Pregnant teen WWX

360 16 13

Oneshot notes: - this story is about teenager (17 years old)  Wei WuXian who became scared and ashamed of what the people around him would feel. Because one, he is a man and still got pregnant. And two, he was still an unmarried young man who still didn't reach the age of marriage.
And most importantly, he's scared that Madame Yu will demand him to miscarriage the child or beat him so hard until he does, especially that uncle Jiang will do nothing to Stop her or defend him.
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Information about the story,  that I didn't know how to include into the story, but this is the base, the main idea, the original plot, turned into primarily info.  Important to read.

After healing in the cold springs , Wei WuXian encountered the loose firece corpses which he fought using resentful energy due to his lack of sword Suibian.

After meeting with Lan WangJi later that night in the Jingshi , he was still high on the different energies inside of him as the resentment Qi was still in his system. And because it mixed with his spiritual energy, Wei WuXian was honrnier than usual since his and Lan Zhan's relationship started.

And so they had sex, a very satisfying one at that. That later on, as the time passed, Wei Ying found himself 5 weeks pregnant.

_In this world, the cultivators are descendants of great entities like Dragons, Jaguars, Foxes, Nine tails foxs, etc.. So they're shape shifters. Wei WuXian is a nine tail fox whose fur is black with crimson red at the tip of each of his nine tails. Lan WangJi is a large (chinese folklore) dragon whose scales are white, his hands, legs and tail are light blue, while his horns are golden just like his eyes.

+ Some differences between Foxs and Nine tails Foxs:
   - Foxes have one tail, they're mostly orange-red, or Yellow-red. They are smaller in size compared to nine tail foxes, they come in handy(common), tricky and smart, cunning , fast, breed a lot, backstabbers if it is in their benefits.

   -Nine Tailed Foxes: All history knows about them, is that they have Either White fur, Blue fur or Black fur; all mixed with another colour that is solely due to their personality and energy. Tailed Foxes are classified by their colours, Blue ones are softies, gentle and warm, white ones are more dangerous but they are mostly calm; Black ones are the most dangerous, smart and crazy. However, all tailed foxes are advised to be treated with caution and carefulness.

They prefer warm places , they are cunnier than other species, especially the foxes, fun, overprotective of their kin, rare, strong, the fastest , use/work with fogs, moody, Skeptical, and so on..
They are primarily, fundamentally born with 3 tails, and they grow one tail each year they hit puberty as they grow (1st of the next 6 tails shows when they are 6 years old, the 2nd, when they complete 12, 3rd, when they're 18. However, the 4th tail shows when they are 26, the 5th, when they turn 32 and the last tail grows up at their 40 years of age.)..

To be clear:
0 to 5 years old: 3 tails
6 to 11 years old: 4 tails
12 to 17 years old: 5 tails
18 to 25 years old: 6 tails
26 to 31 years old: 7 tails
32 to 39 years old: 8 tails
40 till their death: 9 tails
Note 🎶: the more tails they have, the stronger and faster they are.

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Today was the scheduled one shichen (two hours)  long sword training class, that happens every 3 days in the schedule of the visiting students of Cloud Recesses.

As always, the ones who shone more in this class were mostly from the main sects, -with the exception of one Nie Huaisang- , namely: Jiang Wanyin, Jin Zixuan, Lan ZiFu

And the ones who were even more skilled and it showed, were Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian who are visibly each other's equal.

Every match between the two ended with a tie, whether it was by a yield or the tip of a sword at both of their necks.

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