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   "Hey old man," Felix said greeting Minho.

   "Haha, I'm not that old," Minho said.

  "If you say so. Where are my nieces and nephew,"

   "Jiyeon and Minjun are in school, Yumi is at daycare, bubbles and buttercup are not born yet,"

   Felix's eyes widened and Minho covered his mouth.

  "Minho, no,"

   "It was an accident," Minho said.

"Twins this time?" Felix asked.

  "Not sure just yet, it looked like only two but there is a chance it is three,"

  "How far along is he?"

   "Ten weeks, we are going in, in a couple days to do another ultrasound," Minho said.

    "Damn, five maybe six kids," Felix said.

   "I wanted three, Jisung wanted four, life is giving us five or six,"

  Felix smiled, "As long as you guys are happy,"

   "Jisung is really excited, so I am happy," Minho said.

   "You're about to have four under four,"

  "No, we're not,"

  "Min, Yumi is one," Felix said.

     "Oh, shit," Minho muttered.

  Felix laughed softly, "Okay, I have to go,"

  "I'll see you in a little,"

  Felix got up and began to leave Minho's class, "Shit, Felix be careful…" Felix already left, "Hyunjin is here,"

   "Now, the real reason most of you are here, please welcome Mr. Felix Lee," Yeji said.

   Felix took a breath and stood in the front, "Ah, I still suck at public speaking. Uhm, I did a speech five years ago for professor Bang, some of you may have been there. Anyways, if you don't know who I am, my name is Felix Lee, I am a New York based novelist and advice columnist.

   Now, when I attended here five years ago I was a poli-sci major. How did I go from political science to literature? Well when I first started university I was lit major, then I switched to political science,"

  The speech went on for thirty minutes.

   "Did you want to do questions?" Yeji asked softly.

  Felix nodded.

   "Okay, we will be doing questions, you ask Felix or I will answer. Although I do believe, you guys have had enough of me," Yeji said.

   There were laughs in the room.

   Hands raised, "Yes, Mr. Young?" Yeji asked.

   "Mr. Lee, it has been five years, do I still not have a chance?"

  Felix smiled and laughed a little, "Ah, I still don't date younger than me,"

  "Damn, still worth a shot,"

    "Ms. Marsh, your question?"

   "Mr. Lee, what happened with you and Milo Green? Are you still friends?" Danielle asked.

    "Uhm, we are still friends, we just didn't work out," Felix said.

    "Ms. Lee, yes?"

  "How did you get into writing romance novels?" Hyein asked.

   Felix bit his lip.

   Five years and some months ago

   Felix laughed softly and took the papers back, "It is just a manuscript,"

    Hyunjin hugged him closer by the waist.

  "So? It is great and you are a great writer," Hyunjin said.

   "It is romance though. Isn't it kind of cringy?"

   {Me with every story I write}

  "No, it's not. Don't doubt yourself, my angel,"

    "That is a new one," Felix said softly.


  "'My angel', usually it is just 'angel'" Felix mentioned.

   "Well, you are my angel,"

   Felix smiled and kissed Hyunjin softly.


  "Mr. Lee?"

   Felix blinked a couple times and looked at Hyein.

  "It feels like a lifetime ago, but it wasn't. I was in a relationship that while it wasn't long relationship it held really strong emotions. This person was the first one to ever read something I wrote and they encouraged me to continue writing even when the two people I wanted to support me most didn't support me.

   Even before we were together they were there in their own unique way. Challenging me, helping me, standing up for me when I didn't do it myself. Ah, before I go on a tangent, I really only started because their words always stayed with me," Felix explained.

   "Ms. Morrow," Yeji said.

    "Why did you break up if you guys had such strong feelings for each other? It seems like fate wanted you guys to be together," Lily said.

   Yeji watched a small smile form on Felix's lips, then she saw her brother quietly enter and sit in the back.

   "It did feel like fate. I denied so often that I loved them because I didn't want to be hurt. However, it seemed like in the process of denying it and hiding who I am I hurt myself more. Sometimes even when something seems destined, it may not be and while it was one of my shortest relationships it had the biggest impact,"

    Yeji was about to speak, but Lily spoke first, "If it was one of the shortest how did it have the biggest impact? Your relationship with Milo lasted two years and you got married to him,"

     Felix hummed, "Because he treated me like I meant everything to him. While I know I meant a lot to him, I knew I didn't mean everything and I was completely fine with that, because what everything to him also meant everything to me.

   I think the three of them will always mean everything to me. So while the three of them are here, he was right about here when we were together. Anyways, while it makes for an okay story it is one I don't think I will ever fully publicly tell," Felix said, dropping his hands to his sides.

   "Okay, class is dismissed, some of you have other lectures to get to," Yeji said.

   There was a collection of groans around the room, but still the students got up and began leaving.

  Only three people were left in the class.

  Felix took a breath, "Now's a good time as any to tell you guys isn't?" He questioned.

   Hyunjin's eyes widened.

  How did Felix know he was there?

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