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   "Head count, there should be fourteen people here. Felix?" Karina called out

   "I'm right next to you," Felix said.

  "Gotta be sure. Juniper Hwang, Lily Morrow, Jack Winslow, Hyein Lee?"

   "We're here, Ms. Yu," Hyein said.

  Karina looked over counting all of them.

  "Mr. Hwang, Danielle Marsh, Kyujin Jang, Eunchae Hong, Elizabeth Lynn, Winter, and Eden?

   "Babe, we are all here," Winter said.

    "Okay, whose child is this?" Eden questioned.

   "E, you met Viola just a few weeks ago," Felix said.

    "She didn't look this tall then. How tall are you?" Eden asked Viola.

  "Four-eight," Viola said.

   Eden looked to Hyunjin, "How tall are you?"

  Hyunjin's brows drew together, "5'10-5'11, why?"

   "Okay, I'm ready to get on the flying tin can," Eden said, walking off.

   "What is wrong with them?" Juni asked.

   "The height thing. Their just barely taller than Vi and eighteen," Felix said.

   "Eden is eighteen? I thought they were like thirteen," Danielle said.

   "I heard that," Eden called out.

  Danielle pursed her lips.

  "We should go," Karina said.


    "How long have you known Eden for?" Hyunjin questioned.

   "Since I moved here. They were staying with Karina," Felix answered.

   Hyunjin nodded.

    "Why do you ask?"

    "Just curious. They are a little interesting,"

    Felix hummed and fixed the blanket on Viola.

   "So this Milo guy, who is he?" Hyunjin asked.

  "Why do you want to know?" Felix questioned.

   Almost everyone in their group was sleeping.

   "I'm trying to catch up, it's been five years,"

   "Mm, Milo was a hook up I had a year after I came to New York. It progressed into more seven months in he proposed, I said yes. We got married and then divorced on our anniversary,"

  "Why did you divorce?" Hyunjin questioned.

   "I can't have kids. He knew it before we got married, but I guess it got to be too much," Felix muttered, picking at his nails.

    Hyunjin pursed his lips, "What… what happened, like how did it happen?"

     "I don't remember, Yunjin probably remembers it better. After it all happened I kind of just blocked it all out,"

    The older took a shaky breath.

   "I do regret not telling you sooner, but I was scared and upset,"

   "I wish you told me too or at least let Yunjin or someone tell me, but I understand why you didn't," Hyunjin said.

   "So, how have you been these past five years?" Felix asked.

   "I've had my hands full honestly. When school finished I moved Vi and I out to New York, so we could have a new start. Vi, was pissed when I enrolled her into physical school, still is,"

  Felix chuckled, "How is her schooling going?"

   "Well her School is a k-8, they didn't quite understand why she was in 1st grade, cause her birthday is during summer. So, the school year after she turns five she should have been in school, but she ended up starting kindergarten at six and finishing it before her seventh birthday.

   It became a big thing. They ended up having to do a placement test. She scored high and was place in 2nd grade in the gifted program. Then they couldn't understand that," Hyunjin explained with a small laugh.

  "Well she is a really smart girl," Felix said.

   Hyunjin nodded, "You know she is the one who found out that you live in New York,"



   "How?" Felix questioned.

    "Uhm, the second day of school after we moved here, her teacher came in with a newspaper and on the front of it was your column with your picture. I was called to come pick her up, she had bursted into tears.

   They couldn't calm her down long enough to figure out what was really wrong, the most she had said was 'I want papa'. I got there and she kept saying it. I calmed her down enough to get her to the car.

  We went to a CVS to her medicine cause she wasn't feeling well and there your picture was front page. She showed it to me and said 'Papa' and I didn't know what to do,"

  Felix wiped his tears with his sleeves, know that hurt a lot.

    "Ah, I didn't want to make you cry," Hyunjin said softly.

   Felix chuckled, "It's hard not to, especially since I didn't know she felt that way,"

   "It took me a little wrap my mind around it, but I guess you coming in and helping take care of her after Julianna has something to do with it,"

   Felix looked down at his phone.

Can we talk?

  Felix pursed his lips and swiped away the notification.

    "It seems like there is a little more to Milo," Hyunjin said.

   The younger took a deep breath and nodded, "He wants to get back together, says he made a mistake,"

      Hyunjin bit his lip, "Are you going to give him another chance?"

   "I don't know. I did like him, but that I don't think it is enough to restart the relationship,"


    Felix hummed and looked at Hyunjin.

  Hyunjin hesitated before he spoke, "I'm sorry for five years ago, for not realising something was wrong,"

   The younger shook his head, "We probably would have had to break up anyways, right? We weren't the only couple who shouldn't have been together, but we were the only one caught," Felix said.

  "What?" Hyunjin questioned.

   "Chan told me after I moved. The morning we broke up, you had to go in to see the board due to the inappropriate relationship between us,"

  Hyunjin pursed his lips, "I really wish he didn't tell you that,"

  "Why?" Felix asked.

   "After the weekend I went to Eric and talked about it. There were certain underlying things to our relationship, including they that I have known your brother for nearly two decades," Hyunjin said.

   "So you lied about our relationship just so we could stay together?"

  "I fibbed,"

  Felix smiled, "I never thought you'd be one for lying,"

  "I didn't want to let you go. Even though now I know I had already lost you by that point,"

    Felix pursed his lips.

  I don't thing you'll ever lose me…

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