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   "Milo, you do realise that what you did could have put her in trouble, right?" Felix asked.

  "She would have been fine,"

   "She... I... Milo if you are pissed at me leak why we fucking divorced or tell the damn press that I can't have kids, you don't call press to the hotel I am staying at with my interns, my lawyer's interns, my lawyer, my manager, my lawyer's assistant, you don't do that," Felix said.

   "Who was that kid?" Milo questioned.

  "You don't need to know that and you will never need to know that, because it doesn't concern you,"

    "Are we ever going to try again?"

   "Milo, are you forgetting what you said to me when we divorced? Are you forgetting that you cheated? Why would I ever want to try again?"

   "Are you forgetting that you wanted the divorce first?" Milo questioned.

   "No, I'm not forgetting, but when I called my divorce lawyer I was swarmed by press outside my place of work and outside our house, because you were upset," Felix stated.

    "That is over-exaggerating,"

   "You know what I am not doing this right now. We aren't getting back together and I never was going to entertain that idea, and you knew that, so you flying out here was not a good idea. I am going to tell the press the same thing too, yes, we had a stupid hook up, but no we will never try again and if they ask I will say why,"

    "You wouldn't, because it would look bad on you as well," Milo stated.

   "Really? Did you forget the reason you put on our public divorce records? Was I the one who cheated? Was I the one who called press every time he was upset? Explain to me how this makes me look bad, because from where I am standing if I decide to air all this out the only who'd look bad is you,"

   There was silence on the other end.

  "Milo, I am done trying to even reason with you, because it'll will never work. It didn't help during or marriage and it surely doesn't work now. What you did put a child at risk, if you can't see that, then I don't know.

  I don't care if you tell people we are back together, but I will say it until I am out of breath, never will I get back together with you," Felix said.

   The call dropped and Felix sighed.

   "Great," he muttered.


   "Felix Lee, you are a best selling author, you are an award winning advice columnist, and you are embroiled in some interesting rumours/scandals while on this book tour, is it a PR stunt?"

   "No, it isn't, trust me. My PR team hates me right now," Felix said, with a light chuckle.

  "So what is it? Are you and Milo Ryder back together? Are you not and actually dating most wanted bachelor in New York Hyunjin Hwang? Do you have a kid and is it with him? What is going on between you and Andrew Park? Tell us what is going on," the woman said.

   "Well, Milo and I aren't back together nor will we ever be," Felix said.

   "Why was he seen leaving your hotel this morning?"

   "We ran into each other last night we had a little too much to drink and you know how it goes, but remember a hook up doesn't mean that he and I are getting back together,"

     "Would you ever entertain the idea of you guys getting back together?" She asked.

   Felix shook his head, "Milo and I have different ideas on certain things and those differences kind of just prevent us from being together,"

   "So what about Andrew Park?"

   "I am not one to speculate things. I don't exactly know why Andrew is going around saying these things. I can guess, but I can't be sure. I also will not be making anymore comments regarding him. I made a small statement with Lindsey from People and that is it,"

   "So, what about Hyunjin Hwang and the kid? What is going on there?"

   Felix shifted a little and took a small breath, "Hyunjin and I aren't together, we are just friends,"

   "Really? Because I mean some of these pictures could suggest otherwise," she said, gesturing to the screen beside them.

   Felix looked at the pictures. All of him in Hyunjin, both completely unaware of the cameras.

  Felix laughing a little as Hyunjin whispered something to him. Hyunjin's hand on his waist. Some of the pictures were from when they were meeting regarding details for the book tour.

    "I don't know about you but I don't act like this with my friends,"

   The brunet took a breath, "I can see where the misconception of us dating comes from; however, we are friends. Look, Hyunjin is a good looking guy, he's sweet, he's smart, he is a lot of things and I'm sure that he would make... anyone an amazing... lover, but you know we are aren't together. He's just a friend to me," Felix said.

   "So, what about the kid? They have to be around eleven or twelve,"

    "No comment about them,"

    The woman smiled, "Come one, just something?

   "No, because they are exactly what you said. A child. Meaning that their privacy needs to be respected in all ways. I've had people invade my privacy for years, that I don't care about anymore.

   But as I have repeatedly made clear, when it comes to children that is where the line needs to be drawn. And I promise that if anyone tries to find out anything more about the child from the photo that is an anger from me that has yet to be seen," Felix said.

   "So you won't even tell us if they are your child?"

  "You want to ask about who I am dating, who I might date, or even who I am currently hooking up with, go ahead, but don't ask about if I have kids, because you will never get an answer to that,"


    "I'm not surprised that Felix is stern about this," Viola heard Karina say.

   "Why is he so stern about the whole kids thing?" Hyunjin asked.

    "Yunjin and Chaewon have two kids now, but about two years ago, when they adopted their now fifteen year old daughter and incident happened where paparazzi caught Yunjin and their daughter.

   Comments were made about her and that was a big legal battle. Felix doesn't want that to happen if he ever has kids,"

   Viola looked back her computer. She couldn't help but pout.

    She wasn't actually Felix's daughter...

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