In the dark

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I felt his hands as they slid under my back, pulling me up against him. He pulled me against his chest, his thick wool sweater swallowing me whole and enveloping me in its inviting warmth. As he held me against him on the ground, I felt as his chest moved under me. I didn't want to open my eyes to look at him, I just wanted to imagine it wasn't him holding me. I wanted to imagine it was someone different, so I wouldn't trick myself into thinking he was acceptable as a person. He was beautiful, he was smart and cunning, and I've realized that after a day and some. But, he used his mind to hurt others, and he used his beauty as a trap. To me, he would be perfect if he didn't find pleasure in degrading others, hurting ones whom he believed weren't equal to him. In my eyes, everyone is equal. Except, the men and women who believed they were worth more, or a better rank than others. They were always on the bottom. It's not your kindness that counts, I've learned. Somebody can show acts of kindness and moderation, but have a rotten heart, and ill intentions. Those are the people who struggle to show simple acts to please others and themselves, not the people who find it as easy as breathing.

"Angelina?" His quiet voice interrupted my spiraling thoughts.

His voice startled me, causing my breath to stutter a bit. I felt his fingers trace my face, and run over my eyelashes.

"Open your eyes, look at me." He said. His voice was gentle, but not gentle enough to disguise the evil in his throat, trying to bubble through his soft, purple lips.

My eyes grew moist with tears. I wasn't sure weather it was relief, pain or fear, but I opened them. I didn't look at him immediately, I let my eyes adjust to the dark as they scanned the body on my floor. His hand was still on my face, his other holding me tight against him. Opening my eyes was like unlocking a door. I loosened the latch and opened the door, so now I could make out my surroundings better. Surroundings as in his smell, the way he felt under me, they way his voice sounded as he whispered to me.

"Are you okay? Look at me, pretty." His sound resembled music, in the moment. I didn't respond as I let his words run through my body, relaxing my mind like a soft music.

I moved my head, looking up at him as he gazed down at me. I wouldn't ever expect to see eyes like his as full of love as they were, he looked enchanting in this moment. I saw the chunk I tore from his eyebrow, a bandage over it. His thumb traced my jaw with grace as he looked at me- his eyes a mixture of love and rage. I was hoping the bits and pieces of fury buried inside wouldn't be taken out on me, I didn't know what to expect at this point.

"I'm so sorry, Angelina." His voice poured out of his mouth into my ears like water coming out of a jar. It was dangerously intoxicating, I was starting to see what Katie was warning me about.

"Talk to me, I want to hear your voice." He plead, his hands growing stronger in grip.

I didn't know what to say, I only looked at him. Cracks coming from my throat as I spread my lips to speak to him.

"Get me out." I muttered, not sure what the meaning behind my words were. They came from my subconscious, not my immediate thoughts.

He must've understood, he wrapped both arms around my waist and pulled me further into his arms as he stood up. Out of instinct, my hands coiled around his arms to keep me steady as he walked around. He stepped over Stacey's cold body, leaving blood on the bottom of his boots to trail down the hall. He exited my room, drawing his gun from his pocket. I wasn't focused on that, however. I was more focused on the black, bloody footprints he left on the carpet in the hall. He walked slowly, his walk more a strut than anything. He took large steps, leaving a significant gap in between each print in the rug.

"Close your eyes, Angelina." He whispered down into my ear, the illness in his mind now freely leaking out of his mouth. He was going to do something, I just didn't know what.

I didn't answer, I just tightened my grip on his arms as I squeezed my eyes shut. He clicked the down button on the elevator, and entered with one long step.

"Don't worry about anything you hear, Okay?" He said, his voice fluent with a smile.

I nodded, unsure about his intentions. The elevator door dinged, and spread apart letting him through.

"Lukas!" He exclaimed, making my eyes open.

I turned to look, only to be met with the petrified glare of the same pale man I talked to yesterday.

"You weren't supposed to let it go that far." Bill's voice lowered to a growl.

Go that far? What did he mean, did Lukas leave because he knew what Stacey was going to do? I was confused, trying to think it through.

"Bill, wait.." He called, scrambling behind the desk as his voice shook.

"I've waited long enough." He cocked his gun, and pointed it to him.

My heart was beating through my chest, Lukas didn't need to die, did he?

"Bill." I whispered, my eyes still on Lukas as he stared at me, tears in his sleepy eyes.

"Close your eyes, Angelina. Listen to me." He whispered to me, his gun still pointed between Lukas's eyes.

"No, Bill don't kill him." I pled with him.

"I'll do whatever i want." He pulled the trigger.

I let out a cry as I watched him blow a hole into his head, leaving his insides on the wall.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, trying to push myself from bills arms. I held the vomit in my throat, I had a clear view of his distorted face. His body was against the wall, his face covered in blood with a massive, gaping hole in his forehead.

I covered my eyes with a gag, I liked him. I didn't want to see him like this.

"You're being a bit melodramatic, don't you think?" Bill said to me, pulling me back I to his arms and dragging me out the door.

"Stop, i don't want to go anymore!" I cried, still covering my face as I tried to erase the image of the gaping hole in his face. I wasn't being dramatic, I just watched a hole be blown into someone's face who I somewhat cared about.

"Oh come on, you're just making it harder for yourself." He scolded me as he continued walking to his car. He tore the door open, and tossed me inside. "Relax, would'ya?" He scoffed as he looked at me. He sat me in the back seat of his shiny black car, and held onto the frame of the door as he looked at me.

"Relax?" I exhaled. "You just blew a hole into someone's head." I replayed, my eyes wandering off, as did my voice.

He took himself off of the frame, and dusted off his clothing.

"Well I told you close your eyes." He murmured, closing the door as he did so.

I grabbed the handle and shook it, but it was locked. He crawled into the front seat, and pulled the gears to turn on the ignition.

"Just enjoy the drive." He paused to look at me through the rear-view mirror.

He sighed as he looked at me, my face all disgruntled. He turned the car off, and opened his door. I watched him, confused as he slid out of the car. He went around to my door, and opened it. He slid in, and closed the door as It locked shut. He put his hand on my knee, and gripped it tightly as he looked at me.


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