Is It Really Adoption Or..?

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This one shot is the result of me wondering what if I've written "Wen Ruohan's Proposal" with intentions of adoption instead of marriage. But this still took the turn of a platonic/Enemies to Lovers romance.

I hope you'll be enjoyed:

In the tangled web of time, Wei WuXian found himself traversing the years, back to the era when the Qishan Wen sect held its infamous archery competition.

Tired, saddened, and harboring a healthy dose of anger toward the cultivation world, Wei WuXian contemplated declaring his departure from the Yunmeng Jiang sect once the event concluded.

However, fate had a peculiar twist in store. Enter Wen Ruohan, a man whose interests lay not in sect politics or vendettas, but in power, strength, and genius minds. Seizing the opportunity, Wen Ruohan, in all his imposing glory, suggested an unexpected turn of events-adopting Wei WuXian as his own son. More precisely, Wen Ruohan proposed that Wei WuXian become his third son and one of his heirs, right in front of the competition attenders.

Caught off guard and too weary to ponder the implications, Wei WuXian reluctantly agreed to the offer. Wen Ruohan, in response, couldn't help but smirk, let out a hearty laugh, and address Wei WuXian with a hint of amusement, "Well done, dear. My beloved Yiling Patriarch."

Surprisingly, Wei WuXian's reaction wasn't one of shock. He was dense and tired, not stupid, after all. His instincts hinted that Wen Ruohan was just like him-a fellow time traveler.

In the curious dance of time, Wen Ruohan's presence was accentuated by more than just his commanding aura. His long, red polished nails gleamed in the dim light as he touched his chin, a subtle display of elegance that hinted at a meticulous grooming routine.

With a smirk playing on his lips and mischief glinting in his eyes, Wen Ruohan extended those polished nails towards Wei WuXian's long, unruly hair. The sharp tips slid through the ebony strands, as if effortlessly combing them. It was a peculiar and intimate gesture, a juxtaposition of power and gentleness that left Wei WuXian both perplexed and oddly entranced.

As Wen Ruohan continued to run his fingers through Wei WuXian's hair, a thoughtful expression adorned his face. It was as though he was unraveling a mystery hidden within those dark locks. Wei WuXian, for his part, couldn't help but feel a strange connection forming between them-an unspoken understanding that transcended the bounds of time.

The air buzzed with enigma as Wen Ruohan's nails continued their delicate dance, leaving Wei WuXian to wonder about the secrets woven into the strands of his hair and the mysteries held within the folds of time itself. Ignorant of the fact that this encounter, marked by polished nails and inquisitive touches, would set the stage for an adventure through the corridors of history, where the past and future wove together in a tapestry of unforeseen destinies.

In the midst of the time-bending escapade, a moment of unintended comedy unfolded between Wei WuXian and Wen Ruohan. It was a curious dance of humor and a hint of something more, lingering on the edge of enemies-to-lovers romance.

After all, they were enemies first. Wei WuXian will never forget nor forgive what Wen Ruohan has done once upon a time. Neither will Wen Ruohan forecast the fact that Wei WuXian was able to annihilate his entire sect almost just by himself.

Caught in the temporal tangle, Wei WuXian, in his typical fashion, decided to break free from a particularly long and almost intimate stare with Wen Ruohan. Unfortunately for him, his own legs seemed to have a different agenda. With a not-so-graceful stumble, Wei WuXian found himself on the brink of a comical collision with the ground.

Before gravity could have its way, Wen Ruohan, in a surprising turn of events, swiftly intervened. His agile movements defied the stern exterior he usually wore, and he caught Wei WuXian by the waist-a move that didn't go unnoticed by the observing cultivators.

Wei WuXian, slightly flustered and utterly unprepared for this unexpected rescue, shot Wen Ruohan a bemused glance. There they stood, locked in a brief yet strangely lingering moment of eye contact, glazing crimson irises again cool cloudy silver, the air tinged with a mixture of amusement and an unspoken something more.

The surrounding cultivators, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, were treated to a spectacle that blurred the lines between humor and the subtle undercurrents of a budding connection. It was as if the universe had decided to play its own brand of romantic comedy, starring the most unexpected pair.

As Wei WuXian and Wen Ruohan shared that short yet infinitely long gaze, a myriad of expressions flitted across the faces of the onlookers-bewilderment, amusement, and perhaps a hint of anticipation for what might come next in this unpredictable journey through time.

But most certainly.. fear.

Little did they realize, this unintentional comedy act would become a footnote in the annals of their peculiar adventure, where the boundaries of enemies and something more became as fluid as the temporal currents they navigated together.

Amidst the temporal chaos, there was one burning question in Wei WuXian's mind: How on earth did Wen Ruohan know his title, the Yiling Patriarch? It was a mystery wrapped in the enigma of time travel, and Wei WuXian was determined to uncover the secrets that bound their destinies together. Little did he know that the journey through time held more surprises than he could ever anticipate.


Well this was just a draft, the second, but still not organized. But I hope you've liked it.

Do let me know which version you've liked best in the comments.😉

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