Chapter nine

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   Thanks guys for your votes. It means a lot. Thanks to @oyin_book for her wonderful comments and ideas love you. Thanks to @Jazzyjaz100 for her words of encouragement. Thanks to @FuzBun for her votes. Thanks to all my readers for reading my book. Honestly I never thought my book could go as far as 40 reads in just 5 days. Thanks a bunch love you alllll.

  Make me smile by clicking on that star at the end of the story

Yh. Thanks.

  Dippers pov

  I am so scared. I've never been this scared in my life. Pacifica's always playing around with Luke. Mabel's boyfriend. I am just so over protective. Maybe I should tell her. "Hey brosef" Mabel called. "Mabel" I greeted. "Come get your girlfriend" she said pointing to Pacifica's direction. "Okay"I sighed. I went over to pacifica and literally dragged her out. I dragged her to the room. "Why are you always playing around with boys huh?" I asked getting angry. "I don't know dipper, why are you always playing around with candy hun?" She yelled at my face. "Pacifica I had a dream OK?" I said . "I had a dream too" she replied. "Mine was about you and a man and another one with you and bill" I said. "Mine was about you and candy. That's why I'm always jealous" she said covering her face. "But candy is Mabel's friend and I'm always playing with her cause Mabel forced me to" I said sitting on the bed. "I just don't want to lose you" she said. "But you already are" I said. "I'm sorry okay" she said tearing up. "I forgive you" I said kissing her. 

Bills POV

   I give up. There's nothing I do right. "Gideon I quit" I said. "Oh no boy. You can't quit" he said over. "Too late" I said disappearing.

Wendy's pov

  I just want dipper back. They say you don't value what you've got until you lose it. Now I know
I just can't take it anymore. He doesn't love me anymore. I want dipper to be my friend back. I'll go ask for forgiveness tomorrow.


  Pacifica's pov

  I am now officially four months and three weeks. Just one more week and I will be give weeks. The morning sickness had hone now replaced with sore feet and super fatigue. "Pacifica let's get going" Dipper called. "Coming "I said. We went to the hospital. I got down went straight inside. I saw tiffany with Timothy. I guess they got back together. She waved at me and continued smooching him. My name was called and Dipper and I went inside. "Hello again Pazy and dipper" jess said. "Hey" dipper and I said in unison. I laid down on the bed and she put the cold jelly on my tummy. She out the pipeish thingy on my tummy and started rubbing it around. "There they are" she said smiling. She added volume and I different

   Thud thud thud thud sound

   "Looks like you're having...

  Hey  cliff hanger right?. Well I need your decisions. What should she have

1. Two boys one girl
2. Two girls one boy
3. Three girls or
4. Three boys.

Theirs names





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