chapter two

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"Wha... what" I was shocked, Candy and I don't really talk. She's just my sister's best friend to me. We're friends but after high school, Candy and I rarely spoke. Fact that she's standing outside my door with tears rolling down her cheeks got me confused as hell.

"You" she stops to sniff "you know I have a crush on you" she walked in and turned to face me. I closed the door behind me and tried calming her down. "You've got to calm down, Candy"

"All the hint" she waved her fingers at my face. Now she looked pissed. "All the signals I've been throwing all over the place" she laughed. "I can't believe you, Dipper" she said softly this time. She moved closer to me and placed her palms on my cheeks "I'm the right one for you" she hugged me. "Candy, I'm confused"

"Are you kidding me" she took a step back and looked at me in disbelief. "Did you really think I needed a tutor back in 10th grade?" She laughed again. "Or do you think Pacifica"she squeezed as lips as her name rolled down her tongue "is good for you?" She sighed. "Pacifica was mean to your sister and I" she threw her hands up in the air "and to even you too" she poked my chest.

"Look,Candy, I'm sorry, I do not like Pacifica in the way you think I do" I took her hands in mine and removed it from my chest. "We just happened to meet coincidentally and she asked me for a friendly date" I sighed "I couldn't say no to her because she was in a bad state" now Candy sighed "I really didn't notice you liked me when I was all love struck over Wendy"

"Wendy, Wendy, Wendy" she groaned. "It was always wendy" she was sitting on bed with her face deep in her palms. "Now the focus has finally shifted and it's not on me" she shrugged her shoulders. "Candy, it's just a friendly date" I'm beginning to get a little frustrated at this point but I didn't really mean to break anyone's heart. I've never been the kind to break hearts. Didn't even have the chance to.

"Shit,I'm out of here" she walked out of my room while wiping the tears off her face, before she closed the door she mumbled "Mabel's staying at my house today" then closed the door softly . I really didn't intend to hurt her feelings but I don't feel the same way. Shit, now I'm beginning to see how Wendy must have felt. The time was almost 6 so I decided to go get ready for the movie date with my new Friend Pacifica. Bro, it sounds weird coming out from my mouth.

I finally arrived Pacifica's house. Right on time for the movie.

  . . .

   "Okay!" Pacifica sang in a high pitched tone "what movie?" She asked.

       "Is it night of death, zombie revolution or killers at Miller's?" She added while shuffling CDS. "Why is everything horror?" I asked.

     "Don't know. That's the movie we have" She laughed "I've always been a sucker for horror, scary shit".

      "I see" I chucked. "What do you mean Dipper Pines" she laughed "Nothing" I laughed too

    "Okay. Hmm. I'll chose zombie revolution" I said with my  index finger on my lips. "Yes the scary one" she danced. She played it and put on the ac to make the room extra cold. "Why though" I asked "I like watching my horror movies chilly" she said as she snuggled up into a blanket "it gives this extra ghosty vibe" well okay.

    "No...No don't go there. Haaa!!" Pacifica said jumping on my chest. "I'm so sorry" she said as she tried adjusted back on her side of the bed. "I thought you liked horror movies" I laughed. "Yes, because I want to be scared" she said in a 'duh' tone. We continued watching the movie. Then her favourite in the movie got turned to a zombie. "Nooooo" she whined, then sniffed. "I told you to run"

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