Crazy Hanguang-Jun

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With each lash, Lan WangJi's soul broke, with each lash, his grief of losing Wei Ying grew, with each lash, his anger towards his family grew, with each lash, Lan Zhan doubted his beliefs, values and rules, one after another the whip lashes kept meeting his back leaving deep scars behind them. With each lash he regretted ever standing against Wei WuXian, with each lash, Hanguang-Jun laughed in grief and disbelief, with each lash, his hatred towards the cultivation world, no, towards the whole world intensified and most importantly; with each lash, Lan WangJi lost his sanity.

How dare they take Wei Ying from him? How dare they kill the angelic Wei Ying? How dare they kill A-Yuan? How dare his uncle participate in that grievous crime? How dare his brother allow their sect to attack a defenseless Wei Ying? How dare they talk about righteousness when they're the ones siding with evil? Hypocrites much! But before all, how dare Wei Ying leave him?

Why? Because Lan WangJi who had the means to help didn't offer it? Because the 'righteous' Hanguang-Jun kept fighting Wei WuXian every two seconds about his cultivation? Because he didn't believe and put his trust in Wei WuXian as he had promised? Indeed, why would he not leave a pathetic person like him? He did nothing to help him but anger him over and over again, until his beloved' last breath.

If only he got a chance, he will do everything to save Wei WuXian. Whether he got called evil, demon or devil it doesn't matter. As long as he gets Wei Ying back, alive and happy, Lan WangJi is willing to unalive everyone who gets in his way. He will burn this world just for him to hear one other laugh from his dearest Wei Ying.

And if it means he will turn insane to have that, then so be it!

With a face twisting from an anguished laugh into a disturbing maniac smile, the second master of gusu Lan activated an array he had found when visiting the cave Wei Ying lived in.

Basking in those stupid, sinful people's blood, Lan WangJi found himself remembering the point that started all of this. All the purification he started which the common people liked to call mass murder.

As if! He is only and solely decontaminating the world from serious pollution.

So what if he had manipulated Wei Ying into believing that they were married? That the people he had got rid of are nothing but criminals with disguise of saints? It doesn't matter.

After all, he got to have a healthy 17 years old happy Wei Ying in his life.

It was worth turning the time back multiple times.

*Author Notes*

As you can see, this was a vaguely explained fic.
LWJ here is a man who lost his morals, beliefs and sanity. It's not shown but he has killed, bathed in half of jianghu's blood.

He came back the first time to when the siege on WWX happened, rendering him unable to protect his beloved, then he came back again to when the war started, after Wei Ying had been thrown in BM, still couldn't save him. Then finally he went back to the time right before the archery competition. Telling WWX that they had been married inside the cold springs, then kind of Brainwashing him into believing that the people he kills are bad.

3rd point, this fic takes place mainly in the MDZS world, yet takes after the timeline of the untamed during WWX's death/siege. That's why LWJ is being punished after WWX's death and not 3 months before. And yes, Wen Yuan dies here.

Finally, yep, I'm still on hiatus. This just played in my mind today during my second lecture, so I wrote it down. Albeit a lil different.

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