Someone Who Knows

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I sat in the car, my torso gently rattling as the cold air was on blast towards my already wet body. I shivered under the sweater he gave me, it stunk of cigarettes and cologne. He slammed my door shut, and I rolled the sleeves over my fingertips, feeling the fabric blatantly as I stared away from the man getting in the sports car besides me. I heard as he pulled the clutch and put the car in start as he slid the silver, glossy key in the slot. The buttery engine revved as it started, the lights on the dashboard blinking as the interior warmed up.

It made me shiver as my head throbbed, and my insides clenched with slight pain. I knew why, and it made me want to vomit thinking of it. I was so disgusting, how could I have wanted him? Especially in a moment like that. Even after I decided I didn't want to, he took advantage of my already vulnerable state. He was truly disgusting, and the fact he didn't feel any remorse made me sick to my already queasy stomach. I hated how much control he thought he had over me, and how he used violence to communicate.

'You're not allowed to be awake yet.' I remembered him snarl down at me, his face melting with fury and irritation as he grabbed me- and threw me into his wall. I'm surprised I didn't start hemorrhaging.

Remembering how he said that to me as he suffocated me into a sleep, still using whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. What made it worse was the fact that I knew he wasn't on the influence as he did it. He was completely sober, and knew exactly what he was doing and how it would affect me. My fingers grew rougher over the thick fabric of his sweater, my thoughts rugged with him and the way his hands felt. They didn't feel good either. My nose burned thinking about how he threw me around even as I wasn't conscious, and how his arousal just heightened every time I said no.

'...And you can't say I raped you either." I thought about his distant, tempered words. My heart clenched as I thought about it deeper, and thought about how he plead probably right. I didn't stop him the first few moments.

His decorated fingers clicking on the obnoxiously loud radio blew all my thoughts out my ear as he pulled out of the building. He stopped midway, and threw a wrap-around headband at me. He pointed his glossy handgun to my temple, and glanced over at my face. His expression was sincere and concrete as he faintly smiled at me, his fingers against the trigger.

"Put it over your eyes.. please?" His voice mocked.

I sniffed, and slowly wrapped it around my face. I didn't like that I couldn't see him, especially while I was alone with him. I leaned back in the leather seat, freely letting my eyes water into the fabric since he couldn't see them. I crossed my arms over my body as I felt the car speed down the road, "Word Up!" By Korn, blasting any thought I could barely muster away. He sand along, his usually soft voice jagged with the screams coming from the radio. I focused on the thuds of his hand hitting the steering wheel to the beat, trying to focus on one thing at a time.

I closed my eyes, focusing on that instead of the internal throbbing he caused inside of me. The song was good, so it was a good distraction. I hadn't had access to music for a while because of him- it was a nice relief to hear something of the genre I generally liked. I rolled my thumbs around eachother, growing nervous as I heard his laughter under the blanket of metal that was coming from the stereo.

"Take it off!" He yelled over to me, just loud enough so I could hear him.

I gently took the wrap off from my head, and immediately growing nervous as I watched the car blaze through a crowded street- full of people. The faces were blurred and distorted, but he rolled down the window and turned down the music just enough to the point where I could hear the gasps, and screams coming from... 'fans.' The music changed a few times, drifting from song to song as he spent several minutes going down the road.

The car came to a complete stop at the end, the engine being slowly drained out from the screams of people determined to get his attention.

"Please!" Someone cried, all of their begs and pleads confusing me. Did they think that his cruelty was just an act? Did they want his violence turned on them?

He stepped from the car, and locked me in from the outside. 'Stay.' He aggressively mouthed as he walked forward through a metal grate, where a large crowed had accumulated. Nobody swarmed him, everyone was smart enough to keep their distance. But he looked so kind to all of them- a soft smile on his face, his hands gentle as he rested them on the shoulders of women asking for pictures. Maybe they really did think him being a murderous asshole was really just a tale for the streets. I ran my hands up and down my arms, not realizing he had come back.

My heart jumped as he opened my door, and stuffed a newspaper into my hand. I looked at his hard eyes confused, until the picture caught my eye. I looked at it, my eyes going from a squint to obnoxiously wide.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I scanned the picture.

It was a picture from only a few nights before, when Bill dragged me into a race. I looked at myself, right In between the two brothers. Toms hand on my hip, and Bills hand aggressively gripping my waist. Bill was smiling, of course he looked as beautiful as ever. Looking at him just lit a rage in me, such beauty gone to waste on a horrible person. I was only in my bra and sweats, that was the night Stacey tried to touch me. I was smeared in my own blood and my hair was messy, and my eyes looked far away. I wish people cared enough to get me out of this, it was so obvious just from this picture. Toms expression was a knowing smolder, In fact he looked excited. I looked at the picture of myself up and down, how they pinned my arms to my sides and let the paparazzi force themselves in my face. I didn't know why they enjoyed that so much.

The caption is what unsettled me the most.

"Twin Victories: Brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz photographed after a racing victory, winner Bill smiling triumphant as he held the waist of a young woman."

And right below that picture was a missing persons case- my I.D picture plastered above small writing.

"Missing Persons- Potential Trafficking Case:
F/N: Angelina L/N: N/A
Sex: F Eyes: Drk Blu
Height: 5'8" Weight: 152 Lbs
Hair: Blnd. Ethnicity: Wht, Slvc/Amrcn

Last seen: N/A
Last seen W/: Dr. Stacey M. Campbell (Deceased)
Phone Number: N/A

My heart was fast reading the article about me. It was actually gross that nobody noticed it was me in the picture with the twins, and also me in the missing persons picture. I looked up at him, my eyes glazed over with disgust.

"Looks like someone misses you." He snapped, snatching the paper from my hands. He grabbed my wrist, and yanked me from the seat with a low grunt. He held the nozzle of his gun to my hip, and whispered down at me.

"Be a good little girl and put your hood on." He pressed harder, making me bite my tongue as I slowly slid the hood over my head. I slowly walked besides him as he pulled me down the ally, clicking his car locked.


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