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As he dragged me outside, I felt as panic officially set in my mind. I shook my head under his grasp, feeling overstimulated at even the feeling of him touching my neck.

"No!" My cries were muffled by his warm hand, every second leaving time for more fear to drip in.

"Nobody can hear you, nobody who cares at least." He snarled into the curve of my neck as he dragged me out behind the cafe in broad daylight. As he did so, I saw the familiar glossy black car. The license plate read TokioR4, the T resembling the exact shape off each scar I saw, I didn't think it was any coincidence.

I kicked under him, hoping for some release. I shook my head and tried to pry him of of me, but i felt the coolness of gun metal press against my shoulder. The feeling made me instantly shut up- I wasn't about to get shot.

"There you go.." He whispered as I began to tear up. "Just quiet down gorgeous." I felt the smile in his voice.

He covered my eyes with his other hand, and I felt myself being slammed against a concrete wall. I felt the breath escape my lungs, now struggling to breath as he covered my mouth. I felt as the pressure buzzed in my head, my eyes growing heavy. He took his hand from my mouth, putting it on my shoulder to further press me against the wall. He wrapped his hand around my throat, threateningly.

"Look at me." He whispered, his voice biting at my nerves.

I looked at him, hesitantly trying to hold back tears.

"Oh c'mon don't cry.." He smiled. "It makes me want to do something bad." His voice was low, his intentions seemed even lower.

I blinked back my tears, slightly appalled at is words.

"Good, good.." He wiped a stray tear from my eyelashes as he whispered.

He took his hand from my face, and trailed it down my side as he looked at me, emotionless yet full of emotion at once. He immobilized me as he grabbed my wrists. My ribs inflated with his movement as he struck them against the wall, above my head. I winced, flinching back and closing my eyes as I felt the crack of my wrist bone and thumbs hit the rock wall. He wound one of his hands around both of mine, and laced his fingers around my bruising wrists.

"Bill?" I heard someone call. It was his brother, his voice was too familiar to forget.

"I'm almost done, give me a bit." He called behind him. He turned his head to the side to look behind him. He put his other hand around my wrists, freeing my neck.

"Bill?" I whispered. I didn't mean to, it just rolled off of my tongue and forced its way through my teeth.

He turned to look at me, his eyes hard and cold.

"I like the way that sounded." He said, his hands getting tighter around my wrists. "You saying my name."

I closed my mouth, swallowing my breath as his words became more wicked. He leaned down, and pressed his lips to my earlobe. He took a hand from my wrist as I became to struggle under him. He pressed his chest against me, making it impossible to move my arms or legs. His hand went down into his coat pocket as I heard his pants in my ear, his breath getting more intense with each exhale.

"I'd like to hear you scream it next." He muttered.

"What?" I started, my throat dry with fear and uncomfort. I felt his hair on my face, and I could still smell the stink of alcohol in his breath.

His hand came from his pocket, and I got a glimpse of something a metallic silver. It glinted in the dim light, but still dark underneath of the shade of the abandoned patio he trapped me under. I heard a 'ting', and I felt him smile against my neck.

Satan Reincarnate (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now