Chapter 22

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It made me alright again. Even though I still get a little pain at the edge of my thumb but it made me healthy again. Thanks so much guys.


Pacifica's POV

I woke up in a dark room. Very dark for me to see. I tried opening my eyes but it was very heavy. I groaned and grunted but it was useless. I heard dipper telling me to be alright. That it was all his fault. "Dipper!" I yelled but it all echoed back. "Dipper. I'm fine" I yelled again but it echoed again. I layed on the floor crying but no one could hear me. I felt dead. Then I saw a bright light coming towards my direction. It got brighter and brighter the more it got closer. I used my hands to cover my face to prevent it from being damaged by the bright light. Then I heard my name being called. The voice sounded familiar. It sounded old. I looked up and saw
No way...

Three weeks later.

Dippers pov

I can't stand it any more. I miss talking to pacifica. I love her so dearly. Candy has been disturbing me for the past Three weeks. She even tried stripping me names and having sex with me. What's her problem. I think she has gone bananas. Mabel caught her trying to do so. So she disowned her. She didn't feel any remorse. The babies birthday is coming up in the next two months. They are February . February 19. I want pacifica to be here with me on that special day. I called Pacifica's parent but they don't seem to care. What kind of parents are they. Mabel is always upstairs crying and sobbing everytime because of Paz. I miss her too but I can't do that cause of the kids. I walked to the kids room as soon as I heard one if them cry. I opened the door and saw noahwalking out of his crib saying Mama mama mama. Casey and Emma followed to saying the same thing but liam sat at a corner crying and calling out mama mama. I dropped to the ground in tears. My eyes began to hurt. I picked up Noah and pet him. I took all of them to their indoor playground. They played and laughed again. I heard my phone ring. I rushed to pick it up and it was from the hospitals. I picked it and a lady answered.

Nurse: please can you come to the hospital now. Its your wife she's having troubles breathing.

Dipper: she is awake?.

Nurse: we don't know but she woke up all of a sudden and began to hyperventilate then she was having breathing troubles.

Dipper: okay I'm on my way.

I dropped the phone and left the kids in Mabel hands. I headed out the door and straight to the hospital. Immediately I got to the hospital. I went to Pacifica's room. I saw her still breathing hard. "Please calm her down" a doctor said. "Help her please our lids are at home crying for their mother. Help her please" I cried to the doctors hand. "We are trying Mr pines" he replied. A nurse gave her the needle and she slept off. "Don't worry she'll be awake in an hour" the nurse said. I nodded and sat next to the bed. I held her hands and kissed her lips even though it was chapped. It still looked good to me. I love pacifica and I want to marry her.

I know it still short but please manage. Thanks love you all. I know it not that touching and sad but it still is a little. Right?. If you think so comment. If not comment and let me know where to improve. Thanks a bunch


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