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    "Why do you want to tap Viola Hwang's phone?"

   "E, you were at the engagement party, you know about the guy," Hyein said.

  "I do, but that doesn't explain why you want me to tap her phone," Eden said.

   "I was out with her today because she called and said she screwed up. All of a sudden after we got our coffee, she gets a message and clams up. Something isn't right," Hyein said.

   Just as Eden was about to say something their phone rang.

   Sighing they picked it up, "Hello?"

   "Eden, hey, can you do me a favour?"

  "Hold please,"
  Eden pulled the phone away from their ear.

   "Hyunjin, you have me and Hyein," Eden stated.


  Hyein pursed her lips, "Hey,"

   "Uhm, anyways, Eden can you look into this Mars kid?"

    "Hey, look you aren't the only one with concerns," Eden said to Hyein.

  "Huh? What do you mean?" Hyunjin questioned.

  "I asked Eden to tap Viola's phone," Hyein said.

  "What? Why?"

  "She got a message and clammed up when she was with me... I was worried,"

   "It is good that you are worried, but don't tap her phone. It'll send an alert to her phone and to Yeonjun. I'll see if I can get her phone later to check her messages," Hyunjin said.

   "Okay, uhm, as for the roman god of war, it'll take a few days to get the stuff. I'll be able to get it to you after her birthday," Eden said.

    "Roman god of war?" Hyunjin questioned.

  "Yeah, Mars is the Roman god of war, quite ironic at the current moment," Hyein said.

    Hyunjin hummed, "Thank you for doing this Eden,"

  "I got a message from Felix earlier saying you might call so I already started the process. It is what I was doing when Hyein came over," Eden told him.

  "How does he know what I am going to do before I even do it?" Hyunjin questioned.

   "You guys are getting married for a reason," Hyein said.

  "True... uh, I have to go, I have a couple things I need to do,"

  "Okay, I'll email you all the stuff when I find it,"

    Eden hung up.

   "Did Felix actually text you?" Hyein asked.

  "Yup, about forty minutes ago,"

  Hyein hummed.


  Three days later

   "Just smiled and nod, yeah?" Felix questioned.

  "We have to get to know him, Angel," Hyunjin said.

  "I don't want to get to know him, I don't want him to even be at the dinner, but for the sake of our daughter I am putting on a smile and dealing. Look I probably would not be like this if she was with someone who her age or maybe even twelve, but she is not, so you are not going to get a lot out of me tonight beside a few polite smiles,"

   "You'll have to talk to him at some point,"

   Felix took a deep breath, "Hyunjin, I promise you that if I talk to him I will snap and that will not be a pretty sight. It will be our third case together, but worse," he said.

     Hyunjin shuddered at the thought, "I will try to keep the conversation away from you,"

   "Good idea,"

    There was knock at the door and Viola came in.

  "Hey, we are all ready to go... uhm, Mars is going to meet at the restaurant," she said.

   "Okay, we'll be out in a minute," Hyunjin said.

   Felix's brows drew together, "Vi, I thought you were going to wear the dress your aunt Yeji got you,"

"Figured long sleeves would be better since that restaurant is usually cold," Viola told him with a smile.

    Felix nodded, "Okay,"

"Go wait with your brother and sister, we only need a couple more minutes," Hyunjin told her.

  She nodded and left closing the door behind her.

   "Felix is something wrong?" Hyunjin suddenly questioned.

   "I don't know..."

    Hyunjin pursed his lips.

    "Maybe, I should stay home. Maybe, that would be better," Felix said.

    "It really wouldn't. If something does happen, I need you there to make sure I don't do something that might send me to prison,"

    Felix laughed a little.

    "Seriously though Felix, what is going on in that head of yours?" Hyunjin asked.

   "Something is wrong with Vi... I don't know what, but it has been going on for months, and not since we moved back and she's met this kid... it has been happening since before. I mean like before we got back together,"

   "Do you think it has something to do with Julianna?"

    "I have no clue... I just know something is wrong," Felix muttered.

   Hyunjin pursed his lips and pulled Felix into a hug, "She would tell us if something was seriously wrong, my angel,"

   Felix hummed and wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's waist.

  Would she?

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