I like blondes

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I knew I was screwed, there wasn't any way to avoid them. I heard the same deep laughter and heavy mockery as they staggered closer. I turned to look out the door I came in, and then to my left. There was a bathroom and a storage cabinet just screaming at me to barge inside. I sprinted, and blew through the bathroom door. My breath was unsteady, you could hear the sobs trying to escape my throat. I held my mouth, and ran into a stall. I slammed it shut, and held my breath as I heard the bell on the entrance door ring. I heard the bellowing cackles and stomps of the four men entering.

"She fuckin' left!" One called with a heavy accent. I would assume he was talking about the cleric.

"So nobody's here?" Another one said, the same accent visible in his voice, mixed with a bit of mischief.

"Well I wouldn't have paid anyways." Another said. They all sounded foreign, I didn't know that about them. I heard little giggles come from a few of them, and things dramatically falling off shelves.

I heard the door creak open, and I instantly quieted down. Somebody walked around, and I saw a pair of dark, glossy shoes scrape the ground. I heard the curiosity in his steps, watching as he peaked through each crack. He looked through the door, almost straight down at me. After a bit, he carried himself right back out the door, leaving me breathless.

I was still holding my breath, squeezing my eyes as I tried not to make a sound. They paused, leaving nothing but silence. I tried to calm myself down, leaving me with only myself and my hyper thoughts. I didn't pay attention to anything that was going on out there- I just wanted to relax. I let my ribs expand with each breath I took. Inhaled, then exhaled. Inhaled, exhaled- and repeat. I hadn't any idea how long I sat there for until I heard the door slam against the wall, laughter coming from the other side. I jumped, letting an audible gasp escape my throat. I stood up, and made sure the stall was locked. I sat on the toilet, and coiled my knees into my chest so my feet weren't visible to any outsiders. My eyes widened as I tried my hardest not to let the cries escape my diaphragm. I heard the thud of thick boots slowly walk around the room, and a deep yawn. I heard the clang of chain mail on the ground, and with each moment the squeak of leather coming from thick clothing. I vaguely saw a thick, fluffy, red and white jacket drag on the ground, and tall boots laced with chain. He was so close, I could practically smell the alcohol from here. As he moved, I saw long black and white hair run past the crack of the bathroom stall. He got so close, uncomfortably close. He stepped towards my stall, and I saw the top of his head over the door. My heart sped up as I watch long, pale fingers grip the top of the door, and two deep eyes look over.

"Well look here.." I heard a smile in his voice as I began to tremble.

I was cursing the world in my mind, and myself. Why didn't I just go to sleep? I heard musical laughter come from the other side of the room as I heard his boots scrape back towards me. I jumped and gripped onto the wall for support as I heard an earsplitting bang come from the handle. I watched as it fell to the floor, and the door swung open. Leaving me alone to face a tall, brooding figure just marinating with a smile on his face as he looked at me.

"Come check this out!" He called, his accent thick and the wonder in his smile even thicker.

His glossy black nails crawled up to play with one of the dreads on his head, the other in his pocket. I heard cursing come from outside, as I heard the rest of them stumble in.

"Watch it bitch-" One of them snarled at the other as they crashed into each other.

My heart was pounding, and my blood felt like it was in my ears as I watched them pile behind the man already approaching me.

"Oh looky looky.." I heard one comment. I saw one of them peak their head over the shoulder of him, and smile. I saw as he murmured something into his ear, triggering him to step closer to me. He had a dark lip ring that danced on his bottom lip as he whispered, and he was wearing a beanie with long black braids in his hair. I couldn't see the other two, but I could hear their drunken chatter.

"Hm.." He grew closer, again.

I watched him sway as he approached me, his hair perfectly moving around his slender face and broad shoulders. My stomach was in my throat, my brain no more useful than a sifter. He bent down to look at me, the same smile playing on his pierced lips. His eyes were the most romantic brown I had ever seen, they were dangerously enchanting. It was like a blurry nostalgic memory of laying in rotting woods, letting the auburn leaves bury you as the minutes flowed past- like running water. The green in his eyes reminded me of early fall; how the trees weren't completely brown. He was beautiful, he already had me lost just by one look.

He leaned closer, reactively making me lean back further against the wall as my breath quickened. His nose was almost against mine, his eyes tearing mine apart like a rusty wood chipper.

"I've never seen you" He started murmuring, his eyes wandering over my face. "I would've remembered a face like that." The rest was a whisper.

I opened my mouth to reply, but not a squeak came out. His eyes were enunciated with blushed, black liner, not one hair or blemish breaking his porcelain skin. The black ring swallowing his eyebrow glinted in the dark moon-lit room, like freshly polished gunmetal, and the brown in his eyes stirring like a love potion being brewed.

"Who are you?" He asked, more curious now. His eyebrows arched up, making him look curiously sad.

I felt flustered and afraid, but also relaxed by his beauty. I looked back at him, trying to gain the strength in my voice to break the glass wall in my throat.

"Nobody special," I replied, hoping a nonchalant answer would make him.. 'ease up'- shall I say.

"Oh but you are.." He paused for a moment, taking a breath. "I Like blondes." He smiled wider, the stench of beer dripping from his mouth.

His words made my spine lock, the tone and level he said it making goosebumps sprout on my arms.

"What's your name?" He softly said. "Don't lie now, I hate that." He finished.

My words were stuck on my throat. "I- Laurie." I said the first thing that came to mind, I idn't care how basic it sounded.

His smile faded. He leaned in so close to the point where I could feel him exhale onto my lips. I felt his hands on my elbows, his lips going from hovering over mine to grazing my ear.

"What did I say-"

My heart increased in speed.

"I hate liars."


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