

A drop of water rested on her bottom lip as she pulled the bottle away. Grinning wickedly at me, she swiped her thumb over her lip sensually, drawing my gaze. And just before she walked away, she sent me a suggestive wink, taking the water with her.

Completely baffled, I just turned and watched her walk away until she turned the corner and I couldn't see her anymore.

I stood there staring at where she had just stood in front of me moments before, trying to figure out what was going on.

Shaking my head slightly to clear my thoughts, I turned back to the table to actually grab water this time.

I jumped in surprise as I was met face-to-face with an angry Dominik. "What the hell was that, Jasmine?" His nostrils flared in anger as he stared me down.

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