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Okay, I admit. I was the one who told him multiple times to smile more often

Because let us be honest, whenever he just showed his little precious smile that can be shy, embarrassed or adoring depending on his mood I just swoon over him and totally start melting. His warm eyes go so soft and loving that I can't help but to have an urge to cry to the world and show them how precious this is. How much I love him!

But as I look at him smiling at these maidens and young men who in turn feel their heart do a little jump and start flattering while giving him heart eyes, Wei WuXian found himself regretting pressuring his Lan Zhan to smile at other people as well.

At the beginning it was fine and nice, for people were recognising his Hanguang-Jun for his sweet side as well. It was fun teasing Lan Zhan afterwards too.

But I didn't think it would come to a point where Lan Zhan wouldn't be able to give me his full attention because he's busy smiling at other people who are NOT even family!

Not to forget that those people dare think they can get MY husband onto their beds! It happened so repeatedly these past few weeks that I'm tempted to just remind them who Lan WangJi's husband actually was.

Also, how come that good man of mine can be so shameless with me nonstop but be unable to recognize their honey coated words for what they are? Invitations to sex!! Have they no shame?

It is not even funny or hilarious anymore!

And would you look at that, Lan Zhan is smiling so beautifully squeezing my heart here and letting out his small paff of air that is his own cute version of laughter to something that young lady just said. The audacity!

I can't stand this anymore, he is mine and my man only.

Therefore I took to my feet and went to Lan Zhan circling my arms around his left arm and leaning towards his shoulder more, and said:

"Lan Zhan, this husband of yours needs attention too" of course I didn't forget to flutter my eyelashes at him . I know this horny man gets so turned on by this move.

And as expected, Lan Zhan's breath hitched. But unexpectedly, he had nerves to tell me to wait!

Wait? Me? His beloved sweet dangerous husband Whom he loves to call wifey? Wei Ying? I need to wait for him to finish talking to this average pretty woman who is shamelessly still flirting with a married person? No sir, not on his watch.

Don't get me wrong, I believe and trust Lan Zhan and his loyalty to me as spouses but that doesn't mean I can't get jealous too..

Therefore I untangled my arms from around him and instead went to his collar fisting it in my palm while letting my voice lower dangerously, warningly

"Look here Lan WangJi, You are my man,my husband, mine. Mine to love,mine to flirt with and mine to smile at. I warn you my beloved, smile to someone that is not me, not our family and they die. Capitch?"

And in all honesty, I wasn't joking. No matter what Lan Zhan says, I have my own bad possessive side that can be more risky than of the Lans.

I looked up at his eyes and saw the want in them. The lust, the desire to eat. To eat me.

Good. That is good. This is my good obeying loving man. I'll make sure he remembers that even more that he does.

If he wants to swoon someone's heart with his smile, it must be mine. If he wants to receive flirting, it's gotta be mine. If he feels turned on, the responsible for it must be me.

Tonight apparently will be a very long night.


Wei Ying keeps on telling me to smile more often but I only feel the urge to smile when I am with him. When the topic is him.

However I find myself smiling nowadays to people who are not Wei Ying, but it is because they say something good about Wei Ying, or about something good Wei Ying invented.

Like this maiden right now, she was explaining to him how Wei WuXian's invention saved her life more than once or twice. Therefore he could not help himself not smiling widely and even laughing when she mentioned something adorably funny about his beloved.

But nothing could have warned him from the surprise Wei Ying bestowed upon him all of sudden.

First he looked cutely jealous and it was so adorable WangJi just had to try and see what would happen if he refused what Wei Ying wanted.

But then Wei Ying used his courtesy name and that caused him to panic. Because both of them used each other's courtesy names for only two to three times. When they first met, when Wei Ying was upset and frustrated with him whenever Lan WangJi mentioned his cultivation path and his wish to bring Wei WuXian back to Gusu, and finally now.

Nevertheless, it seems he panicked for naught because what Wei Ying said next was so sexy and attractive that it was hard for Hanguang-Jun to contain his need to jump on his husband right there, right then.

Oh, he is so in love with this man.


I tried to write in the present tense instead of past tense or passive voice structure. However I'm not sure if I succeeded.

Let me know what you think of this oneshot.
Albeit it came out differently from what I imagined, it's still pretty.. good for me.

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