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"You know haerin...Kazuha has been by your side a lot lately..." Danielle says and Hyein nods in agreement. "Guys she's still new so it's obvious why she has been." I say as I look at myself in the mirror before we head outside to school. "Well it's been about a week...I'm pretty sure she knows the classrooms by now." Hyein says and I exhale.

"Guys, just get to it. What are you trying to say?" I ask and they glance at each other before back at me. "Haerin...Kazuha is a nice girl...a nice friend...let's not, you know? Use her as a rebound from Ms.Kim." Danielle says and I roll my eyes. Ms.Kim still tries to talk to me...I just can't, not right now...not yet.

"I'm not using her as a rebound, she's literally just a friend!" I say as I lock up the apartment. "We all see the way she looks at you haerin! She likes you!" Hyein says and Danielle nods. "But I don't like her! You guys know this! I'm still drawn to Ms.Kim!" I say and they sigh as well. "Well why don't you have a talk with Ms.Kim?! She obviously wants to fix things between y'all but you're TOO DAMN STUBBORN TO TALK TO HER ABOUT IT!" Hyein yells at me making me stop walking.

"Hyein..." Danielle says softly and Hyein rolls her eyes. "I'm sorry haerin but it's true! I like Kazuha as our friend and I would prefer of her not to be a rebound because you got your feelings hurt by our teacher." She says and I scoff. "I don't like her I told you guys plenty of times already and I-", "Well tell her you don't like her so she can move on and like someone else!" Hyein interrupts me. I stay silent for a moment. "See you are confused about your feelings!" Hyein rubs her forehead.

"Guys look! Lets just go to class okay? Haerin...Hyein is right, you need to let Kazuha know that you feel nothing but friendship with her, it'll be the best for both of you! And you need to talk with Ms.Kim! I can see that you and her are both not functioning properly! Ms.Kim can barely stay awake while teaching and you can barely focus on assignments!" Danielle says making me sigh, she's right.

"Fine. I'll talk with Kazuha and Minji..." I say as we enter the school building. "Haerin!" Kazuha runs up to me and side hugs me. "Hey Kazuha!" I smile softly at her. "Something wrong? You seem off today?" Kazuha asks and I glance at Hyein and Danielle who went straight to the classroom. "Um...can we talk?" I ask her and see her body stiffen a little bit. "Yeah sure? About what?" She asks lowly.

I pull her into an empty bathroom so we can talk.

" you like me?" I ask her. Her body stiffens and blush forms on her cheeks, giving me a clear answer. "Haerin...I- why are you asking me this?" She stutters. "Because I don't want to hurt you..." I say and she gazes at me. "I like our friendship Kazuha, and I'm in a complicated situation with a person I love...I don't want to use you as a rebound or use you in any way..." I say and Kazuha stands up, her back facing me as I hear sniffles.

"Kazuha..." I approach her and back hug her softly, she's fragile right now, not so anti fragile huh-

"Haerin...thank you for being honest and caring towards me." She says and leans more into my embrace. She turns around, my arms still wrapped around her waist and hers wrapped around my neck. "Can I ask you for one thing though?" She looks into my eyes and I hum in response.

She looks into my eyes then my lips and back at my eyes, "Can I kiss you? Just once?" She asks and I exhale. "Sure..." I say, at least I can give her something to make her happy after breaking her heart.

My lips meet hers in a soft kiss. We just feel each others lips with our own before we start moving them in sync with each other. Kazuha's hands wrap around my neck, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. My hands wrap around her waist, pulling her body into mine.

The kiss was getting heated, our breathing was ragged, my hair was messy from Kazuha gripping and pulling on it roughly. "Mhm~ Fuck.." She moans into my ear as I place kisses on her neck. I suck on her collarbone, earning a loud moan from her. Her hands continued to push my head further down to where she wants me but-

"Hey! What's going on in there?!" A familiar voice yells from outside the door. Kazuha and I immediately get off of each other and tighten up before opening the door. "Ms.Kim?" Kazuha says shyly. "Kang..." Minji starts but bites her bottom lip and looks away from me.

"It's not what you think!" Kazuha and I say in unison. Minji glances at me and then Kazuha, "Kazuha, you may go to class." She says sternly and Kazuha practically runs away. Ms.Kim pushes me back into the bathroom and locks the door. "Really haerin? Kazuha?" She says angrily. "'s really not what you think! We didn't do anything!" I say and she huffs out a puff of air and rolls her eyes.

"Then what? What was it huh? Yall both were clearly out of breath and your hair is messy!" She says as she comes and fixes my hair. I blush a little before getting serious again. "She likes me Minji-", "AND I LIKE YOU TOO! I LIKE YOU A LOT HAERIN!" Minji cuts me off to shout her feelings at me. "THEN WHY DID YOU SAY THOSE HARSH WORDS TO ME BEFORE? LIKE HOW IT SHOULDNT HAVE GONE THIS FAR! WHY?!" I shout back at her.

She pushes me against the wall as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Because...I was scared..." She whispers and I feel water on my shoulder. I didn't realize that I too, was crying. My arms wrap around her hips as I pull her more into the hug. "Haerin...please I'm so sorry!" Minji cries onto my shoulder, making me burst into tears as well. "Me too!" I cry into her shoulder. "What? Why are you sorry for?" Minji pulls back. I look into her watery eyes with my watery eyes, "I don't know!" I cry and she chuckles with a tear-stained face. "You're stupid!" She pulls me back into the hug.

"You are!" I say and she pulls back again before staring deeply into my eyes. "Kang haerin..." She starts and I hum. "Let's start from where we left off and...will you be my girlfriend?" Minji asks me and I was taken back. Blush creeps on my tear-stained face and I look away from embarrassment.

My head slowly nods, "Yes I will Kim Minji." I smile at her and she plants a soft kiss onto my lips. "You better not do what you did last time Minji." I say and she nods. "I won't because these few weeks without you...have been terrible haerin. I really do need you." She smiles at me making me blush once more.

"But- you still are getting detention after school!" She says as she breaks away from the hug. "WHAT? Why?!" I ask and she smirks. "Um...don't think i forgot about what happened in here a few moments ago?!" Minji says to me and I roll my eyes. "I hate you." I say and she laughs.

"No you don't." She says.

Ofc I don't!

YAY! They finally made up🤺🤺

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