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   bold is signing
   Italics is Korean


  The six sat at the table.

  "Angel, I love you, but you're cutting off circulation," Hyunjin whispered.

  Felix's eyes widened and he loosened his grip on Hyunjin's hand.

  "Sorry, just a little tense," Felix murmured.

   Hyunjin gave Felix's hand a soft squeeze.

   "So, Viola told me you are a lawyer," Mars mentioned.

    "Yes, I am. Been one for thirteen years," Hyunjin said.

     "Thirteen years, that is a long time. You've had to have seen some interesting things,"

   Hyunjin hummed, "Yes, there have been interesting things, but not all off is like that. Some of it... you sometimes wish you never heard," he said, giving Felix's hand a small squeeze.

   "I need to use the bathroom," Faye signed to Felix.

"Me too!" Aries signed.

   Felix nodded, "Come on,"

   The three stood up.

  "Everything okay?" Hyunjin asked Felix

   "They have to use the bathroom. I am taking them," Felix signed.

   Hyunjin nodded and Felix took Faye and Aries to the bathroom.

   "Everything okay with Felix, Aries, and Faye?" Viola asked.

   Hyunjin pressed his lips together, "This is why you need to learn sign. Yeah, they are okay,"

  "I'm still barely fluent in Korean," Viola stated.

  "Wierd since it is your first language and English is your third," Hyunjin mentioned.

   "You speak thre languages?" Mars questioned.

  "Technically, yes. Korean is my first, French is second, and English is third. Whenever I was with my dad we spoke Korean and little bit of English. My mother only ever spoke in French because she was always arguing with her mother about something, so I picked up on French. My first ever word and full sentence was in Korean. I pick on languages quickly" Viola explained.

   "And yet you won't try to learn sign," Hyunjin signed.

    Before Viola said anything Mars spoke, "What is that mark on the side of Faye's face? Is that like a scar or something?"

   "It is a birthmark," Viola said.

   "Ah, figured it was something else,"

    Felix, Faye, and Aries came back before Hyunjin could say even a letter.

   There was conversation between Hyunjin, Mars, and Viola even as they order.

   When their food came conversation was slower.

    Until now.

  "Felix, Viola told me you write,"

   "It is Mr. Lee and yes I do write. I am a Novelist and I write an advice column," Felix said.

   "Right... do you not like me? I mean you don't even know me," Mars said.

   Felix gave a small smile and nodded, "You're right, I don't know you; however, I don't need to know to not like you. Now while I may not like you, I will be civil and polite, because my- because Viola is friends with you," he said.

   "It is pretty unfair that you don't like me when you don't know me,"

   "Well, life isn't fair and not everyone is going to like you, no matter how charming you believe yourself to be,"

    "And Vi, said you were the nice one," Mars said.

   "Mars, please..." Viola muttered.

   "I am nice to an extent; however, you don't bring out that side of me," Felix stated.

   "Felix, please can we not do this tonight?" Viola asked.

  That made Felix blank for a minute.

   Felix pressed his lips together and nodded, "I have to make a quick call to Karina, I'll be right back," he said, standing up.

  Hyunjin sighed and watched Felix leave.

   "Felix wasn't the one who started that conversation," Hyunjin stated.

   Viola shook her head, "He didn't need to go that far though... he hasn't even tried to know him and he says he doesn't like him. He isn't being fair,"

  "You have to understand where he is coming from. To him you are still that six year old girl who ran into his class with a bright smile. No matter how mature or smart you are, you are our daughter who we will protect, even if it seems unfair,"

   "It is days like this where is miss Julianna, because she wouldn't care nor would she make a big deal of it," Viola said.

  "I'm going to go check on Felix, keep an eye on your brother and sister," Hyunjin stated.

    Hyunjin got up leaving the four.

  "What was that about?" Mars asked.

   Viola pursed her lips, "Just another argument,"


   "Are you okay?"

   "I just needed a minute to breathe,"

   "We got into an argument after you left the table," Hyunjin said.

    "Why?" Felix questioned concerned.

   "I was a little upset about how she treated you,"

   Felix sighed, "This is getting out of hand..."

   "I really want to blame this kid she is with, but I don't know if it is her or him or both. I mean she honestly said that it was days like this that she wished she was with Julianna,"

   Felix closed his eyes and leaned his head on Hyunjin's shoulder, "I thought teen years were supposed to be the hardest..."

  "We don't what those look like yet, but if this isn't because of our blatant dislike of this kid and all her then we have our work cut out for us," Hyunjin said.

    "I don't like how she changed her dress all of a sudden," Felix muttered. 

   "Go back inside, I need to call Yeonjun,"

   "What why?" Felix questioned pulling away from Hyunjin.

   "I'm going to ask hin to tap into Viola's phone, because she very well won't let us look through it," Hyunjin stated.

   "Hyunjin, I didn't say that because I think there is something happening,"

   "I know, but I think something is happening and I don't like not knowing if there is something going on with our daughter, so please just go back inside while I make the call,"

    Felix pressed his lips together and nodded.

   They both really hope that there was nothing wrong.

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