Just My Girl

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(Bills POV)


I looked at all three of them as they stood before me, my thoughts going wild as I planned what to do.

"Bill?" Tom broke the silence.

I glanced over at him, my eyes exposing my thoughts. He closed his mouth, and smiled almost like he knew. My smile faded as my eyes wandered back to the two women, looking them up and down.

Katie opened her mouth to say something- I didn't care. "Don't talk." I snapped.

I was waiting for Angelina to come out of the bathroom, I wanted to test something.

"Tom?" I nodded over to the bathroom door. He glanced over, and made his way to the door to open it. We all watched, but only I listened to her voice. Her voice made me feel something I wasn't familiar with.

"Finished?" Tom mumbled.

I heard the water shut off, and scuffling on the floor. "Mhm." She murmured. Her voice made the hairs on the back of my neck raise.

I looked at everyone's face as he pulled her out of the bathroom, I was looking for a certain expression. Angelina wiped her heart shaped lips, and patted them dry with her rosy fingers. Kandy looked worried, but Tom and Katie had the same reaction to her entrance. The way Katie looked at her made it obvious; she wanted Angelina. But, what confused me was the look in Toms eyes. I felt a sudden spark of rage in my core as I looked at him, his needs for Angie more prominent than it was with Katie. I narrowed it down, Kandy wasn't the one in her room- and neither was I.  It was also obvious it wasn't Kandy in there unless she had the balls to sneak out of my room and into Angelina's last night. After the experience I gave her, I wouldn't have assumed her to leave me to spy on someone else. She was smart enough to know if she were caught, there would be a bullet in her mouth. That means it was either Katie... or Tom. My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes narrowed. Angelina was only for me, I thought i had made that clear.

I tore her arm from Toms grasp, and pulled her behind me. I watched his lips slightly curl disapprovingly, but quickly adjusted back to normal. That son of a bitch.

"I got her from here." I uttered, glancing back and fourth through all of them. "Tom, take Kandy back to her room. Would'ya?" I let Aneglina slip from my hand, I didn't care. As long as I always had her in my line of view.

"Which one?" He raised an eyebrow. I forgot, he didn't care to remember their names. It should've been obvious to me, he remembered Angie's name. Of course he liked her.

"Black hair, red stripes.." I trailed on, widening my eyes mockingly as I nodded down to Kandy. I hadn't ever really looked at her unless I needed to, when I decided shed make a good addition to my collection I was drunk, high and delirious. She was pretty good looking- nice tan skin, upturned eyes, sharp brows, ear piercings and a lip stud. Pretty face. Tom could have her if he wanted anyone.

"Oh." He glanced back at her. She had wandered off with Katie to the other side of the room, so had Angie. They where whispering about something over there, probably us.  "What about the red head? Angelina?" He asked, his eyes moving back and fourth between the two girls- his eyes resting on the side of Angeie's face.

"I got her." I quickly clarified. I looked at Katie, wiping my tongue over my bottom lip. The way she looked at Angelina made her feelings for her as clear as a sunny day. I didn't know she had a thing for girls; it was kind of... it was kinda hot. What made it even hotter was that Angie had no idea whatsoever. A part of me didn't want to intervine with it until after she got it off with Angelina. I sort of wanted to see it happen. I grinned to myself, my thoughts drifting off as I imagined how it would happen. What they would do.

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