Pregnant WWX TT to the Past

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The calm breeze of the forest that usually calms Wei WuXian down and give him comfort is squeezing on him and making him tight chested.

This phenomenon started to get redundant that Wei WuXian somehow got used to this feeling, however it didn't make it any easier for him.

He is not sick, this is but a side effect to male pregnancies. He has found a book about pregnancy in the forbidden library of cloud recesses which made him curious for the reason that book was placed there.

Therefore when he opened it and read its contents he found a receipt for certain pregnancy pills that helps men to adjust their wombs to be able to carry a child without changing their organs of private area.

The reason that book was there was for two things, the fact that cut-sleeve relationships in the past when that book was written, were frowned upon more so than nowadays, especially among the cultivating sects and especially the great sects.

Secondly, the side effects of wearing the pregnant man down and making his health in between good and bad but not bad enough to harm them until they die or the sorts.

And the second reason was why Wei WuXian had some arguments with Lan WangJi who was afraid for his health. But after some hard and strong protests from Wei WuXian who one day found himself crying openly to Lan Wangji's face , accusing him of not wanting something that relates him to Wei WuXian by blood, that he doesn't want to taint himself further.

He couldn't help it back then, Wei Ying had been under so much pressure and stress, and his lengthy arguments with his husband haven't faired well with him.

Anyway, back to where this story started, Wei WuXian got up from his seating place laying his hand on his 8 months pregnant belly and headed to Lan Qiren's chambers. Despite living here for almost three years, he still cannot trust the healers here, because they fall under the elders of the sect more than Lan WangJi.

And with Lan Xichen away along with Lan WangJi this week, he found himself trusting no one but his husband's uncle. For, no matter how the man hated Wei WuXian, he wouldn't want harm to come his grandchild way.

And Wei WuXian is honestly becoming more afraid for his child's safety the more his pregnant hood advanced. Also, he gets lonely lately whenever he's left behind with no one but the rabbits and junior disciples of the sect who can't stay more than two hours at best with him.

However, when Wei WuXian arrived at Lan Qiren place, knocked on his door and entered as he used to do , Lan Qiren's reaction was different this time. He looked at him as if he was startled and surprised with him. He first looked at him as if not recognising him then to his belly with wonder and stupified expression, and finally his eyes widened at the sight of the Lan outer robe belonging to his husband wrapped around him.

"Wei.. Wei Wu..Xian?" It was a question. Out of true confusion.
"Yes shufu. What happened? Is there something wrong with me- urgh!" He first confirmed then tried to laugh the situation off but his condition cut him off. His face twisting in pain

He feels as if his child is nearly announcing his welcome to the world but it can't happen now, there is still about 3 weeks at least to his due date!

"Wei WuXian what.. what is going on? Are you ill or something?" Ignoring the way Wei WuXian has called him by earlier, elder Lan expressed his concern

"Uncle, I'm really not in the right condition to have a game of weird questions with you nor arguing right now. I'm feeling as if the child is almost coming soon when it shouLDN'T" Wei WuXian couldn't help but cry at the end of his sentence
Both hurt, afraid and annoyed with the stupid questions Lan Qiren is throwing his way!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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