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    "Will Karina ever like me?"


Andrew sighed, "Why not?"

    "Because you didn't know how to keep your hands to yourself," Felix said.

  "Okay, but I was like shit face drunk and you forgave me,"

  "I forgave you after six months of not talking to you and I told you if it ever happened again I'd actually stop talking to you,"

  Andrew held Felix's hand, "I promise you it'll never happen again,"

    Felix hummed.

   "I was wondering what would you say to a dinner? Just you and I. Basically a date,"

   Felix bit his lip and pulled his hand away, "Andrew, I can't,"

     "Why not? We're both single and if you're worried about press, I can make sure no press sees us," Andrew said.

   "It's not that," Felix said softly.

  Then it clicked, it wasn't the press that Felix didn't want to know.

   "It's him, isn't it? Are you scared of him? Did he do something to you? I mean is that why you left so suddenly?"

   "Andrew, he's your friend, you know him,"
   "And people can change over night. So, I'm serious, did he do something to you? Are you scared of him, because if you are I can help you," Andrew stated.

     "It's not any of that, trust me, if he had laid a finger on me in the wrong way you think Minho and Seungmin would have let it go easy? He wouldn't be allowed in the same state as me if he did," Felix said.

    "What is it then?"

   Felix took a breath, "I'm still in love with him. Nearly six years and I just can't get over him,"

   "If you love him so much still, why did you leave? I mean he was in love with you, I mean he looked at you like you hung the moon and the stars, he wasn't like that with Julianna and they were together for 12 years,"

   The younger paused, "Uhm, I need to go inside. I have things I need to prepare before tomorrow. Uh, I'll see you tomorrow,"

  Felix was quick to get out of the car and grab his suitcase.

   Andrew quickly followed, "Wait, Felix what just happened?"

   "Nothing, I just need to finish some things,"

   "Something just happened in there and you know it,"

  "Just drop it, please. It is nothing you nor anyone else needs to worry about or think about," Felix stated, speeding up just a little.

He should have been paying attention, because if he was he would have seen the crack in the path.

If this was some fairytale story, his prince would have been there to catch him. This wasn't a fairytale though, it was real life.

  "Fuck, ow,"

    "Felix, shit, are you okay?" Andrew asked, kneeling next to the younger.

  "I'm fine, just a few scrapes that is all," Felix muttered.

  "You're bleeding,"

   He was bleeding right through his jeans and the palms of his hands were bleeding too.

  "I'll be fine." Felix began to stand up, wincing at the pain in his ankle.

   "Did you twist you're ankle?" Andrew asked.

   "No, I'm fine. I need to go inside, I'm sure you have things to do. I'll see you tomorrow," Felix muttered, walking away from Andrew.

   Andrew sighed, watching Felix enter the hotel.


  "Vi, don't forget about your winter packet," Hyunjin said, pulling out a case file.

  "I finished it before we left," Viola said, typing away at her laptop.

   Hyunjin looked up at the girl, "Let me see,"

  Viola closed her computer slightly and set it aside, reaching in her bag she grabbed a slightly thick packet of papers and handed it to Hyunjin.

  "Do they expect you to learn all of Jane Austen's novels?"

  The girl shrugged, "I've already read them all,"

   Hyunjin read looked through packet.

   "This one is wrong," he stated.

  "What? I triple checked them all,"

   Hyunjin chuckled, "I was kidding,"

   Viola grumbled and went back to her laptop.

    Hyunjin set the packet down.

  "What are you doing on your laptop?" He asked, trying to look at the screen.

  Viola whined and hid her screen.

  "Nothing you need to be worried about," she said.

    "Then why won't you show me?"

  "Because I am entitled to some privacy, so may I please have it?"

   "Alright, alright," Hyunjin muttered, looking down at his phone.

☠️Andrew Park☠️
Hey, Felix fell outside
I think he hurt his ankle

   Hyunjin pursed his lips and set his phone down, "Stay here for a minute, I'll be right back,"

   Viola gave a thumbs up and Hyunjin left with a nod.

  Setting her laptop aside she grabbed Hyunjin's phone and unlocked it.

    She hummed and set it back down.

  I wonder…

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