Chapter five

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Thank you all that read my story and voted and also commented on it. Like I said. I never expected to even get any reads. But you guys gave me hope and I will give my very best. Hope you liked Stan and Tanya. This would be Stan's pov. Love. Caroline_books. I changed my name. So yea

Stan's pov

Oh my kids. John and Kristen. I called Tanya and she picked it after three rings.

T: hello?
S: Tanya its me.
T: Stan?
S: yes its me Stan. I am really sorry for not accepting but now o want them. I would do anything for them please Tanya
T: I can't Stan you left me all alone. I had to do online schooling just to take care of my kids. Now you want them.
S: please. It was Jack. He told me to leave you. And you know that guy can get into your head. After I realised what I've done. I searched for you but i couldn't find you.
T: really?. I mean you have to make it up to me.
S:I will anywhere anything you want to do.
T:okay meet me at the arcade. You will see the kids and then you will take me out to dinner.
S:okay. What time
T:tomorrow at 2 pm
S:thanks tanya. I love you
T: *giggles* I love you too.
I heard a boy say Kristen's name but she already cut.

"Yes finally. Tanya agreed to go out with me. I will finally meet my kids. I can't wait" I thought to my self

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