-I'm done!-

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"My eyes widen with the shock, i didn't knew what to do or what Luka could do... But one thing i knew...



I couldn't bare the fact that my cousin was going to turn into a animatronic... What was i going to do?? Luka was now going to turn into a animatronic who looks like a red moon...

I stared at the dead corpse of my cousin and hold it. I noticed that something was wrong i there... When i turn to leave, i saw something that make me feel goosebumps all over my body.

The man that work for Eduard...

... Disappeared...

When i noticed that; i rush outside the MegaPizzaPlex and ran. I ran the fast as i could to my apartment, when i got there i saw Sun and Moon recharging with phone chargers and Michael and Sam rushed to me.

Michael: Y/n!!! Where the hell were you?!?! - Michael said while holding my shoulders and shaking me while Sam examined me.

Y/n: Guys! Im fine, no need to worry... - i said trying to comfort them,

Sam: What about that wound on your leg?? We need to treat that, now! - Sam went to search the first aid kit, and i look at my leg, noticing a medium cut.

Michael: Are you ok? What happened???

Y/n: Oh, no need to worry, i just went to take some fresh air and... - i stop myself and sighed, and decided to tell them the truth.

(Time skip)

After i resume what happened Michael and Sam look at me both with the jaws dropped.

Sam: Are you telling me that Luka is going to be a animatronic??

Y/n: Apparently yes.. - i stop for a few seconds to think and then i said - You know what?!?! Im done with this shit! Im moving away!

Michael and Sam's eyes widen at my sentence.

Michael: What do you mean by "im moving away"?? We need to do something.

Y/n: No, let me correct you. You and Sam are going to do something, Eduard is your brother! He killed my cousin and almost killed me too!! Im done with that!! It's like im a bunny in the middle of wolves! I can't do that anymore! I need some break!!

Michael: So you are just going to leave everything behind?!?! What if Eduard tries something worst???

Y/n: Like what?? Turning into the devil?? Oh; i want to see him try!

Michael: So what are you going to do?? Leave everything behind?? - Michael yelled at me

Y/n: Exactly!!! - i yelled back and went to my room to pack my things while Michael and Sam just stand there in the living room.

While i packed my stuff, i noticed a picture of me and Luka when we were kids, i smile and grab the picture. Then i thought to myself:  "Why am i leaving now?..."

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