Barbie Doll Racers

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I looked at him as he smiled at me. Mischief hadn't ever been so prominent in somebody's words, devilry never so thick in one's grin. I looked at him from the unsure corner of my eye as he sped down the freeway, gripping my knee.

"Relax, Angie." He said, his voice demanding as he threw smug glances at me.

"I'll relax when I know where we're going." My voice was tense as I spoke over the blast of the radio, looking at him.

His face was relaxed as the glow of the other cars glinted off of his sharp, milky face. He was perfectly sculpted, and uncannily still as he drove. The a.c blew the loose hairs on his head around and tangled his eyelashes slightly. I looked at his hand on my knee as the car slowed down, his grip tightening. His joints were white under the sleek, silver structure of his rings, his bones in his hand flexing as he held me. The car gradually slowed as he made a left into a sheltered alley. It was dark at this point, making it all the more eerie. I saw the golden reflectance of small puddles on the moist ground, and as they recoiled with the little drops of dampness falling from rotting pillars installed overhead.

"Where are we?" I asked, my chest tightening as he removed his hand from my leg.

"The race." He smirked as he took the key from the ignition. He opened his door, and gracefully slid out.

"Race?" I repeated to myself, my voice hushed as I looked at the latch on my door. It was torn off, so I couldn't actually get out unless he opened it from the outside.

I rolled my eyes as he opened my door, and pulled me out by my elbow.

"Stay right behind me." He hissed into my ear as he dragged me past two bulky men guarding a metal door. They looked at me, and exchanged glances. Almost like they had seen this before. He hauled me inside, and with each step he took the rooms chatter became more and more quiet. All attention was turned to Bill as he confidently catwalked through the crowd. I heard the squeals and giggles of women, and not one of them batted an eye towards me. Nobody noticed me, everyone was too focused on the man dragging me.

"Bill!" I heard a woman cry from afar.

"Oh my God, he's here!" I heard another yell.

Cheers started roaring through the crowd as a smile was drawn on his deep face. Applause and cries rang through the audience like they would a concert. The stadium was huge with obnoxious blue and purple lights, like a rave. But with cars and gangs. Bill pulled me through a metal gate, and security closed it behind me with a weird look. He transfered his hand from my elbow to my wrist with a warm squeeze. He looked back at me, his eyes ignited with excitement. The booming music and roar of the car engines vibrated my core. We were on the street, now closed off from the crowd with a wire fence.

"Gustav, where's Tom?" Bill yelled.

A man leaning against a crimson-red car stood up straight, and jogged over to us.

"With georg picking out some women!" He responded, a smile on his face. He had a beer in his hand as he spoke, obviously intoxicated. He glanced at me, his smile growing wider.

"She's a cutie, hm?" His laughter rang around us as Bill's giggles chimed in.

I looked at my feet, I felt like a little kid being dragged around a department store with my mom. I looked around me, the street was full of lights and traffic cones. I watched as Bill's car was towed into view against the curb, It was barely visible under the rainbow light.

"Me and Tom tonight, right?" Bill asked, his voice still booming over the music.

"Yeah, just you two. You won against me, Tom won against Georg. Winners against winners!" Gustav shouted, cheerfully drunk.

Bill nodded his head, and looked back at me.

"You're racing tonight?" I asked him as he leaned down to hear me.

"So are you." He replied, a grin in his voice.

My chest tightened. "I am not getting in that car with you." I said, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Don't be challenging, it'll just end badly for you. You're going either way, like it or not." His voice went cold as his grip tightened on my wrist.

I pursed my lips and furrowed my eyebrows. I didn't really want to die tonight, especially at the hands of his reckless driving. He pulled me under a the roof of an old shed, away from the prying eyes of the audience. There were thousands of people there, that's probably why the streets were always empty at this time of night. He kept his grip on me strong as he approached Tom and two other women.

They eyed me, obviously judging my bloody appearance.

"Which one?" Bill asked, looking down at the two women who were swooning over tom.

"Still deciding. They're both cute, just annoying as fuck." Tom growled.

He looked at me, his eyes shifting moods.

"You got her." He said, a laugh in his deep voice.

"Wasn't too hard." Bill laughed, looking down at me.

"Another barbie to add to your collection." Tom murmured to Bill, just barely high enough so I could hear.

I felt like a showgirl, like a pretty little doll on his shelf. Tom looked at me, using his tongue to play with his lip ring. He scared me, the way he looked at me more than anything. I was still tormented by the thought that one of them was in my apartment as I slept. Remembering how he looked at me as he chased me down the hall, into the elevator. I thought about how terrified I was as I leaned against my door while he repeatedly tried the knob. Reminiscing on how it felt to watch my doorknob collapse in my hand, the thought that he so easily found me. I was thankful Bill found me before Stacey could have his way with me, but deep in my mind I wished Stacey killed me before Bill killed him. Now, im stuck with them. I remmebered how I watched bill relentlessly shoot him, over and over. So much that you couldnt even recognize his face, and his white dress shirt was torn up and black. Bill pulled me tight against his side, still eyeing the two women.

"I like the little one." He hungrily said, looking at the shorter woman.

Tom nodded, and pressed his gun to her temple. He easily pulled the trigger, not batting an eye as the bullet went through her skull. I gasped, instinctively burying my face in Bill's jacket. This was the second time I watched someone get shot today, and this time she didn't even deserve it. The other woman yelped as Tom pulled her away, sipping his drink.

"Why'd he do that?" I muttered up to Bill, watching terrified as the pool of blood seeping from her head onto he floor grew larger and larger.

"I liked her, so Tom needed to choose the other one." Bill shrugged her off, kicking her arm.

I watched in horror as a bulky man pulled her away, casually discarding of a random woman's murdered body.

"You ready?" Bill whispered down to me, pulling me across the street to his car.


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