Secret-Rhea Ripley X Reader

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Prompt: Either a Rhea x Reader of a Judgement Day x reader where they secretly have a crush on Rhea or the whole group, and their secret gets revealed live in the ring?

I made this one a Rhea x Reader because I figured it'd be a bit easier, let me know if y'all would like another version of this with Poly!Judgment Day as well

Sorry not sorry about the end😈

Word count: 1,792

As a member of the Judgment Day, I was required to be present for the matches of any of my fellow members even if I was not fighting.

I was waiting outside our dressing room for Rhea so we could walk together to meet the boys at the gorilla.

I'd had a crush on Rhea basically since we met almost a year ago. I joined the Judgment Day soon after we met and my crush only got worse. I had fallen hard and fast and I wasn't even sure if she liked women or not.

The only person who knew about my crush was Damien after he found me crying in a closet after a match one time. Rhea and Dom had been all over each other and it hurt to see them like that.

Hearing the dressing room door open, I stepped back slightly to make room for Rhea to walk past.

She walked out in her usual ripped-up Mami shirt and jeans, her hair flowing down around her looking soft and fluffy as hell. Her makeup was flawless as usual, accentuating her beautiful blue eyes. She looked hot as hell.

"Hey, ready?" She asked me, stopping in front of me as she adjusted the strap of her top.

I just nodded my head in response, not trusting myself to speak without making myself sound like a babbling fool.

She smiled and grabbed my hand, making me blush, so we could walk down together.

She would do things like this all the time, hold my hand or blow kisses at me in the ring which always made me nervous, but she did the same things with Dom which made me hold back.

Rhea swung our hands between us as we walked down the hallway towards the spot where the boys were meeting us.

My heart beat faster as I kept my eyes on what was in front of me, trying my best not to look over at Rhea's gorgeous presence.

As we approached, Damien and I made eye contact. He wiggled his eyebrows at me in playfully scandalous support.

I grinned and ducked my head down, hoping no one had seen. But of course, the one person who did see was the one person I didn't want to.

"What's got you smiling, Buttercup?" Rhea playfully asked, tugging on my hand.

Don't be fooled by the cute nickname, it was not a pet name. It was one she had given me after I had introduced her to the fucking Powerpuff Girls after having been appalled at her not knowing who they were. She said I reminded her of Buttercup and has not stopped calling me that since.

I scowled at the name. "Nothing Ree, just Damian being a dumbass."

She threw her head back laughing and gently let go of my hand as we stepped up to stand next to the boys before our cue.

Shaking out my hands and feet to get myself ready, Damian leaned down into my ear from my right. "You feelin' okay, Buttercup?" He mocked, popping the p.

I shoved him away from me right as our music started and the fog machines turned on. I turned my expression to a bored one and gripped the open flaps of my sleeveless leather jacket as we all began our walk down to the ring.

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