Katie, Katty & Kandy

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I let a small, iridescent tear slip as he held my mouth shut and prop my back up.

'Don't touch me', I thought to myself- frantic.

I felt a rush from the poison in my veins, secretly longing for more. However, I wouldn't let him know that. Ever.

"Oh don't cry, sweetheart." He whispered, his tongue ring metallic in the static light. "Don't be scared."

I swallowed, my throat constricting around the air pocket. His hand was cold on my warm face, and I felt goosebumps form in the familiar trail he left on my back. He pulled me up to my knees, and then he stood up straight. I looked up at him, my tears twinkling as they collected on his fingers.

"Dizzy, I take it?" He asked, his smug voice hushed.

I hated him, so much. His breath taking features weren't enough to make up for him as a person, he didn't know what kindness was. I glanced down at my arms, mentally screaming as I saw purple swallowing the yellow stains under my skin. The holes he penetrated with the think needle were swelling, and I felt them as they stung. My head was heavy, and I felt as if I tried to stand, my knees would surely give in. My eyes closed, and I didn't want to open them. My inner body felt warm and tingly, it was actually euphoric. Other than the lingering thought that it was killing me, and poisoning my heart strings, it was ethereal.

"Open your eyes." He muttered, shaking my head slightly with his still hand.

I opened them, slowly but surely.

I watched as he smiled, his pretty face absorbing the light of the dim room. He was glowing, I would've liked to say he was an angel. But, only if you'd consider Satan to still be an angel.

"Stand up." He said, his hand finding mine.

He didn't hesitate to pull me against him. Any excuse to touch me, he would take. I stumbled, crashing into him. I started to feel as if my nervous system was slowing, I couldn't feel much anymore. Almost as if my pain receptors had numbed.

I was drowsy and delirious, and I could barely pick up my feet as he pulled me towards the thick, metal door. It screeched as he opened it slightly, just enough to get us both through. We walked into a bright hallway, the walls reflecting bits of color on its black surface.

Red, blue, pink and violet danced in the hall as we walked down it, the walls crowded with luminous lights. I felt the vibration of music in my core, and as he dragged me down the hall, I began to hear it. A hype beat rang in my ears, the words going too fast for me to understand anything.

"Almost there." He uttered down to me.

He pulled me through a grand arch, and we enter red a large room. I felt myself become engulfed in a soft, leather couch, and I felt a heavy weight sit down next to me. I opened my eyes, but it wasn't Bill this time.

"Angelina?" She said.

I tried to open my droopy eyes, just enough to see her. Her hand kindly met my forearm where the puncture wound was, and she brushed her thumb over it.

"You too, huh." She added, disappointment in her light voice.

I faintly made out long, dark brown hair, with intense red streaks falling through it. It was infiltrated with the colors bouncing off of the walls. Her skin was soft, and a light pink color in the obnoxious light being flashed in the room. She was smiling, flaring her white teeth and black piercing on her lower lip. Her skin was completely clear, a few freckles here and there. I focused my eyes completely, registering her face.

"Kandelaria." She smiled, softly putting my hand in hers to shake it. "But I prefer Kandy."

I smiled. She was pretty, really pretty at that. Her eyes were a dark brown, and so were her sharp eyebrows. She could've been Americas Top model, she was beautiful.

"Angie." I slurred, shaking her hand.

"I know, we've heard about you." She replied.

"We?" I asked, confused. "Who's we?"

I looked around, my eyes landing on her clothes. She was wearing basically nothing, but thin fabric and a metallic two piece. She had thick heels on, with a drastic heel. I glanced to my left, and sure enough, there was a long pole reaching from the ground, to the high ceiling. A woman was twirling on it, with the same outfit on.

She looked similar to Kandy, they looked almost identical through my intoxicated eyes. She glanced over at me, and slid down as the music faded into another song. She straightened out her mesh dress and fixed her heel, as well as her thong. She had matching shoes with Kandy, matching everything. They both wore strappy thigh-high platforms, and clothes only thick enough to keep their nipples warm.

I heard the click of another pair of heels approaching us from behind. I felt a strangely familiar pair of hands on my shoulders, and I found myself taken away in the same sweet floral smell.

"I though I told you to stay away, Ang." Another woman whispered.

I glanced up, and was greeted with a kind, lustrous face. Her red hair swooned as she moved, and a smile dancing on her warm, pink lips.

"Katie?" I said, positively surprised. "I did, he found me." I said, pretty far gone.

"I don't doubt that one bit." Said someone else.

Her voice was thicker, with a lot more sass to it. I looked back to where the voice came from, meeting eyes with another dark haired woman. Her eyes were narrow and upturned, with a mischievous look in them.

"He's going to fuck you up, no lie girl." She commented. She marched up to me, and slapped my shoulder.

I let out a groan, and rubbed my arm aggressively.

"It's Katherine, by the way. I like Katty more, though." She smiled, winking at me.

Her lips were full and her skin was clear, and she had a pretty little beauty mark on her cheek. Her hair was mid length and waved to fit the shape of her oval face. She worked to untangle her obnoxiously large hoop earrings as she sat down on my legs. She rested a hand on my my knee, and looked at Katie.



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