Chapter 23

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Sorry this chapter is late I got busy with exams and reading so will I be let off the hook this time?. Yh so because of this I'll try to update quickly. Read on...

Chapter 23

Dipper's POV

Today Paz was coming home. Mabel is really happy about this. We all went to the hospital with Liam, Noah, Emma and Casey. They couldn't stop giggling and laughing. Emma and Casey's hair were awesome if not for Mabel.

We knocked on her ward door. "Come in" I heard a faint voice. I opened the door gently revealing Paz sitting on her bed. Immediately she saw us her lips curled up in a cute smile. "On so happy you came and with the babies" Paz said hugging me and Mabel. "Anything for you paz" Mabel said smiling. I was very happy. I missed Paz and her crazy ways. The baby really missed her and they even learnt to talk like mama, Dada, Mabel, juice and some other simple words. The babies are going to be one in some weeks. Paz spent a month, one week and three days in the hospital. She is alright and ready for action if you know what I mean... Taking care of the babies. He he you thought wrong my pretties.
We are finally home. Paz asked us not to throw her any welcome back parties so we didn't. She walked to the babies room and rocked Noah. Casey and Emma pulled on her skinnies while Like played with his Monkey Mr Hohohaha. Funny he heard me say hohohaha once I was playing with him and he named him that. "Liam. Baby. Go play with mama" I said taking his monkey away. "Wheh wheh. Hohohaha hohohaha" he cried. I laughed and gave him back his teddy.

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