Pham Classroom

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I Split ways with haerin and make my way to Ms.Phams classroom. What concerns did she have with me? What did I do? Did I make her mad? Ugh women...

I walk over to her classroom to see the door already open. I walk inside and see no sign of hanni. "Hanni? I mean- Ms.Pham?" I call out and the door shuts and locks behind me. "Danielle!" She says with her arms crossed leaning against the door. "Ms-Ms.Pham!" I stutter, im nervous, so nervous right now!

"What are your concerns you wanted to discuss with me!?" I ask while fidgeting with my fingers. I see Hanni's eyes soften as she walks over to me and holds my hands. "Danielle?" Hanni asks. "Yes? Ms.Pham?" I hum and she steps closer to me, making me back up a little, hitting the wall beside her desk. "Are you avoiding me?" She asks and I frown. "No why would I- I-?" I stutter, shit.

"You are?!" Hanni steps closer, her hands trapping me on either side, although she is short but she is super feisty and not super shy like I thought she would be-

Hanni glances at my lips then eyes quickly, before attaching our lips together. I immediately kiss her back, god I've missed kissing her. I feel her hands slide down my body, stopping at my waist and pulling me closer to her.

She trails her hand over my crotch and stops, I push her away a little. "Sorry...I just- im Not-", "Danielle..." hanni interrupts me and I frown while sparing a glance at her. "Yeah?" I ask. "I don't care. I like you for you!" Hanni reassures me making a smile form on my face.

"Good because I was really-" She cuts me off by pulling me by my nape and smashing her lips onto mine. Our kiss becomes more aggressive, more wanting, more needy...

My hands wrap around Hanni's waist as I pull her closer to my body, my erection grazing against her lower half. "Someone's excited..." Hanni mumbles between the kiss as her hand touches my erected member through my clothes, making me gasp slightly. I trail my kisses down her neck, making sure to leave a very light bruise.

"Danielle~" Hanni moans making me continue my kisses on her neck, loving the response I got from her. I feel Ms.Pham snake her hands within my hair and tug on it harshly. "Danielle." She says sternly making my lust gaze upon her disappear and now be replaced with fear. "Y-yes? Hanni..." I stutter and she pulls harder. "Hanni?" She cocks up an eyebrow. "Ms-Ms.Pham!" I correct myself and see a small smirk plastered on my teachers face.

"I want you to sit down at my front desk." She says and I raise an eyebrow. "Go sit at the chair now." She says while pulling one last time on my hair causing me to moan in pain and pleasure at the same time.

I walk over to her desk and sit in her chair just like she said. She walks over and sits in front of me but actually on her desk. "W-what are you doing?" I ask her and she smirks. "You're going to watch me." She says making my frown deepen. "Watch you? Watch you do what?" I ask. "Touch myself. As part of your somewhat...punishment for ignoring me these past weeks." Ms.Pham said making me gulp, I wasn't ignoring her...damn she really is the possessive and jealous type-

I sit back and watch as Ms.Pham spreads her legs right in front of me, her pencil skirt going up as she completes the action. My mouth gapes open as I watch the sight of her sliding her underwear to the side and entering two fingers in her already wet lips.

She tilts her head back and lets out a throaty moan. "Mhm~ fuck baby~" She moans as she looks back at me. My player already wanting to jump out of its confinement and give her a real reason to moan-

She thrusts her fingers into her core in a fast pace, while maintaining devilish eye contact with me. "Please Danielle~ fuck! You feel so good!" Hanni whimpers and it sends me over the edge. I stand up, standing between her legs and place kisses all over her neck again for a brief second before I was pushed off. Hanni pushes me back into the chair, "No. Stay sitting down!" She says sternly and I roll my eyes, this teasing is too much!

"I'm close baby!" She moans while biting on her lower lip, the slick noise of her wetness filling the room as her orgasm quickly approaches her. I rub my clothed cock as I watch her and she watches me before she kicks my hand away with her foot. "No." She says and I groan in sexual frustration. "Then let me fuck you!" I groan and she smirks while shaking her head. "Patience isn't your strong suit." She says and I chuckle lightly.

Hanni tilts her head back once more and screams loudly, "FUCK DANIELLE!" I could've came just by watching her but she wouldn't let me. She slowly slides her fingers out of her core and stares at me. "Take off your pants." Hanni commands and I listen.

My erected member shoots up, revealing just how big it is. Hanni lowly gasps at the sight as she slides down my boxers, leaving me bare in my lower half. She places her wet fingers on my member and rubs it all over my shaft. I throw my head back from the physical touch but it soon disappeared just like how revealed itself.

"Please hanni! I mean-" A light but hard slap was landed on the side of my face. "Hanni? Danielle-", "I was gonna say Ms-Ms.Pham!" I say with a slightly red cheek. She smirks and nods in agreement before sitting on my lap. Her wet core rubbing against my cock as she rocks her hips back and forth, slowly.

I grab her hips and try to make her grind on me faster but to no avail, she grabs my hands and places them on the armrest of the chair. "Danielle..." hanni says and I hum in response, too busy trying to get more friction started between us. "Do you think you deserve to have me?" Hanni says while leaning closer to my face, causing her wet center to rub even harder on my cock. "Fuck~ yes!" I moan as she bites on my earlobe. "Really? I don't think so..." She whispers, causing her warm air to brush against the side of my face and neck.

"Please~" I beg, I need her, I need to feel her!

She leans back and kisses my lips passionately. Her hands staying on top of mine that are placed in the armrest, preventing me from touching her. She gets a free hand and guides my member into her, making me slowly slide into her. "Fuck!" We both moan in unison. "You're so wet~" I moan at the pleasure. "This is your fault!" Hanni moans as she starts to ride me, bouncing up and down quickly and roughly. "Oh shit hanni- Ms.Pham!" I correct myself and she starts to grind on me harder and faster. "Shit~ you're so big Danielle! Fuck~" She moans loudly once my tip hit the deepest part of her walls.

"I'm gonna fuck you so much till all you can think about is me! You won't ignore me again right?!" Hanni whimpers the last part as my tip kissed her deep walls again, almost sending us into climax heaven. "Yes~ mhm- fuck yes~ I'll only think about you! No one else Hanni!" I moan and she slaps my cheek lightly and pulls my face closer to her. "I'll let you say hanni this time, only cause it sounds so good hearing you moan my name, you like the way I feel huh? You like being inside me Danielle?" Hanni moans as she bounces harder on me, making my cock twitch slightly.

"Yes! I love being inside you hanni, shit~ I'm cumming!" I yell out and she smirks as she roughly places sloppy kisses on my neck. My hands wrap around her waist as I thrust my member faster into her, causing us both to throw our heads back and cum together. "YES!" Hanni scream out as my cum shoots inside of her making her reach her climax.

She slowly rides out her orgasm on my cock, making me moan at the sensation again.

Our labored breathing is all that is heard now besides the occasional sloppy noises of our parts combined.

"Danielle..." Hanni calls my name out and I hum in response. "Are to ready?" She asks me and I frown. "Ready for what?" I ask and she smirks. "I said I was gonna fuck you so much till all you can think about is me." She says while leaning closer to my earlobe, sucking on it and biting harshly on it. I groan in pain and pleasure. "Oh yeah I remember now..." I say.

"Good girl." Hanni smirks as she starts bouncing on my still erected member.

"Oh fuck~ Hanni! Ms.Pham!" I moan as I meet her grinds....

Pray for Danielle y'all🫶🏻🫶🏻

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