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My core churned as I kept my eyes on the ground, trying my best not to fall behind him.

"I've already gotten rid of anyone who's ever seen you." He squeezed his words out, his voice thick with anger. "Stacey.." My eyebrows furrowed at his name. "Lukas.." My face relaxed, but my heart clenched. Lukas never did anything wrong to me, he shouldn't have died. "Now who else is there?" He hissed, dragging me quick down the alley.

I parted my lips to take a needed breath, slightly looking up around me. Everyone looked at him, and as they did- the chatter grew louder. However, still nobody batted an eye in my direction. It was like all these people were programmed to only keep their eyes on Bill. My wrist ached as he pulled, each step growing harder and harder. My eyes flickered around the street, searching for the gaze of anybody else. But yet, still nobody noticed me.

The thought made my heart ache. How even when I needed it most, nobody noticed me long enough to help.

"Almost." He muttered to himself, tearing me around a familiar corner.

I looked up at the large brick building, my eyes widening as I took in the nostalgic sight. It was my apartment building- surrounded in caution tape. Police cars were outside and I faintly heard the mingle of frightened police officers. I had forgotten that to the public, two horrific murders and a kidnapping had happened here. I looked at the wall as we passed the back of the building, avoiding the police officers. My picture was plastered everywhere, it was beginning to feel unreal.

"Missing" , "Vanished" , "New Local Mysteriously Gone after the Slaughter of Two Men."

Bill stopped walking, looking at the pictures to inspect them himself. I felt his hard eyes glance down to me a few times, and back at the picture. I spiraled in thought, my mind busier than ever. I picked at my fingernails as I looked around me at the isolated alleyway we were in behind my complex. He grabbed me by my shoulders, and stretched one of his long arms up to grab the rusty ladder.

"Go up this way." He snapped.

His voice was more threatening than his gun was, even though he was pointing it straight into the back of my head as I stepped onto the first lip of the ladder.

"Go on." I heard the smile in his voice as he traced the nozzle over the back of my upper thigh.

My jaw clenched. I didn't say anything, it was smarter not to.

"To the second window up." He instructed, the gun still on my leg.

My hands began to shake, and my voice was rugged. I was scared, I had to admit it to myself. "Okay." I softly croaked.

I worked my way up the ladder, taking my time as it creaked under me. I shivered, fearing it would break under me.

As I reached the second balcony, I quickly clung to the rail- and swung myself over. I pressed my hand to my chest, and exhaled. I looked up at the glass door, nobody was inside the room. Out of reflex, my hand reached for the handle. I slowly pulled, and it gently slid open. My breath was in my throat- was this an opportunity to get help? To get away? I glanced behind me, he was only on the first step of the ladder- paying no attention to me. I bit my bottom lip thoughtfully. What if I just pushed the ladder off the building? Then he would need to go to the front, further getting arrested by the police.

Without thinking, I pushed.

"Fuck!" He raged, hitting the ground with a crack.

I took a breath, regretting my decision. I ripped the door open, and slammed it shut. I locked it, now my only goal was to get to the officers. I was in the last room of floor two, so my room was up here. I tore my way through the room, and then through the door. My stomach churned and my eyes began to water, my breathing uncontrolled as I sprinted down the hall. I was nearing caution tape, assuming it was my room. I slowed down, and looked inside.

I made eye contact with four officers, tear automatically melting from my sore eyes.

"Help me." I barely managed to breath as I stumbled inside.

Their eyes widened, and two of them immediately came for me. One of them pulled out their radio and muttered something, the last one pulling out a phone. One of them was a woman, and she took my hand. The man took off his jacket and wrapped it around my rattling body, and said something. My ears were ringing, I couldn't understand anything made from their soft, consoling voices. I could only hear my crying.

The woman rubbed my back, she was a bit taller than me. Her slick black hair was pulled into a braid under her red headband, and slim black glasses rested on the sloped bridge of her milky white nose. Her lips were long and slim, and they upturned into a beautiful smile. I looked up at the man, he was just about my height. Maybe taller. He had rough blond hair, and dark brown eyes with a tan complextion. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his voice was harsh and concerned.

I dismissed them as I glanced around the room, a massive bloody hole still in my door from my head. All the blood was still on the floor, but Stacey's body was gone. My once organized apartment was now scattered, and my closet was wrapped in caution tape. I was confused, nothing ever happened with my closet. I stepped closer, just enough to be able to see inside. I saw the red flicker of a camera, one that was still recording.

What a disgusting stalker he was.

"Ma'am?" I finally made out.

I turned around to the woman, her hand was outstretched gently to my arm. Her movements were almost robotic, it was weird.

"Angelina?" She corrected, her voice monotone as it escaped her pearly smile.

I nodded, my eyes tainted with horrific memory and nostalgia coming from a room I was stolen from only days ago. It felt like the floor was breaking apart underneath me.

"Yes." I choked, my voice hoarse.

The man pulled a form from his pocket, and unolded it. He slowly stretched it out so they could both see it, and then looked at me.

"That's her alright." The man uttered.

The other officer behind me turned off his radio, and cleared his throat. I turned to face him, and he looked down at me with soft eyes. He took my hand and softly shook it, warmly welcoming me.

"Angelina," he gently started. "I'm cheif Michaels'. I'm the lead instructor of the investigation regarding your case."

He looked over at the blond man I talked to earlier. He slowly walked towards me, and shook my hand as well. "I'm deputy Brylee." His expression was still.

The officer who was on the phone outstretched his large hand, and shook mine solemnly with a grin. "I'm officer Ken." He looked behind him, and waved over the woman. "And this is.." he started.

She took my wrist, and rubbed it with her thumb after she reached me from the other side of the room.

"Elaine." She muttered, looking down at me with emotionless eyes.


(If you want to follow it, my Instagram is ipod.angel) < 3

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