Chapter twelve

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Pacifica's POV

I woke up the next day feeling happy. I can't still believe Mabel could throw me a surprise party. I feel so special. I woke and walked down stairs. For a eight month I look like a pregnant whale. I went to fridge and brought out four donuts. I ate all of it and Mabel's mouth was hung down. "What?" I said. "Nothing just that you can eat a lot. Like a lot" Mabel said taking a bowl of cereal. "Yeah. Well I'm eating for five get over it" I said rolling my eyes and smiling. "Okay pazziwaz" Mabel said smirking. "Mabel!"I yelled. "Dipper?" Mabel yelled. "Mabel!" Dipper yelled from the room. "Sorry" she said rinsing her bowl. I switched on the TV and started to watch Netflix.

After some hours of watching Netflix. I was bored. I got up and started to walk upstairs when I felt water rushing from legs. I thought I peed on myself then I felt a sharp pain hit me. "DIPPER!" I yelled. "What wrong?" He asked. "My.. My... Water. It broke" I said holding my stomach. Dipper called Mabel and then they rushed to me. Dipper pulled me to the car while Mabel opened the door. Dipper got into the drivers seat and drove to the hospital.

"We need help" dipper yelled carrying me to the hospital. My contractions were coming and going. It hurts a lot. Some nurse came over with stroller and carried me away. Doctor Jessie was already there. Dipper stood by me saying cooing words to my ear. "Bring outta me" I yelled. "We are sorry but you are not fully dilated" doctor Jessie said. "What?. You need to be dilated?" I said confused. "Yes. When you are 12cm apart then we can start" she added.

After 12 hours in the hospital I was fully dilated. "Okay you push and and stop for three seconds okay" Dr Jessie said. I nodded and looked over to dipper. He was scared. I could see it in his eyes. Like he was guilty. He kissed me and held me hand tightly assuring me it will be alright.

Push... 1...2...3. Push...1...2...3 push...1...2...3 push. A boy came out first then a girl then another girl then the surprise baby a boy. I was so happy and fulfilled. I'll be the best mother ever. They took them away and cleaned them. "What are their name?" A lady asked Liam Connor, Noah Tyler ,Emma Lexis and Casey Anastasia pines" I said smiling. They stitched arse and later brought my babies. I held liam first. He had chocolate brown hair and brown hazel eyes like his father then i held Emma she had brown hair with blonde highlights and blue eyes like mine then I held Casey she had blond hair and blue eyes like mine and then Noah he had blonde hair and a little of brown then he has brown hazel eyes like his father. I was just happy. Mabel came jumping in and dancing. She carried one and dipper carried two. I was tired so they

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