New life, New regrets

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I had no idea what would happen.
I didn't know where I was going, or who I would meet while going there. I didn't even know what I was going to do. My heart was beating, fairly quickly at that. All I really knew was that I needed to find complex A, and I was in the middle of apartments B and C. Growing up in New York State, I didn't really spend too much time in the city. The closest I had ever gotten to the big city was being featured in a magazine that was published by New York Times. Though, it was really only my picture in the bottom right corner with a little caption about how to properly care for curly hair. I felt the vibration of my rumbling car as it slowly came to a hault, disrupting my thoughts.

„Shit!" i cursed under my breath.

The brakes came on, and let out a low growl as everything powered off. And with the car, so did the map guiding me to my newfound home. I pulled my phone from my pocket, and flipped it open angrily. I uncrumpled the brochure for my apartment, and dialed the managers phone number so I could at least get some directions, or help at that. I struggled to open my door, and attempted to climb out. I wouldn't call it a climb, I practically fell on my ass. As i stood up, someone picked up the phone from the other line. I brushed myself off, and waited for them to connect.

„Hello, Lukas speaking! How can I help you today?" he cheerfully greeted me through the line.

I cleared my throat, hoping it didn't sound too much like a scoff. Even though it definitely was.

„Hi, I'm renting out room 206 In complex A, but my car stopped working right between buildings B and C." I grumbled as I looked at my shit car. I rolled my eyes at the situation.

„Right... i see we have a new renter in this said room. Could I get your first and last name please?" he asked, hopefully as his pen clicked through the phone.

I was crossing my fingers.

„Yeah, It's Angelina-" I paused, giving him time to type. "Levine." I stammered, Clearing my throat hoping I didn't need to repeat myself.

He clicked his tongue. "Got it!" His voice had a smile. "So the reservation is still valid, but after two weeks of no contact or payment the lease it automatically up." He typed on the computer. "Just a reminder!"

"Yeah yeah..." I silently mocked through the phone. "Is there any possible way you could send a tow truck?" I looked at the orange sky. "It's getting a bit dark."

"Mhm.. B and C you said? Near the courtyard?" He asked, dialing a number on a separate phone.

"Yes! When do you think they'll get here?" I asked. I didn't really want to be caught up alone in the dark, especially not in this area.

"Probably around... 15 minutes. That's the best I can do, I hope it's okay."

"Thank you, Lukas, that's perfect!" I cheered, a genuine smile on my lips.

I sighed in relief.

I hung up the phone abruptly, and waited to hear the roar of the tow truck.

I was hoping for it to be quick. I climbed back into my car, closed the door, and pressed the lock down with my finger. I remember some old friends I had back at home. One girl was really into the deepweb, and when I told her I was moving, she got a little too excited and did a dive for information. She had always been obsessed with gangs, and doing illegal research led her to find out that there's apparently a really famous group of racers here, known for their violence, and how unmercifully they dealt with people. However, they weren't in this general area. They were more in... the depths of L.A. I'm right on the surface. But still, the thought that they could be anywhere is scary. I cleared my throat, and set my phone on the dashboard with a sigh. I put my hands on the top of my head, and closed my eyes wanting the day to be over. I was hoping my fresh start wouldn't be one of those 'New life, New regrets' moments, but we'll just need to find out if I play my cards right. I waited, waiting until I saw the bright, hopeful light of the tow trucks headlights as they attached their bumper to the top of my car, leading me away. I had a few bucks to spare, I could just run to the convenience store across the street for gas after I get myself all set up at home.


The workers left, and I grabbed a dolly from the closet near the entrance, and unloaded my few belongings. I grabbed my purse, the dolly, and locked my car as I went inside. I sighed in relief as the powerful A.C slapped me right across the face, leaving a cold, refreshed feeling in my lungs.


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