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"WAIT WHAT? Repeat that entire damn story!" Hyein and I both yell in unison at Danielle. "Guys shush! It's secret remember!" She covers our mouth with her hands. " slept with Ms.Pham-" I whisper and Danielle nods while blushing. "I want a hot teacher too! Y'all both got one what about me? What about Lee hyein!?" Hyein pouts. "BOTH? Huh?" I frown at the word both, I don't have a hot teacher.

"Gurl Ms.Kim! Professors Kim!" Hyein says and I widen my mouth. "She despises me!" I say and Hyein smirks, "not for long..." she says and I roll my eyes, this delusional child.

The bell rings and we think nothing of it but see the halls empty, "Wait- was that the last bell?!" Hyein asks us and Danielle looks at her phone for the time and widens her eyes. "SHIT!" We all say and start running to english. "No running in the halls!" An administrator says and we keep running because who cares, it's empty anyways.

We arrive at the door to Ms.Kims classroom, it was closed meaning we will draw even more attention to us. "Haerin open it." Danielle says. "What why me?!" I frown and she pushes me, making me open the door. My eyes immediately meet Ms.Kim. She is wearing a tight black dress with a black blazer over it and some dark grey high heels. "Kang Haerin, you're late." She shows a sly smile, almost expecting me to be late.

"I didn't hear the bell." I lie and she chuckles lightly while walking over to me, her hips swaying in the process making me forget what I am exactly in trouble for?

"Looks like I have to keep you after school." She smirks mockingly at me. "And what about Danielle and Hyein?" I roll my eyes. "They were late too!" I say and they throw the middle finger up at me while sitting at their desks. "Yes but there grades aren't terrible like yours." Ms.Kim says and the class chuckles. "Go sit down." She says in her deep voice and I go sit next to Hyein and Danielle.

"Fucking bitch!" I say to Hyein but Ms.Kim was still staring at me and heard every word I said. "Kang haerin will you ever learn?" She sighs and I look at her with a frown. "What did I do now?" I roll my eyes, for christ sake she is obsessed with me. "Tomorrow, stay after school again." She says and I widen my eyes. "WHAT? FOR WHAT?!" I shout and Ms.Kim clenches her jaw. "For being late, for using inappropriate language within my classroom walls, and for giving me attitude!" She says and I close my mouth, I hate her so much- I just want to spread her legs and-

I scoff and lean back in my chair. "And I bet you didn't even study the chapters we learned yesterday." Ms. Kim lastly says and I chuckle while shaking my head. "Nope!" I smile sweetly. I see her smirk, "Stay After class as well. I need to have a word with you." She says and I exhale with annoyance and lay my head on the desks, this is gonna be a long day.


"Yes! Lunch my favorite class!" Hyein says as we all pack our things to get ready to go eat. We all walk out the door but a hand gripped my shoulder making me come back into the class. "You again?" I roll my eyes at Ms. Kim. "You're staying after class like I said." Ms. Kim said. "I thought it was tomorrow?!" I frown and she shakes her head. "It is but also today since you back talk so much." She says and I throw my back pack on a random desk.

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend Ms.Kim? Why am I always here? I got better shit to do." I say and she slams her pen on her desk, and abruptly stands up and walks over to me. "Ms. Kang..." She says in her deep voice. I look up at her with a smirk on my face, "Yes? Ms.Kim?" I ask with sarcasm.

"How many times do I have to warn you about language?" She says while staring deep into my bored eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you I can say whatever I want? It's not like I'm cussing at you." I roll my eyes. I glance at her full lips, though she seemed very mad right now, she looked so hot.

"God..." I whisper out but immediately shut my mouth before I say some not so wholesome things to my very hot, angry teacher. She continues to walk closer to me, making my legs hit a desk and fall on it. "Stand up." She demands. "If I stand up I might kiss you." I say and she scoffs. "Stand. Up." She demands again.

I stand up and our chests immediately brush against each other. I glance at her eyes and she is nearly a few inches away from me, one more step closer and I can kiss her. "I stood up now what more do you want teacher?" I tease and she chuckles. I feel hers hands being placed on either side of me, trapping me between her and the desks.

"After today, you will be staying after school with me everyday." She says. "WHAT?" I shout and she puts her hand over my mouth. "I'm going to teach you some discipline, and not to talk back to a teacher." She says and I smirk as naughty thoughts came into mine. "Understood?" She raises an eyebrow.

"What if I don't understand?" I smirk and see her lean closer to my ear. "I'll make you understand don't worry." She whispers. I felt a chill run down my spine, "Are you sure you're still talking about school and attitude here? Or is it something else?" I whisper against her ear, my lips slightly caressing her earlobe as my hot breath fans against her ear, making goosebumps form along her arm. 1 point, Haerin.

Ms.Kim pulls away and I see her eyes stare at my lips. To tease her a little more, "Just do it." I smirk as I see her lick her lips. I wrap my hands around her waist and I see her chest start rising and falling quickly.

Then the bell rings.

Ms.Kim immediately pulls away from me and I grab my backpack and was about to head out before she grabbed my arm. "Don't forget, after school detention." Ms.Kim says and I smirk, "Looking forward to it." I throw her a wink before meeting my friends by their lockers.

"What happened?!" They both immediately asks me. "We almost kissed." I say. "WHAT THE HELL? Where is my love?" Hyein shouts and Danielle and I both laugh. "You're too young!" I laugh. "BITCH IM YOUR AGE!" She fake cries.

"I'm looking forward to after school-" I say and they both smirk.

"We know exactly why." Hyein rolls her eyes.


Would you rather have Ms.Pham as your teacher or Ms.Kim? Me personally Ms.Pham because she my bae 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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