LWJ's Guilty Love

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In the aftermath of the Sunshot campaign, Lan WangJi found himself drawn to the shadows of his own desires, a place where right and wrong blurred into shades of gray. Amidst the scars of war, he observed Wei WuXian's wearied spirit, a soul longing for solace.

Lan WangJi, his voice a low murmur, said, "You've been through so much pain. Let me share your burden." His actions were subtle, a gentle touch here, a comforting word there, gradually weaving a web that entangled Wei WuXian's emotions.

I make you addicted,♪

As they walked through the tranquil lotus ponds of Gusu, Lan WangJi's gaze held a hint of longing. "Love can be both pleasure and pain," he remarked, his words a veiled invitation into a world where distinctions blurred.

You can't tell between love and pain♪

In moments of vulnerability, Lan WangJi's influence deepened. "We've become intertwined, all for you," he confessed, his actions laced with a possessive tenderness that went beyond the boundaries of traditional love.

That's what we've become.♪

The proposal came like a carefully calculated move. "I can offer you stability, protection," Lan WangJi proposed, his words a mixture of promise and manipulation. Wei WuXian, tired and longing for a haven, accepted without realizing the strings attached.

It's all for you.♪

As the truth unraveled, because Wei Ying was never stupid. Wei WuXian confronted Lan WangJi, his eyes filled with betrayal. "You said it was all for me," he accused. Lan WangJi, remorseful yet unyielding, replied, "I've walked this line between good and bad. My judgment in the final moment is gray."

♪On that vague border between good and bad, My judgement in the final moment becomes uncertain♪

"When you've caught on, I'm already gone," Lan WangJi confessed, his voice tinged with regret. "I am not the innocent you thought me to be." In the darkness of their shared truth, Lan WangJi awaited Wei WuXian's judgment, a dance of shadows cast by a love tainted with manipulation and desire.

As Lan WangJi bared his soul, confessing the shades of gray that painted his actions, he felt the weight of anticipation. Wei WuXian's eyes, a tempest of emotions, reflected betrayal and hurt. Yet, there was something more profound in their depths.

"You said it was all for me," Wei WuXian repeated , accused, his voice laced with pain. Lan WangJi met his gaze with a mixture of remorse and unwavering determination. "You've got me feeling guilty, for tricking and taking everything from you," Lan WangJi reiterated, his own turmoil laid bare.

♪Telling hundreds of lies, Who's gonna punish me?♪

In the tense silence that followed, Wei WuXian's expression shifted. The storm within his eyes softened, replaced by a glimmer of understanding. He stepped closer, a hesitant smile forming on his lips. "Your actions may be gray, Lan Zhan, but your love isn't. I see that now."

♪Loving you is a crime♪

Lan WangJi, taken aback by the unexpected acceptance, found solace in Wei WuXian's touch. As they shared a tender kiss, Lan Qiren's warnings echoed in his mind. . "You are a Lan, your father's son. Be careful when you love, be honest when you love. Contain the monster within you." The cautionary words about the Lan beast and the consequences of unbridled love resonated in the quiet corridors of his conscience. "Unless you want them to yield from you. Or worse, face your mother's fate..". His mother's fate, a fate of killing herself out of helplessness.

As they continued walking together, inseparable, Lan WangJi couldn't shake his uncle's words. "If you can't leash the beast, don't fall in love. If you fell in love, run" The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders, a reminder of the delicate balance he must maintain.

A whisper of doubt lingered in the air, but as Wei WuXian stayed by his side, choosing love over caution, Lan WangJi found a peculiar kind of peace. The old warning, "Run and spare the poor soul from your grasp," echoed in a far corner of his mind, but in the warmth of Wei WuXian's presence, Lan WangJi dared to believe that love could temper even the darkest corners of his soul.

This came on a whim after listening to Taemin's song Guilty , in his mini album 'Guilty'

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