Dont Come Back-Rhea+Dominik X Reader

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I was wondering if you would like to write a rhea x femreader x Dominik? (reader is a very young wrestler) do you remember when Rhea told Dom if he doesn't get the title he doesn't have to come back? Dom and Reader both get scared that she really means this and comfort each other. When Rhea realizes that she has seriously scared both of them, she tries to get their trust back.

I went back and watched the episode for the exact dialogue and everything cause I'm insane. So, please enjoy

Word Count: 3,182

Reader's POV

As a pretty new wrestler, I jumped at the chance to join the already established and successful team of The Judgment Day. It was definitely overwhelming at first but the blossoming relationship between Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley, and me made me much more confident in myself and my abilities, knowing that they were all there to help me should I need it.

It was now Monday Night RAW and Rhea was finally back after having been gone for a little while after Nia Jax had injured her. And because of that, I was just itching to get into a fight with that bitch.

Damian, Dominik, and I all stood backstage waiting for Raw to start. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler were going to kick off the night with a fight and I wanted to watch Nia get her ass kicked. But before the actual show had even started, we saw on the screen as Shayna and Nia began fighting just outside the entrance, nowhere even near the ring yet.

Nia dragged Shayna's jacket off of her, both dragging and pushing her toward the ring. Shayna clutched her arm in pain as Nia threw her into the ring before climbing in herself.

Despite me and Shayna not being friends, at all. I was still rooting for her to win over Nia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Even if they don't know that they're my enemy.

I started doing little happy claps to myself as Shyana got the upper hand and jumped onto Nia's back. Dominik was standing next to me icing his eye again and I could see him give me a soft smile out of the corner of my eye.

Nia managed to get Shayna off, screaming at a ref in the process and went to keep going when Raquel's music began to play and she was shown jogging up and into the ring.

I groaned in annoyance, locking eyes with Dominik who shared my grievances.

Raquel tried to attack Nia but missed and wound up hitting Shayna instead. Nia, seeing the open opportunity, kicked Raquel to the ground. She stood there with her two opponents on the ground and began to smile at the camera, oh so proud of herself.

And then Rhea's music started playing.

My eyes widened as I looked at Dom before turning around towards Damian. "Did you know she was here?"

Damian stalked over from where he was sitting on the couch behind us, a look of both confusion and anger swirled on his face, "No, I didn't."

I watched as my and Dominik's girlfriend ran down the walkway down to the ring. She slung herself up in the ring and immediately went after Nia Jax.

Raquel and Shayna were already out of the way so she started pummeling Nia.

Raquel pushed her off of Nia and they began to fight as Shayna got up and began to fight Nia again.

Rhea and Raquel fought to one side of the ring while Shayna and Nia were on the other.

Multiple security guards and a few referees ran out from backstage and attempted to get all the women off of each other and out of the ring.

The guards managed to pull apart Nia and Shayna but had to swarm Rhea and Raquel as they struggled to get them off of each other.

The guards now had Rhea in that corner with the other three women against the ropes across from her.

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