mistakes are made

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I was already so tired, I had almost fallen asleep to the slow, rhythmic pull of the towers dragging me back home. I entered the tall, cold building after parting ways with the men who helped me arrive. They parked my car out front, and let me walk in on my own. Nobody was at the desk, they must've been in the back. I rang the bell, hoping for a room key.

"Excuse me?" I politely called. I didn't want to seem too ignorant or rude, but I just desperately wanted to relax for a bit. I rang the bell once more, and was met with a loud apology from the back room.

"I'm sorry, I'll be right there!" A familiar male voice called. It was probably the manager who I talked on the phone with earlier.

I heard soft bags as he shuffled in the backroom, and the door creaked back open. A tall, dark-haired man came out, a smile plastered on his tired face.

"Can I help you?" He asked, an eyebrow slightly raised.

"I'm Angelina. I'm here for my room key?" I smiled, as I looked at his face. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him. He had scars on his neck, and his physique didn't match his kind, energetic voice at all.

His eyes were an uncanny blue, and dripping brown eye bags noticeable as he looked down at me.

He nodded, breaking eye contact with me. "Ah, Right here." He slid it out from his pocket. He stepped closer to the counter, the weak floorboards creaking under his light feet.

He set the small piece silver on the counter, and with the movement of his forearm, his sleeve slightly rolled up. A large scar was visible on his hand, but I could barely make it out under the dim light. It looked like a T, but with two lines. I didn't know how to explain it. He pulled his hand back, and I slowly took the key as I looked at him, my pulse suddenly quickening.

"Thank you." I murmured, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Of course. Rest well-" He paused, his voice slightly dropping. "And be careful."

His words peaked my interest, my head raising as well as my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked, concern in my voice.

"Just be careful." he repeated to me, beginning to fall back into the room he came from.

"Wait.." I sighed, watching as the door clicked behind him.

I felt the key in my hand as I stood in place, thinking about what he said. Thinking about how strange he seemed... I just tried to brush it off. My hand turned white around its grip on the dolly as I made my way to the elevator.

As I entered the room, still uneasy, I was greeted with a refreshing smell. It smelled like pine-sol, and there was a small gift basket on a little sofa resting near a balcony on the other side of the room. It had a good first impression, it was genuinely nice. It had one bathroom and a neat little kitchenette with a few stubby bar stools -not that i would have anybody over- and a wide, marble island separating the living area and the stove. The living area was small, but already furnished with soft, plush furniture. It was nice. I closed the door, and rested the dolly against the wall. I crossed the room, and sat down on the cushion. I closed my eyes, and groaned.

"Fuck." I said, a growl under my breath.

I still had to get gas, and I felt like I would sleep tons better if I knew my car was fueled. I sat up, and I grabbed my purse. I pulled my suitcase from the ground, and slammed it onto the island with a bang. I opened it, and grabbed a sweater I had draped on top. I zipped it on, and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the door, and headed out.


The night was cold, and the sky was dark. The only thing illuminating me and my dull surroundings were dim, flickering streetlights standing overhead. The splitting cold it at my nose, and chilled my ears. I pulled my hood over my head, and attempted to make my way down the street. It must've been warmer than I thought- I was just probably way tired from traveling all day. I walked down the street, clutching my purse against my gut. I put an earbud in to distract my thoughts, and looked around. My arm brushed against the rocky brick wall as I walked, my ears ringing with song. I saw the glow of the gas station not far from where I was, and sped up. Occasionally I would turn around, but only to be met with the same sight each time. It was dark and still outside, something about how liminal it was put me at ease but also distressed me. I turned the final corner, and relaxed as I approached the entrance of the door. I took one last look around, and went inside.

"iBuenos Noches!" A soft, sleepy voice called from behind the register.

I turned in the direction of her voice, and smiled.

"Evening." I responded, breaking my gaze from hers to look around for gas.

I went down an isle, and clicked my tongue as I read labels.

"Light bulbs, batteries, wrenches..." I looked down. "Gotcha." I said, smiling. I bent over, and pulled the red and yellow can by the black handle.

24.99$ was plastered on a bright green tag stuck to the top. That was a fairly good price for a can of gas, much better than it would've been if I paid for it at the actual tanks outside. I strode back to her, and carefully handed it to her over the counter for her to scan. She took it in her hands and set it on the ground beside her as she reached for the scanner. Her fingers barely touched it as her eyes widened at the sound of aggressive screeching of large tires outside. Headlights flashed on the wall through the door, and I watched as A sleek, black car swerved into the parking lot across the street. I looked back at her, brushing it off.

"Ma'am?" I asked. She looked scared, her hands now at her sides as she looked outside. "Is everything okay?" I continued, moving my head in the direction of her eyes. She was still staring outside at the car, jumping back a bit as she heard the slam. of the car doors.

"No, no.." She whispered, backing away.

I looked back outside, and heard the beat of loud music as the doors opened wide. Four men stepped out, one significantly taller than the others. I heard their alcoholic laughter, and watched as they slammed their hands on the roof of the short car. I heard her steps grow heavy beside me as she exited from behind the counter.

"Miss?" I asked, as she walked backwards, watching the door. I saw nothing but fear in her eyes, her walk quickly turning into a sprint.

She rammed through the back exit, leaving me alone.

"Hey!" I yelled, running behind her. I tried to exit the way she did, but it latched from the outside. I didn't know why she was so afraid, but she must've had a reason. My breath quickened as I thought about it.. Could it be the racers? They had the car.. reputation- no, it couldn't be. I balled my hands in fists against the door, realizing the predicament I was in.

"Fuck.." I whispered, my voice breaking as I came to the realization as to why she was in such a panic.


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