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  Hyunjin groaned and sat up, light was beaming through the window, glancing at Viola's bed he only saw her laptop.

   "Viola?" He called out, only to be met with silence.

   Getting up, he walked to the bathroom door and knocked, "Vi?"

   More silence.

   His heart fell to his stomach and his stomach twisted in knots when he saw the bathroom empty.

    He was quick to walk over and grab his phone to call the girl, it going straight to voicemail.

   Muttering a curse, he grabbed his coat and keycard, then swiftly put on his shoes.

   Going across the hall he knocked in the door.

   "Geez, it only 7, why so loud?"

    The door opened revealing a tired looking Felix, "How may I aid you?"

  "Is Viola here with you?"

   "What? No, this is the first time anyone has knocked on my door since last night. Why, what's going on?" Felix questioned.

  "I...I don't know. Viola was up at four and I told her to go try to sleep and I fell asleep before her and when I woke up she wasn't in the room,"

    "Okay, Hyun, breathe. Did you check with Juni?"

   "No. I came here, she was having bit of a hard time last night and I don't know I figured that she came to you,"

   "Okay, uhm, go to Juni see if she is there, I will be out in a minute, okay?"

    Hyunjin nodded and started heading towards Juni's room.

    "Who was that?"

   "Uhm, my friend," Felix said looking for his pants.

   "What did he need?" Milo asked.

   Felix sighed as he found his pants.


  "Milo, I can't talk right now, okay? I just... something happened and I need to help him,"

    "Is there anything I can do to help?" The man asked.

  "No, I need to just help him, uh, I don't know how long I will be,"

   "Wait, Felix what about last night,"

    "Last night, I was confused and I had too much wine, that is what last night was. I need to go," Felix said, leaving quickly.

   Hyunjin was pacing the hallway.

   "She wasn't with Juni?"

   The older shook his head, "No, I have no clue where she is, I've checked with everyone. I don't know why she would leave, she knows it would make me crazy not knowing where she is,"

  "We'll find her Hyunjin, but we can't cross into panic mode right now. Vi, is smart, she wouldn't have gone too far from the hotel. Why don't you check by the pool and I'll go check at the front of the hotel," Felix suggested.

  Hyunjin nodded and took a deep breath, "Felix, I'm scared,"

    "We'll find her,"

    The older took a deep breath, "We'll find her," Hyunjin whispered.

   The two went their separate ways to look for the girl.

    The front was quiet, with not many people checking in.

    Hurriedly Felix walked down the pavement looking for Viola.

   He let out a breath when he saw her blue streaked hair.

  "Viola," he called out, getting her attention.

   Her eyes were puffy, and her nose and cheeks were a similar colour to her red chipped nail polish.

    "Leave me alone,"

     Felix walked over and kneeled in front of her, "Your dad is worried about you. I am too. Why did you leave the hotel by yourself?"

   "It doesn't matter," she muttered.

    "Yes, it does. What happened?" He asked.

   "You're not my dad and you aren't dating him, so I don't need to tell you anything,"

    "You're right, but I care about you and I always will, nothing can change that. Nothing that happened between your dad and changes the fact that I still see you as a daughter and still want to protect you,"

   Tears welled in Viola's eyes, "You were never there. Why should I tell you anything?"

"I wasn't there, and I am sorry that I did, because maybe things would be different," Felix said.

     "I was just three..." She whispered.

    Felix's stomach twisted, this was about Julianna.

    "We need to get back to the hotel," Felix said softly, holding Viola's hand.

    The girl got up and walked with Felix towards the front of the hotel, but Felix stopped before they made it.

   Press, lots of press. Vaguely she heard Felix muttered something about murdering someone.

   "Felix..." She whispered.

    "Can I see your phone?" Felix asked.

  Viola nodded and handed Felix her phone.

   Quickly Felix dialled Hyunjin.

  "Viola? Are you okay?"

  "She's with me. We can't get into the hotel, there is a load of press here,"

  "Uh, try to get to the front, I should be there in two mintues," Hyunjin said.

   "Okay, we'll try,"

   Hyunjin hung up.

    "What do we do?" Viola asked.

  Felix bit his lip, trying to think of something.

   "Okay, uhm, put your hood up," he said.

    Viola put the hood of her jacket on.
    "Just pretend like you're sleeping, don't lift your head up, okay?"

   The girl nodded. Felix picked her up and she hid her face.

    Viola held onto him tightly as the noise of the reporters and cameras clicking got louder.

    She could hear the hotel door open and her dad's voice.

   "Are you guys okay?" Hyunjin asked.

   "Yeah, we are fine," Felix said softly.

    "Do you need to go talk with Karina? About this I mean?"

    Felix glanced down at Viola who had fallen asleep.

  "No, no, it can wait, being here is more important,"

  Hyunjin nodded, "Do you want me to take her?"

   "I got her, uh, we should go to the room... there are some things we should talk about,"

   "Yeah, we should,"

   Hyunjin followed Felix to the elevator.

  The picture of Felix and Viola warmed his heart, but he couldn't help the worry that twisted in his stomach because of all that happened.

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