What I Love

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I was so sick of this disgusting man. Every step he took, every little movement he made, every glance towards me made my skin crawl. Like I felt the skin on my bones, and I just wanted to scratch it off. Like that's the only way I would ever get rid of him, ridding myself of my organs.

"Just come home." He whispered.

Home was anywhere but with him, I would rather have a demon set aside for me than need to withstand anymore of Bill and his horrific hands. He acted on every thought, that's how I was positive there were zero good ones in that cursed mind of his. The feeling of his sharp blade slowly creeping through the skin of my neck was almost unnoticeable compared to the pace of my thoughts. If anything, the thoughts of how I was so close to getting away hurt more than the splitting of my sensitive nerves.

His hands coiled around my rattling bones, tightening as he stepped back- taking me with him.

"All you need to do is be good, Angelina." Hearing his wicked voice was a similar feeling to hearing throat cutting screams in an empty hall.

"Then, I can provide for you." His whispers were the only thing in my mind, his manipulating voice chaining up my thoughts. "Just let me in. Please?" He murmured, his mouth in my ear as we went through the door I ran out.

I grimaced, my eyebrows lowering with pure hate as I made eye contact with his twin- Georg, and Gustav.

"Thought you could get away?" Tom smiled, his  lip ring shining in the dim light of the secluded hallway. "There's four of us, and one of you." His voice grew quieter as he approached me, and slightly bent down to eye level. "You're just a dumb little girl, Angie. A dumb little girl against four grown men? This isn't some book." His eyes deepened, he was being completely serious.

I bit my tongue, I hated him. I hated Bill, Tom and Georg and Gustav. They were all guilty by association.

"Kill yourself." I mouthed. No sound came out, but I made it clear what I said to him.

His lip ever so slightly curled, lining his sharp face. Bills hand grew tighter around my wrists, the hand holding the blade falling to his side.

"Guys..?" I heard someone call. All three of them- Tom, Bill and Georg, turned to Gustav.

"What?" Bill snapped, annoyance in his voice.

"Is this.." he paused, looking around. "Is this really necessary?" He looked at me from behind the lenses of his glasses.

"Yeah pretty much." Georg nodded his head, thick arms still crossed.

"Why question it?" Tom declared, his arms crossed over his upper body aswell.

Gustav shrugged. With each word he spoke, I felt bill stiffen behind me more and more. Obviously growing angry, there was never a moment where he wasn't upset at something.

"I just don't think that-" He restarted, his eyes trailing off.

Tom put a hand over his mouth aggressively, and nodded at him with his eyes slightly bugged. Gustav grimaced, and shook his hand off. He rolled his eyes, and quickly glanced at me before looking away. I hadn't ever talked to him once I don't think, but I didn't hate him as much. He didn't necessarily seem as guilty- I mean he tried to stand up for me. I appreciated his effort.

I sighed. I hated being this tired, it was bothersome to me. I felt all the skin on my face and I felt so dirty. It pained me that I didn't know when my next shower or meal would be, I was already starving.

"Gustav, can you start the car please?" Bill asked, not as angry sounding as I imagined. He was really only nice to the other three.

"Yes!" He raised a finger, twirling the keys as he strode out of the room.

What I feared was the fact I heard no officers, but I could still see all the cop cars. It was dead silent, other than our intense breathing.

"Where are they?" I whispered, my eyes still trying to search for another chance of escape.

"Hm?" Tom turned to me, Georg straightening up.

"Who?" Bill asked, rubbing his cool hands uncomfortably on my shoulders.

I cringed under him, my lip curling back gently. "The officers." I stated, my voice low and crackly.

"Oh," Georg started.

"A majority of them are dead." Tom shrugged, twirling his shiny gun in his tan fingers.

"The rest left for backup." Bill sighed. "It was really a disappointment, I expected more from them." He spun me around quickly, I hated when he did that. He looked down at me, a disgusting smile on his face. "Guess they really didn't care about you that much."

Tom laughed from behind me. "They practically handed you over."

Words were so good at breaking hearts, I hated how much they hurt. They hurt so much because they were true, they really didn't care. The way that one officer just locked me in that room without a second thought, truly gross to me. Looked down at my tired feet, sighing. I was close to giving up, but I wouldn't until I knew all opportunities of escape were gone.

Bill lead me to the main room by my wrists, a strong stench of iron filling my lungs almost immediately.

"Don't care to find the chief." He started, nodding over to the wall.

I gasped, my eyes glossing over as I saw him leaning against the wall, a bullet in one of his crinkled eyes. He was so kind to me, most of the people bill has killed never deserved any pain. It hurt my heart how cruel a person could be, while finding pleasure in it as well. It made me want to vomit more than his touch in general did. If lobotomies weren't illegal, I'd give him one in a heart beat. Fuck, why not do it anyways? One less personality, dozens less murders a week. It was a steal.

"He wasn't that important." He smiled, looking down at me. "Just collateral damage to get to you." His smile darkened, I couldn't explain it. He looked humanoid.

"What the fuck?" I scowled, looking around me. So many of them were dead, how did they pull it off? How did they get rid of so many?

I felt a small ping of satisfaction as I saw the jaw of the man who locked me in the interrogation room blown off. It still pained me to see innocent people like this, especially people who's whole purpose was to restore good and bring justice to the evil. But the evil got to them far too quickly, and unexpectedly.

"You're not flattered?" He raised his eyebrows as I looked back up  at him, his smile turning into a slight frown.

"You expected my heart to jump with joy at the sight of you?" I was taken aback, I had to force a laugh. "Yes. My heart was just fluttering as I woke up to you staring at me with your face covered in blood as you layed down under a row of bushes to watch me sleep." I bit, my voice fast. "I was just so in love as I watched you craw out with a demented smile on your face." I mocked, more pissed the fuck off than upset.

I was too used to him to get sad anymore, now it was just a bunch of unnecessary anger. I rolled my eyes, too distracted to see his hand come up as he struck me in the face. I whined, holding my jaw as I looked in the direction he beat my face.

"Who do you think you are?" He tilted his head, his eyes narrowed slightly. He looked more enraged than I was, like he stopped himself from doing aft more than just backhanding me in the jaw.

"I'll beat you up somewhere else if you talk to me like that again." He licked his bottom lip, looking me up  and down- yanking me away from the scene as I grimaced. What the fuck was wrong with him? What screw was loose in his head?


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