Chapter 21

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   Thanks for your reads and votes I really appreciate. I still have the cramp on my thumb like its really getting worse by the day. It hurts but I thought about you guys and decided to write this story for you. Thanks as you read.

Dipper's pov

   Pacifica was walking to the babies room when she suddenly fell on the floor and collapsed. I rushed to her and picked her up. "Oh my god what should we do dip" Mabel asked shocked. "I'll take her to the hospital you stay here and watch the babies" I said panicking. I tried calling 911 but my hands were shaky. I managed to call them and they came immediately. "I'm sorry but are you a relative?" A man asked. "Stupid question I'm her fiancé" I lied. I will be one day. They allowed to get in and they drove. Mabel was already tearing up.

     We got to the hospital and they wheeled pacifica away. I waited outside praying and crying. I can't bear to see her like that. I love her. After some hours a doctor came. "Please sir can I see you?" The doctor asked. "Yes" I said following behind him. "Sir. I'm sorry to say but she was having a lot of stress and that made her to collapse but when she fell she hit her head so that it cause a concussion. So she's in coma. But there is still hope" he said. I couldn't reply. It was like my mouth was glued together. My eyes became watery. "C-c-coma?" I asked again really unsure. Maybe my ears were playing tricks on me. "Yes Mr pines" he said again. My heart felt heavy. It felt like it was all my fault. I caused the stress. I only helped with the kids once. I walked sloppily to Pacifica's room. I looked her cold body. It was a nightmare for me. Her pink full lips were now pale and cracked. Her blonde hair was now a pale yellow.

   "Pacifica I'm sorry" I said crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back and saw candy smirking. "THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT CANDY. YOU CAUSED THIS. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU..." I said falling on my pool of tears. " WHY CAN'T IT BE ME. LET IT BE ME"I yelled to the ceiling. "Dipper its okay. We can be together now. Pacifica is out of the way" candy said holding my chin with a finger. "LEAVE. RIGHT. NOW" I yelled at her face. She left hurriedly. I was left alone. "Pacifica be okay. I will go home now and take care of the kids. When I come tomorrow I want to see you healthy okay?" I said kissing her lips. I went out the door with little gravity. I walked home and went to the the kids room and looked at them. It made me cry more. It felt like a piece of me was gone. I fed them and went to bed. Mabel was out with her boyfriend James. She broke up with her other boyfriend months ago.

Hey guys. Please forgive me for all these short stories. My thump is in pain right now. It stings a lot. Like really. Thanks. Please type me a get well soon comment. Thanks.

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