Chapter eleven

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Thanks to all my readers. But there's one problem... I don't know if you all like my book so I'm still sad. I am only sure that four people out of my readers like my books sooo that still strengthened me. Thanks. Love you.

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Yeah thanks.

Dippers pov.

Four months later

Pacifica has been acting all cranking lately. I think its pregnancy hormones. She cried sometimes, laugh sometimes. I don't even know. "Dipper please help me with my shoes" pacifica called. "Coming" I said standing up from the couch and pausing the TV. I went to the room and helped her shoes. I was walking down stairs when Mabel called me. "Psst psst dipper" Mabel said. "What?" I said rubbing my hair. "Let's plans surprise baby shower for paz" Mabel said pulling her jacket. She has gotten over coloured sweaters and waddels. He died when we turned 15. He lived long. "Hmm okay when?" I asked again. "Friday night" I said. "Okay how many people will you call?" I asked again. "Haaa too much questions" she said entering her room.

Skip to the day of baby shower

"Help me out" pacifica said. I helped her out of the car and lead her to the door. When I opened the door. Every where was dark. "I thought I told yii not to off the light" pacifica whined. "Sorry"I said. I pit on the light and everyone jumped out of their hidding spot and yelled. HAPPY BABY SHOWER PACIFICA!!!. She jumped in surprised. She turned to me "did you plan this?" She said. "Actually Mabel did" I said pointing at squeaking Mabel. Mabel ran to her and hugged her lightly not to hurt the baby. Grunkle Stan, soos ,his wife and his two kids were there, Wendy was there, grenda and candy were also there. I went over to Soos and grunkle Stan. "Hey man" Soos said. "Hey soos" I said. "Grunkle Stan" I said hugging him. "Dipper say hello my wife Tanya and my kids" he said. I saw Tanya and John and Kristen
They were a lot older than me. Maybe 26 or 27. I was surprised. "Hello" I said. "I see you are enjoying the house" Tanya said. "Yea I am" I replied. "Hi. I'm john and my twin sister Kristen" John said. "Hi I am dipper" I stated. I looked over to pacifica who was checking the gifts. I felt someone tap me. I looked back and saw Wendy. I backed up a little and looked her straight in the eyes. "Hey" she said. "Hey" I replied. "Look dipper I an really sorry. I was just jealous and I want your forgiveness. Would you ever forgive me?" She asked. "I forgive you Wendy" I said. She hugged me went back to pacifica and Mabel and her gangs.

The rest of the night went good and everyone had to go home. After everyone left pacifica started to cry. "Why are you crying paz?" I asked. "Nothing" she replied. "Tell me"I commanded. "My parent never came" she said. "I'm sorry paz. Don't worry. You'll be the best mother for our kids. Not like your parent" I said. She pecked my lips and ate some donut then went to sleep. I slept next to her and kissed her goodnight.

Hey everybody. Do you likey?. If you don't. I'm sorry but i love it. Thanks. Love you all. Don't forget, read, comment, vote , follow and I'll follow back. Seriously I'll follow back. I don't really have followers. Sooo.bye


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