A Liars Truth

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I watched as Katie sped out of the room, eyes warming her soulless face. What the fuck did he do? I didn't hear a thing, all I heard was her wrenching cries. I was deep in thought as I watched her red hair flow through the hallway as she ran away from me. The heartbreak on her face was enough to break my heart in a matter of seconds. My hand shook on the doorknob of the bathroom, I had a right to be afraid. I jumped at the feel of his warm hand in my lower back, his words were so loud yet so quiet.

"Don't mind her." I looked up at him, his eyes melting down onto me. He said something else, but I didn't understand. Something about him was dangerously distracting, it was so annoying.

I blinked, and looked away from him. I couldn't muster up any words to say to him, my thoughts were too busy with the thought of Katie and what on earth he had said to her.

"Mm.." he groaned slightly. My ear twitched as it filled with the sound of his voice, I couldn't stand it. "Please look at me." He whispered, his voice almost a beg. His hand slightly clenched on my back, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Something about how gently he talked to me sometimes made me afraid, it gave me goosebumps. It made him sound unpredictable, like he could switch up at any moment. I shivered as I looked up at him, his eyes molten.

"Good..." his voice trailed off into an inaudible whisper.

"What.." I started, nervously tripping over my words. "What'd you say to her?" I breathed, glancing out the door. I backed away from his hand, but there was nowhere to go.. except out the door, but I would probably have a bullet in the back of my head if I tried to escape him.

"Oh nothing, she's just dramatic." He smiled down at me. I could practically taste the lies sliding from his tongue, it was almost gross how easliy he said these false things to me.

I nodded my head slowly, not sure what to do. I didn't want to move, I felt like if I did then he would attack me like a wild cat. I didn't fucking know what to expect from him, he was practically rabid. I glanced up at him through my eyelashes, his eyes were still heavy on mine.

"Come." He ordered, his hand moving from my back to my wrist.

I shuffled uncomfortably as he pulled me, but instead of dragging me down the hall like usual- he opened a door straight across from us. There was still a hallway on the other side of the door, but it was different. It was quiet and isolated, and there was only two doors. One being a large, glamorous bathroom, and the other being and even larger bedroom. He quickly pulled me into the room, and without saying anything he shut the door and sat me on the bed by pushing me down by my shoulders.

The bed was large, and covered with an intensely soft, white blanket. The bed sheets were a silky black color, as were the pillows. There was a large vanity pushed against a fluffy black wall, and a clothing rack hidden next to it. I already knew it was his bedroom, it was too obvious. I raised my eyebrows, I was a bit surprised. If he decorated himself, he did a damn good job. His intimidating, large shoes were sat on the ground against a wall by the door, and there was some clutter on the floor. I never imagined his bedroom, I assumed he slept upside down in a coffin if he even slept at all.

I watched him as he pulled back his hair and scratched his neck, he looked so harmless and like he couldn't ever do any wrong. His face was relaxed, more relaxed than I had ever seen it. His jaw wasn't clenched like it usually was, and his eyebrows weren't furrowed into his eyes. His lips weren't pursed, and he just didn't look murderous in that moment. He confused me, it was scary.

I looked away from him, I could only ever star at him when he didn't know. I secretly admired him, how he looked. I let out a soundless sigh as I looked back at the clutter on the ground, scratching my head. I didn't realize that it was female under garments in the floor until later; I was too focused on thinking about him. You know, maybe if he weren't so disgusting... I would fall in love with him. But that wouldn't ever happen- never.

I scowled slightly looking at the panties on the floor, I wondered who's they were. I gently rubbed my bare feet on the sleek black carpet, it was so comfortably soft. I didn't know what this feeling was as I looked at the underwear, but God forbid it was jealousy. I shivered at the thought of being jealous of his dolls that he brought in here. He turned to face me, his usually uncomfortably sharp features soft. He crouched down and picked up the underwear, I hadn't realized I was still staring.

"Sorry about my mess." I heard the smile in his voice as he looked at me.

I glanced up at him, my face burned as it reddened. I straightened up, and cleared my throat with a shrug. He stepped closer to me, there was so much tension that I knew we both felt.

"I forget to clean sometimes." He whispered, bending down to rest his hands on my shoulders. He put more pressure on them, making me collapse back with a gasp.

I looked at him, and his eyes were soft as he hovered over me. "Why're you so red?" He started. "Embarrassed?" His voice trailed off. "Jealous?" He snickered.

I shook my head. I knew I was embarrassed, embarrassed about feeling jealous over someone he treated like an object. "No." I choked out, my breath heavy.

"Just own up to it." He whispered, beginning to completely close the space between us as he kept me pressed to the bed. "I see it when you look at me." He bit his bottom lip. "And that's why you never do." He murmured, his hand tracing down my arm as he kept it trapped between us.

I swallowed, how could he read everyone so well? It made me furious how good he was at decoding people.

"If I weren't so 'disgusting' you would be in love with me." He said, his deep voice hushed as he looked down at me, his gaze nailing into mine.

My heart raced with immense speed, I felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I tried to calm my breathing, but I couldn't. I moved my head so he couldn't see my eyes, but he just grabbed my face an readjusted it.

"If you let me make you feel good, you'll forget everything I've ever done." He murmured, kissing my neck.

He hadn't ever asked, he usually just did. Something about him asking to was so attractive to me. A big part of me was screaming to say yes, the other part was guilty- like I was betraying Katie. Why did I feel this way? Why for him out of anyone? The thought almost pained me.


Satan Reincarnate (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now