Wipe My Mind

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I hadn't realized I drifted off into an unsure rest. My knees were tight, and my mind even tighter. I was left afraid, not knowing where he would be next. I didn't dream, not anything that was important enough to remember at least. I do recall hearing noises in the hallway, faint taps on the door. It could've just my imagination, it could've been anything at this point. I didn't know where my head was, but after last night it definitely wasn't in the best place. Running home felt as if I were being pulled by strings, like I was a soulless corpse being blown in the wind. Remembering the feeling of my knees being numb as I heard them in the bathroom, seeing my future set in stone within my mind. Thinking about the way his words spilled over and into my mind like poison made me feel uneasy. Just the very thought of him- the fact he was the first thought in my mind as I woke up that morning. And his brother, and Lukas... they were all together. If they really wanted to, they could find me- and easily at that. As I thought about how he glared at me, anger and satisfaction in his eyes as I got away into the elevator. Hearing his breath in the hall as he panted, trying to open all the doors.

Sitting up out of my cold bed, sweat on the back of my neck and forehead. I opened my eyes, being bitten by the rays of sunshine trying to pry open the curtains. I rubbed my eyes with  groan, hoping it was all a fever dream. Unwillingly, I pried the bed sheets from my cold legs. I don't even remember changing last night, but apparently I did. As I rolled out of bed, I staggered a bit. I caught myself on my door frame as my ankles buckled under me. I looked down at my feet, my vision still blurry. I let myself relax for a moment, waiting until I could see and actually walk. I made it into the kitchen, and put on a pair of pants I had set out last night. I opened the curtains, and looked down into the city fearing a I search for a familiar black car. Relieved at my empty findings, I turned around. I had a clear view of the door now, I had sworn I locked it last night.

"Well that's concerning.." I started towards it, my walk turning into a jog.

I rested my fist on it to wiggle it, and as I did it collapsed under my light grip. I backed up as I watched the screws fall to the ground, and the lock coming out of the frame. I did lock it, somebody tampered with it as I slept. As I stood all alone horrified, I could only think of one thing:

Was I alone in here?

My heart accelerated, it was too fucking early for this. I started panting, my breath turning furious as I grabbed my purse and a pair of shoes. I tore the door open, slamming it shut behind me as I hard the rest of the screws come out.

"Fuck this." I whispered, passing the elevator to the stairs. I probably looked insane, but better safe than sorry. I jogged down the stairs, using the rail as support.

It wasn't a far journey, only two floors. Two and a-half if you're being literal. I made it to the lobby, being stopped in my tracks as I saw Lukas in the middle of the room. He looked from the man he was talking to, and to me. He smiled, his eyes widening a bit. I saw him gesture towards me with his head, and the man he talked to turning around. He looked at me, starting at my legs and up to my eyes. I looked at him as he looked at me, not being able to place the look on his face. He smiled. He approached me, one hand outstretched.

"You're our new resident?" He wrapped his hand around mine, firmly shaking it as he looked down at me. "I hope you've enjoyed your stay so far."

"Yes.. it's been.." I eyed Lukas. "Quite an experience." I plastered a fake smile on my face and looked back at the big man as he grasped my had. "And you are..?"

"My apologies, Dr. Stacey Campbell, I'm the complex manager." He took his hand from mine, and put his fingers around his chin. "My.. you seem so young. How old are you now?" He asked, predatory.

"Eighteen." I answered, shifting uncomfortably.

"Good to know." He whispered. He cleared his throat, and clapped his hands together. "I should run, got stuff to do. You stay safe my dear." He winked his dark eyes, leaving me confused. He ran both of his fingers through his shaggy brown hair, and straightened up the hem of his suit as he walked off.

I shook my head, and straightened up myself. I looked up, and watched as Lukas stood there, blankly staring through me. As I walked out of the building, I kept my eyes on him. I couldn't trust him, so I feel.

I jogged through the parking lot, remembering as I saw a cafe just up the street. It would be a nice walk, and a nice break from reality. Looking up the road, I saw a glimpse of the coffee shop. I didn't really want coffee... I didn't have an appetite. I just wanted to get away. 24 hours in and already fucking drained. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to de-matt all the curls I could so I didn't look too crazy. I stopped walking, and grunted in frustration. I slammed my purse on the ground, and tied up my hair in defeat. I kept my pace, looking past the hair bouncing around my face.


I entered the shop and after being hit with the scent of espresso and mutual chatter, I felt less-exposed and a bit safer.

"Goodmorning! Table for one or to go?" A cheerful voice asked, coming from behind me.

I turned to look at a short blonde barista, already holding a notepad.

"I guess I'll take one.." I paused, and looked at her. I smiled. "To stay."

"Alrighty.. follow me." She started for the fr corner near a window, giving me a good view of the street. It was a really pretty sight see.

"What would you like to start off today?" She asked perkily after I sat down.

"Just a coffee with cream and sugar, hot please." I responded, looking out the window.

"All set, be back with it soon." She jogged away, back into the kitchen.

I looked out the window, feeling safe from the outside world- and those men. I smiled, feeling more relaxed now. Just as I started to calm down, I heard the back door ring open- and audible gasps come from the customers. I looked around as I heard chairs screeching and people rushing away. I turned around in the direction everyone was looking, only to be met with that same dark, sinister grin of them man in the bathroom. I kept eye contact with him as I stood up with my bag, ready to sprint. I back away from the table, only to hit into another mans rock hard frame. I turned around, and there was his brother. I looked to my right, there were the other two. I was stuck.

"Take her outside." He called, drawing his gun.

I felt his large hands coil around me, dragging me out the door.

"No, stop!" I called from under his hand as it pressed against my mouth.

I Just wanted to clear my head, but with a gun.


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