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"Haerin~ah aren't you excited! It's already like our 2nd week of college!" Danielle squeals at me as she clutches my jacket. "I already want to die." I say and she just laughs. "You know I won't let you. You're my best friend, I can't lose you!" Danielle says dramatically making me crack a small smile.

"There's that smile, now lets go to class! I heard we are getting a new teacher?" Danielle asks me as if I know, I don't even know what we are currently studying in class. "Dani, I don't even know what is going on right now I woke up like 5 minutes ago!" I ruffle my hair a little, only to fix it afterwards. "Right...why am I even asking you?" She flicks my forehead making me groan in pain and caress the hurt spot.

Soon Danielle and I arrive to class and sit next to each other. "Hey guys! You ready for our new professor? I heard it's a girl!" Hyein smirks at us. "Bitch! As if you would have a chance-" I say and Danielle pinched my arm. "Let the girl dream." She says and smiles at Hyein who pouts at us. "What if she is really pretty? I don't think I'll be able to focus on the lessons..." Hyein says and I nod. "I don't focus on them in general so I definitely won't focus on them if she was pretty..." I chuckle.

As we were chatting together waiting for the new teacher to come in, the class soon grows quiet. We all look up to the front of the classroom and see a tall, slim-fit woman. She had dark brown hair, nearly black, she had glasses on that made her looks so innocent and cute, her her body said otherwise. Her bangs covered almost all of her forehead. My eyes focused on her full lips that looked so ravishing.

"Woah..." Hyein and I say at the same time causing Danielle to hit us in the back of the head. We both glance at her in an annoyed look and rub the back of our heads at the same time.

"Hello class, I will be your new teacher, Ms. Kim." She shows us a smile. "Holy shit-" A dude shouts from the back of the class. "You're really pretty!" Other guys shout and I'm starting to wonder where the girls are? Why would a man be here? Anyways-

"Are you single?" Hyein raises her hand and shouts the question. Danielle and I bust out laughing, drawing attention to our table. "That's very inappropriate to ask young lady." Ms.Kim says and ignores her question while answering others that are appropriate. "Dumbass." I say and Hyein glares at me.

"You there, in the black leather jacket, can you tell me where you guys left off in the chapter you are currently reading?" Ms.Kim says right next to me, making me glance and see that she is standing right next to me. We make eye contact for a split second before I glance at Danielle and Hyein for help but they pretend to be busy with something else...assholes.

"Why are you asking me? Why not ask someone else?" I ask her. "Are you not keeping up with the chapters? Is that what you're telling me?" She leans down. I gulp, why am I nervous to tell the truth to a teacher? I always say my honest opinions towards them even if it's hurtful...

I sigh and lean back in my chair, slightly man spreading as I prop up an arm on top of the chair, "Fine. I'm not keeping up with the chapter, Ms. Kim. That's why you asked me right? You know just from my looks that it looks like I don't study, you're right! You have a good eye!" I give her a slight shoulder bump with my fist and she shows a crooked smile along with a scoff.

"What's your name?" She asks me. "Haerin, Kang haerin." I smile mockingly at her. She leans back and walks to the front of the classroom, "Kang haerin, please stay after class." She says to the entire class and they let out a snort. "Tsk. And if I don't?" I raise an eyebrow at her from across the classroom.

She shows a sly smirk as if expecting my question, "Then I guess I'll have to bring it up with the principal and get you kicked out right? Aren't you on your last warning before you do get kicked out? Will your parents like that Kang. Haerin?" She looks me straight in the eye. I gulp, how does she know that? I bet it was Mrs. Sakura! She's always keeping an eye on me, she's fucking annoying!

I look away from Ms.Kim and focus on the outside as she rambled on about the lesson we are on.

Finally the bell rings and we are all getting ready to leave, hopefully she forgot what she said to me earlier about staying after class.

"Let's go to lunch guys before we go to...history!" Hyein pouts at the history part. "I love history!" Danielle says. "You only love history because of our professor, Ms.Pham!" I tease Danielle who blushes and quickly defends herself. "N-no! It's amazing to learn about the history of our...of our-","Of our country?" I finish her sentence and she nods. "Yeah okay!" I say and get my things, ready to walk out with Hyein and Danielle.

Hyein and Danielle both walk out the classroom door, me trailing behind them as I was still shoving some books in my bag. "Where are you going Ms.Kang?" Ms.Kim stops me from walking as she blocks the door. "To lunch I'm starving!" I say and try to walk past her but she blocks it again and places her hand on my shoulder. "I told you to stay after class." She says sternly and I gulp and look behind her, seeing Danielle and Hyein mock me as they run off to the cafeteria.

"Fucking bitches..." I whisper to myself. "Excuse me? What did you say?!" Ms.Kim frowns at me. "Oh- I was talking about my friends!" I quickly say and she looks at me up and down. "I don't believe you." She crosses her arms and walks over to her desk, leaning on it while I sit at my table with a frown.

"What do you want?!" I ask and she lets out a small chuckle. "I want you to start paying attention in class." She says and I chuckle. "I never paid attention in class with my other professors what makes you think I'll listen to you?" I laugh and look out the window again.

"Your future depends on you! Depends on this! You need to focus and learn and grow!" She says to me like I'm a little kid. "Yeah thanks, Mom!" I roll my eyes and she scoffs. "I see potential in you haerin. You need to see that for yourself too." She says. "You don't even know me! How can you see potential in someone you don't even know?" I raise an eyebrow at my teacher.

"It's always the bad girls who have the most potential in life." She says. "Oh you think I'm a bad girl? I'll take that as a compliment." I smirk and she scoffs.

A soft knock was heard on the door, causing us both to look at the person. "Hey baby! It's your lunch break right? I brought you some ramen!" A young male says to Ms.Kim. Why is my blood slightly boiling...

She's too pretty for a guy...

He walks up to Ms.Kim and hugs her from behind, along with planting some kisses on her neck. "Kang haerin, you may leave now." Ms.Kim says to me and holds the mans hand in her embrace. "Been wanting to since I got here." I roll my eyes and fast walk out of the classroom and to the cafeteria.


"GUYS!" I shout behind them with a tray of food and slam it down on the table making the jump again. "Wow! How did it go with Ms.Hottie?" Hyein smirks at me. "She is dating someone!" I say and they both gasps. "What? WHO?!" They both asks at the same time. "Bitch! I DONT FUCKING KNOW! But some guy came in and-", "Wait, stop! A guy?!" Hyein stops me in the middle of my sentence. "YES!" I nod my head. "She's too pretty for a fucking guy!" Hyein says and I nod in agreement, "Exactly what I said! He brought her ramen and hugged her from behind and was kissing her neck, I WAS IN THE CLASSROOM STILL-" I say.

"Oh nah I would've cried and said I thought we had something special Ms.Kim!" Hyein wipes a fake tear and Danielle throws a carrot at her. "Wait actually can I have my carrot back-" Danielle pouts and Hyein just ate it. "Hoe." Danielle rolls her eyes and grabs another carrot.

"Welp that sucks, you guys have no chance with Ms.Kim but I still have a chance with Ms.Pham!" Danielle smirks.

"We still have a chance!" Hyein and I shout at Danielle who just chuckles.

"Maybe I do, not Hyein since she has no charm with the ladies." I flick my hair. "Oh wow- I do! She definitely won't fall for your charm!" Hyein rolls her eyes.

"I definitely think she can..." I smirk as thoughts came into my head, some pleasant and not-so pleasant.

This a long chapter- uh go catnipz🫶🏻🫶🏻

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