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    "Minho Han,"

   "What did you do?" Jisung questioned.

  "I have no clue. It could be anything,"

   Felix walked into the living room, anger clear on his face.

  "Yes, brother that I love so much?" Minho questioned.

    "We need to talk," Felix stated.

   Minho stood up, "Okay let's go outside,"

   The two exited to the patio.

  "What is it you needed to talk about?"

     "You used Hyunjin's father as a way to hurt Hyunjin?" Felix questioned.

   "Shuhua told you about that day?" Minho asked.

   "I asked her after ava let me know you and Hyunjin almost got into a physical fight. Then reluctantly Hyunjin told me what you said to him.

  Minho, I cannot fathom what would bring you to say that. I get it, he said chappy shit about me, but Minho bringing his father into it is wrong. It would be similar to Jisung's brother calling you our dad,"

   Minho pursed his lips, "I don't think he is good for you,"

  "Minho, I know you want to protect me, but I love him and while he and I have had some big bumps to getting where we are, we love each other and we both know what we want. I mean we are getting what we want. We are adopting two kids, we are getting married," Felix said.

   "Felix, I don't know if I can support you and him, if you get married," Minho said.

  Felix pursed his lips, "Right, okay... I'm going to go..."


   The younger shook his head, "You can't support me in this so I am just going to go,"

    Felix went inside and passed Jisung.
  "Lix, is everything okay?" Jisung asked.

  "Uh, yeah, I need to go. I'm, uh, meeting with Seungmin and Jeongin regarding some things. I'll—I'll call later,"

  As Felix left, Minho entered.

   "What happened?" Jisung questioned.

    "I told Felix the truth,"

  "And that would be?"

    "I told him that I don't think I can support him and Hyunjin being together," Minho stated.

   Jisung's brows drew together, "What? You were literally giving Hyunjin your blessing a week or so ago," he said.

  "Jisung, things change. Felix is young and Hyunjin has a bad tendency to to fuck up,"

   "I'm sorry are you forgetting that I am the same age as Felix? Are you forgetting that you are older than me too? Are you forgetting two years ago and the way you fucked up? Are you forgetting who supported us when people said we couldn't get married?"

   "I'm not, but I also don't want to see my little brother hurt again, by the same person," Minho stated. 

    "Is Felix happy?" Jisung asked.


    "Does Hyunjin love him?"

  "Yes," Minho answered.

   "Then you need to realise just like my brothers realised that you may be his brother and you may have protected him for years, but if he is happy, safe, and loved, then he will be just fine. We both know that the last thing Hyunjin would ever want to do is hurt Felix again.

   It isn't your job to protect him all the time. He'll tell you when he needs you to protect him. Right now, what you are doing is going to put a wedge between the two of you and that is the last thing either of you want, especially if down the road they decide to adopt,"

   Minho pursed his lips, "They're already adopting,"

    "Then that is even more of a reason to be there and support them," Jisung said.

   There was conflict in Minho's eyes and Jisung could see it.

  "What are you scared of, Jagi? What is scaring you?" Jisung asked softly, holding Minho's hands.

   "I am scared of Hyunjin being like his father or hell being like Felix and I's father. His father was a bitter, and loose temper man who didn't know how to keep his hands to himself. Our father was the same, but he tried to... it is scary," Minho said.

    "My love, Hyunjin is Hyunjin. He is the sweet and caring man that you have known for years. He is the man who protected your little brother and the person he loves from a douche of lawyer.

    He is the same man who looks at your little brother like he hung the stars, the moon, and the sun. There is nothing to worry about and if he does do something seriously bad to Felix or any of their kids, then you'll be the first to kick his ass or second depending on if it the kids, because we both know Felix would never stand for it,"

   "Jisung, I know that side of Hyunjin, but when they broke up, he called my little brother a slut, he compared him to Julianna," Minho stated.

  "And he is still spending time kicking his own ass over it, especially now that Felix knows. Min, we know Felix, if he was pissed about it to the point he broke off the engagement, we would know.

  He isn't though he is still wearing his engagement ring and he hasn't said otherwise. Obviously, they either worked through it or are still working through it. Also, Felix was not a Saint after the break up, he said some things about Hyunjin too,"

    Minho's brows drew together, "What did he say?"

  "Uhm, I'm going to shield you from some of it, but some of what he said was calling Hyunjin a jerk, a dick, that type of stuff," Jisung said.

    "What was the other stuff?" Minho asked.

  "You really don't want to know,"

  "Why not?"

   Jisung stood on his tiptoes and whispered in Minho's ear.

   Minho grimaced.

  He really did not want to know.

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