Face in the Hedges

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What the fuck was going on?

I thought to myself, growing fearful of what was happening. The moment I mentioned his name he flipped out, and just locked me in this room. I heard scattering outside, and lights switched off. I jumped up from the sofa and launched myself to the door, trying my best to force it open. I had to get out of here. I should've just stayed with Bill, then I probably would have a higher survival rate. My breath was shaking heavily as I looked at the unmoved doorknob. 

"Oh fuck me." I murmured to myself, jaw clenched.

My eyes widened as I heard the faint, familiar voice of not Bill himself, but his wretched brother. My hands went faster, rattling the ever loving shit out of that God damn handle. My hands gave up and went from the door to my scalp, squeezing. I whipped around and looked for something, anything heavy.


My eyes landed on a solid, wooden chair- and my hands wrapped around it. I stepped back and used all the adrenaline I could to raise it to at least my chest. I launched it towards the door, just hard enough to split through it, making a small hole. I stuck my hand through it quickly, gasping as the sharp wood ate at my wrist. I turned the latch, and swung the door open as I pulled my arm from the jagged blade of its intestines. I ran around the corner I came, avoiding any immediate exit to the outside. I knew one of the four would be there.

I made a beeline down the nearest hallway, out the back. I hit the door open with my hip, grunting at the sudden impact. I staggered out into the empty back parking lot, my eyes on the dumpster. I couldn't get anywhere, all the cars were in the front with them. I heaved as i worked my legs over as fast as I could, finally dropping behind the large, black trash can. My hand was on my forehead, collecting the sweat falling from my hairline. My other arm wrapped around my stiff stomach, tense with the rush of intense fear.

I sighed, opening my eyes and looking at the messy hedges only feet from me. They were elevated, so I could see about six inches under them. I could see a small plaza, but almost nobody was there at this hour. I hadn't known what time it was, but I knew it was still morning. It looked desolate. It frightened me how whenever I needed help, it always blew up in my face. In the alleyway, nobody noticed it was me in the missing persons report. Nobody helped me, even after being seen dragged around by Bill. The police completely dropped me after hearing Bills name, and all the parking lots were empty. I sighed, and leaned my head back against the metal frame of the dumpster.

"All his fault." I whined to myself, closing my eyes as I tried to relax. I was still panting, not over the rush of scampering around yet.


I fluttered my eyes open again after what felt like a few minutes, but it was darker outside. Oh great Angelina, you fell the fuck asleep while being hunted by how many people? I looked around, my movements quick as I relaxed my joints. It wasn't particularly dark outside, but it definitely wasn't morning anymore. The hedges were much shadier, so I couldn't see under them as well. I was confused, it was still day so I should've still been able to see through, since there was light on the plaza right behind them. I squinted, trying to understand why it was so dark.

I leaned forward onto my knees, a hand over my eyes to block the sun out of my vision. I slowly inched closer, until my eyes finally adjusted on a face. I felt a cry vibrate out of my throat, and I jerked myself as far away as I could. I instantly knew who it was, that smile was too familiar. He looked at me from under the hedges, a smile on his pale face as he crawled under them and towards me on his stomach.

"What the fuck!" I screamed, tears choking my voice as I got up from my knees.

My legs shook as I tried to run, the shaking growing more intense as I heard thuds on the ground behind me. I felt a large hand grip the back of my neck. I groaned as my back slammed against his studded chest, a knife already on my throat.

"You thought you could get away from me? Huh?" He rapidly whispered into my ear, his words aggressive as the blade slowly grew rougher on my vocal chords.

He yanked my head back by my hair so I was looking up at him, and he was looking down at me. I couldn't move, not even my arms. I was so tired of running, and getting caught again. Maybe, just maybe if I stop running or resisting, he'll get bored and give me up for someone else.

"It's not that easy." He hissed, each word more aggressively enunciated.

I looked up at him, panting through my nose. His hair was a mess, and blood was on his usually milky white face. He looked angry and distraught, but his hard brown eyes looked afraid. It was strange. Bill hadn't ever looked at me like this, and he's looked at me in a lot of different ways. He had absolutely no right to be  so talented when it comes to emotions, and manipulating how others feel.

He somehow made me want to have sex with him, and then not want to anymore. He found a way to look enchanting, but then he figured out how to look more terrifying than ever. Not insinuating or scary in the 'I'm about to die.' Type of way.. but in a 'What is that thing?' Kind of way.

I squeezed my eyes shut, no longer deep in thought as I felt the life slowly slice into the skin of my neck.

"Fuck!" I yelled, throwing my hands up onto his arm. I tried to pull, but he only cut deeper.

"Just come home." He sneered.


(Follow ipod.angel on Instagram for more updates about the book/explanations. <3)

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