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   "How are you feeling?"

  "I feel like I just want to go home now,"

   Karina hummed and tool a bit of her ice cream, "Just two more events then we will be home for Christmas," she said.

  Felix nodded.

    "How are things with Hyunjin?"

   "Things with Hyunjin... he's not talking to me right now," Felix said.

  "Why not?"

   "We got into an argument about that stalker thing. He thinks I should go to the police and take legal action and I don't want to give it attention,"

    "Mm, I've always let you make decisions by yourself, but I'd prefer that you listen to Hyunjin with this one," Karina said.

   Felix shook his head, "I give attention it'll just get worse. Right now, it is just weird letters and messages,"

   "This is a lose-lose situation. You don't react it can get worse, you do react, it can get worse,"

     The younger sighed, "Look, if it gets worse without reacting, I'll talk to Hyunjin and we'll go report it; if it doesn't, let's just leave it alone,"

    "If you say so,"


   "Why can't he just listen? Just stop being stubborn for one minute,"

  "Hyun, he's Felix, he's been stubborn his whole life," Minho said.

   "I know, but this one thing I wish he would listen to me about," Hyunjin said.

   Minho sighed, "Yeah, I talked to him about it too, he's not listening to me about either,"

    "Guys, just give him time, knowing Felix he'll probably do something if it gets worse when he doesn't react," Jisung said.

    "So, how is being is Seoul so far?" Minho asked.

    "I haven't been here since I was seven, so it is just whatever. We are going to visit my grandmother tomorrow, she still wants to meets Felix, so I am going to try and see if he'll come with Vi and I,"

  "Your grandmother wants to meet him?" Minho asked.

  "She wanted to meet him five years ago but we broke up and she moved back here," Hyunjin said.

   "How is Viola doing?" Jisung questioned.

   Hyunjin hummed, "Something going on with her but she won't talk to me about it. She's talking to Felix, but she doesn't want Felix saying anything to me, I'm fine with it, because if anything was seriously wrong Felix would tell me. I'm sure it is mostly about Julianna,"

   "She might also be having some problems adjusting to Felix being back in her life like this. That year Jisung and I split up was an adjustment for Minjun and Jiyeon, on top of that we didn't know about Yumi yet, then it was a whole other adjustment when we got back together," Minho said.

   Hyunjin put the phone on speaker and sat down in one of the folding chairs, "Felix and I aren't together though,"

   "Yeah, but is still an adjustment for her. It was five years of no contact, now there is,"

   The brunet sighed, "Ah, I just wish this was a little easier,"

    "Did you tell him how you feel?" Minho asked.

   "Yeah, a week ago or so,"

    "Hold on,"

    Hyunjin could hear Minho picking up Yumi, and Yumi babbling.

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