Heart To Heart

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As I layed on the floor, tears in the corners of my eyes, I heard as his engine revved- and he sped away. I didn't understand how someone could lack empathy so much, and instead of hurting with somebody else's pain, they feed from it. I couldn't seem to grasp how somebody could find pleasure whilst inflicting pain on another. It was so messed up to me, maybe I just wasn't smart enough to understand yet. I felt so tired, and I didn't know what I wanted. I didn't want to move, I didn't think I should've gone home, maybe I should just stay here.

Through the ringing in my ears, I heard a familiar frantic click of heels on the pavement I was laying on. I smelled the same cheap perfume, and the same floral conditioner I smelt when the woman was here. I layed there thinking, starting to fall unconscious. I twitched under the sudden, soft touch of someones hands on mine.

"Hey.." She whispered, her fingers on mine. She put a hand on my shoulder and gently shook. I could feel her breath on me, I found the warmth of it comforting. "Are you still with me?" She muttered.

It was the woman Bill sent away.. Katie was it? Her voice was a hushed whisper, trying her best not to make much sound. I felt her hands on my face, and I felt her brush to blood from the cut in my neck.

"Open your eyes." She whispered. Her voice was sweet, her touch tender.

I felt her thumbs on my eyelids, slightly pulling the open so I could see. My vision was blurred, but I saw the same image of a pale face, and long, fluffy red hair.

"Come on." She said, a bit irritated now.

I felt her hands grip my wrists as she stood up. She pulled me up with a grunt so my back was pressed against the car with my head propped up. I felt her plop down beside me, her arm going around my shoulders as I collected myself. My head was pounding as my eyes fluttered open, my gaze trying to focus on the woman beside me.

"There you are." I watched her deep red lips smile. She rubbed my shoulder warmly with her hand, using her other hand to hold mine. "Take your time, he got you good." She muttered.

"What's your name?" She quizzed, still holding my hand.

"Angelina." I managed to grumble, my voice hurting from being choked out. I blinked, letting old tears fall down my face.

"That's a pretty name, Angelina." Her voice was soft and feathery, like a birds song.

I smiled, leaning back against the car as I tried to catch my breath.

"What happened?" She softly asked me as she rubbed her thumb across the top of my hand.

I had to think about that. "I don't.." I paused, looking at the sky. "I don't know. I didn't really do anything."

She stayed quiet, just looking at me.

"I'm sorry." She murmured. "He's not good.. not at all." Her voice broke a bit, I could hear memories. Not good ones. "Try to distance yourself, as much as you can." She gave my hand a squeeze.

I tilted my head to look at her as my vision cleared up. Her eyes were a dark brown, like tiramisu. Her hair was a deep blood red, and hr skin a beautiful milky white. The paleness of her skin contrast with the dark shade on her lips was absolutely beautiful, she harnessed exquisite beauty in my eyes. I blinked a few times, collecting my thoughts. It was weird for me, I had never admired a woman like this.

"I definitely will." I responded, my voice low and weak as I tried to speak through the pain of my bruised and cracked vocal chords.

I looked at her for a moment. The slight visual of bruises under her light makeup, the swelling on her split jaw.

"Are you with them?" I asked, now searching her exposed skin with my eyes as I looked for that same 'T' shaped scar.

She looked away from me, her eyes distant. "You could say that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, pressing for answers.

"I.." She paused. "Bill thinks I belong to him. He thinks I'm a.." She cleared her throat, her eyes deep in thought as she searched for a word.

"Pet?" I continued, looking at her as she thought.

"Yeah, a pet." She whispered.

My heart yearned for her. People shouldn't do this, have to go through this. Everyone was just a person to me, it didn't matter race, religion, sexuality, style, or general beliefs of life. A person is a person, and should be treated as such.

"That's bullshit." I replied, looking at her look at me. "Why don't you just walk away from him?"

She smiled, her eyes sad. "That's the thing, Angelina. You can't." Her eyelashes were clumped together with old mascara, and stale tears. Her arms were still wrapped around me, but I think she was the one in need of comforting.

"I don't understand how that works.. a person can't just-" I thought about my words for a moment as I wrapped my arms around her, giving her the comfort she seemed to deserve. "A person can't just decide to own someone else."

She leaned her head against the curve of my neck, her breath heavy as I held onto her.

"Well, he did." She hushed.

"That's.. Can't you just.. get away?" I asked, trying to wrap my mind around the concept.

"Not unless I'm okay with being slaughtered." She said.

I couldn't bring myself to argue anymore, she was right. He seemed like the type of guy to do that, which made it all the more scary. He knows where I live and for some reason seems to want me. And according to Katie who seems to have experience with him, there's really no escape- unless you're okay with death.


We sat there for a long, long time. Just holding eachother, listening to the cars race down the freeway as the sun set at the tip of the sky. It was getting cold, and a few hours seemed to have passed. Katie looked up at the sky, her eyes glowing with a faint flicker of relaxation, only to be broken by disappointment.

"I should go, they're expecting me." She said as she sat up.

"What happens if you don't show up?" I asked her as I watched as she gracefully sat up, brushing the crimson hair from her pouting eyes.

She looked at me, her hand outstretched. I took it, and let her pull me up beside her. I felt calm, tranquil almost. A heart to heart is beneficial because everyone is different. But, something about her eased my mind, making it easy for me to feel steady around her.

"He'd probably try to hit me with his car or shank me with his keys." She giggled, making a joke out of it.

Her smile was contagious, I couldn't help but smile myself.

"Don't say that." I said, trying not to smile.

She looked up at me as she started walking.

"Stay safe, and be careful. They're smart." She called to me as she walked around the building, disappearing behind the wall.

"smart." I repeated to myself, thinking.

I stood there, deciding where I should go, or if it were safe to go home. I looked up the street, deciding it would be stupid to do nothing. I sighed, feeling trapped and defeated. I started walking a bit in the opposite direction Katie went towards the apartments. I went slow, thinking about what to do and who to avoid. And, better yet, how to actually do it.


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