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Karina pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, "Basically what you are telling us is that he us starting a one man smear campaign against Felix, because Felix rejected him,"

Hyunjin nodded.

"How many jerks and I am going to deal with in one life time?" Felix muttered.

"Is there any legal action we can take?" Karina asked.

"Yeah," Hyunjin said

"Okay, wait, wait, what is he saying, because if he is talking crap about how I do in bed, I am not taking any legal action,"

"Why not?" Karina questioned.

"Because this would filed as defamation of character, because he is "ruining" my reputation about how I have sex, by saying that for a fact I am bad in bed, rather than saying in his opinion.

We would also have to prove that he is telling lies and that is like fifteen years worth of witnesses who I have had sex with. One of which being Hyunjin, my lawyer, meaning he'd have to be away from this litigation," Felix stated.

"I wouldn't really have to stay away from this," Hyunjin said.

"Okay, what happens when you go to question Andrew and he bring up the past you and I have? He know we have one and that it goe- it went a lot deeper than just sex. The emotional involvement we hav-had would be an issue.

Therefore, if he is only talking crap about how I do in bed, let him, I don't care about it. I'm not going to act like him because he hurt my feelings, which he hasn't,"

Hyunjin was about to speak, but there was a knock on the door and Jack peeked his head in.

"Hey, what's up?" Karina asked.

"So I know there is a lot going on with the Andrew Park thing, but have you seen Yunjin Huh's new interview?" He asked.

"No, we haven't why?" Felix asked, turning on the smart TV.

"I suggest you watch it or start from 4 minutes 10 seconds," Jack said.

"Is something wrong with it?" Hyunjin questioned.

"It is just really interesting,"

Felix clicked on the interview and and skipped forward to the timestamp.

"You are friends with Felix Lee aren't you?" The interview asked.

"Yeah, we've been friends well since before junior high," Yunjin said.

"So what is your take on this Andrew Park thing that is currently happening?"

"I think, in my opinion, that Andrew is a baby who throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants,"

Felix's eyes widened and his mouth fell open a little.

"O-oh, uh,"

Yunjin smiled, "Ah, I bet you thought I'd go after my best friend and not the big bad CEO. Well, Andrew, in my opinion isn't as big and bad as he seems, but that is my opinion,"

"Why do you think this about him?"

"Again this is all my opinion, but in my opinion, I believe he is just doing this because Felix rejected him and if there is another reason to why you are dragging my best friend's name, then Andrew Park you are welcome to tell me, hell you can tell the world why you are doing it," Yunjin said.

"Do you think he is lying?" The man asked.

"In my opinion, I do believe that he is lying, but everyone has a right to have opinions, though he is telling his like it is fact. I mean if you were to poll any of the people who have had relations with Felix they'd probably say the same thing I did,"

"So you've had relations with Mr. Lee?"

"I've had plenty, obviously my experience with him is different, because you know plastic and all, but undoubtedly, I believe that beside my wife he is one of the best partners I've had in that area and you know since junior year of undergrad that most definitely has changed," Yunjin said.

Felix pressed his lips together and looked away from the Tv and the stares he was getting.

"Uh, w-why do you think that Mr. Lee hasn't said much about it?"

"Because he is nice. Right now, he is probably in a room with his manager and lawyer telling them that he doesn't care and they are telling him that he should take some action,"

"So are you saying you aren't nice?" The man asked.

"No, I'm not saying that, because I can be nice, but I am also protective, especially when it comes to Felix, because he is my best friend,"

"Do you think there is any truth to the statements? I mean he did say he and Mr. Lee had relations multiple times,"

"No, I don't, at least in my opinion, I mean most of mine and Felix's junior year of ungrad we were having relations. Why would I believe the opinion of someone who got caught having sex with his intern in an alleyway over my personal opinion and the opinion of a multitude of other people who have said similar things to what I have said?"

"Right, so this new movie-"

Hyunjin paused the tv and looked at Felix.

Felix pursed his lips and nodded.

"I have to go get ready for my interview," Felix said, getting up.

"You've had relations with Yunjin?" Karina questioned.

"I have had sex with Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, and a multitude of other people, hell I've had sex woth Ava Lynn and it's not like it's illegal, Yunjin and I are the same age. I have never slept with anyone younger than me, they are all older or the same age,"

"Jeongin is younger," Hyunjin stated.

"By months not years," Felix countered.

Hyunjin tossed the remote down and shook his head, "I am going to go check on Viola," he muttered, leaving the room.

Felix clicked his tongue, "What is his problem? It is just sex, it's not like I asked any of them to marry me and it is not like he and I are together anymore,"

"No, but jealousy still happens especially when you love someone like he loves you," Karina said.

Felix shook his head, "I'm going to go get ready,"

Karina sighed when Felix left.

It was going to be a long press tour.

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