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The weekend is over and now it's time for classes again, meaning Ms.Kim.

"We are here haerin! We literally have classes together so we can distract you from, her." Danielle throws her arm over my shoulder and pulls me closer to her, nearly choking me. "You are choking me!" I say me get out of her grip while her and Hyein laugh at me.

"I'll be fine guys." I half smile at them when deep down...I'm not okay. I cried all last night, I felt like I was used. Yes I'm a bad girl but...I don't just give my body to every girl...Minji- Ms.Kim was my first-

"Guys I'll be right back! I'm going to stop by Hanni's class real quick!" Danielle smirks at us and Hyein rolls her eyes. "Haerin, I'm gonna go to the restroom, are you going to be okay?" She asks me with a concerned face. "Yeah I'll be fine." I nod softly and go find a chair in the cafeteria while I wait for classes to start and my friends to come back.

I lay my head down.

Why did I fall for her?

Why can't she just get out of my head?

Why am I so gullible?

Does she really not feel a thing for me? Was I just a toy to her?

"Hey? Excuse me?" I hear a soft voice call out and for a second I didn't think it was directed towards me, until I felt a tap on my shoulder making me slowly lift my head up and look at a brunette haired girl.

I raise an eyebrow, "Who are you?" I ask but then blink to get a better look at her. She's pretty, she has light brown hair, is pretty fit and slim, she has puppy like eyes as well, like Minji...

"Sorry! I am just new here! And was wondering if you could help me around?" She asks me shyly. "Why me?" I ask with a deep voice. She looks taken back by my almost rude questions, "Oh- uh well if you don't want to help me that's fine! Sorry if I'm a bother!" She smiles and tries to walk away but I sigh and grab her wrists, making her sit next to me.

"No sorry. Just bad day...I'm Kang haerin. Just call me haerin." I say and hold out my hand for her to shake. "I'm just Kazuha." She smiles at me and shakes my hand. My hand slightly bigger than hers swallows her hand into a tight and firm handshake as we exchange glances of each other.

"Why did you come here? Why this school?" I ask as I lean on my arm still looking at her. "Because I heard it's a great school, it has a good ballet class here!" She smiles and I raise and eyebrow. "You are into ballet?" I ask her and she nods. "I've been into it since I was a child! What are you into?" She asks me. My English teacher who used me... "I don't really know..." I say lowly and she giggles.

"Well you seem pretty fit, do you dance?" She asks me and I nearly burst out laughing. "Do I look like a dancer?!" I frown and she chuckles while hitting my shoulder lightly. "Duh! Dancers are fit and hot!" Kazuha laughs but I see her face blush at the last part. "You think I'm hot?" I ask and she bites down on her lower lip nervously.

"HAERIN! There you are!" Hyein says as she sits down on the other side of me. "I've been looking for you bro! Danielle still isn't back from...who's that?" Hyein points at Kazuha who just smiled shyly at Hyein and bows her head kindly. "Hyein, this is Kazuha the ballerina! She's new here." I say and Kazuha laughs at my new nickname for her. "That's Hyein, she's quite immature for her age." I say to Kazuha who just chuckles quietly with me but Hyein smacks me either way.

"Shut the hell up! Lets go to class!" Hyein makes me stand up. "Kazuha what's your class?" I ask her because I remembered she wanted help. "Ms.Kim?" She reads out the name making my heart drop at the memory. Hyein immediately notices and takes Kazuha's hand, "We have that class too! You can sit with us!" Hyein says and drags us to class.

We enter class. The first thing I did was sit at my desk and put my head down, I'm not going to look at Minji. I will Not spare her a single glance, not an ounce of my attention will be on her!

"So haerin, I think you should join a dance class! I think you'll be good." Kazuha starts up a conversation with me as I'm assuming Ms.Kim gets the class ready. "You are still on about that?" I chuckle quietly and so does she as she scoots her chair closer to me so we can talk quieter since we are closer. "Want me to teach you some dances I know? I don't just do ballet you know? I also do styles." She whispers against my ear sending a chill down my spine.

"I know a few hip hop moves too Kazuha, you aren't that special!" I roll my eyes playfully, you know I'm kinda thankful this girl is here, she's taking my mind know who.

"Oh really? How about you prove it?" Kazuha smirks at me and I do the same. "I will." I say and she smiles. "Excuse me, what's your name?" I hear a cold, deep voice standing next to me. "My name is Kazuha maam!" Kazuha stands up and bows along with a smile on her face as she faces, Minji. "Kazuha, since you seem to be having such a nice time with Kang, do you want to share with the class what you ladies were talking about?" Ms.Kim says sternly to Kazuha who seems to be shy and avoiding all the glances the students throw at her.

"We were talking about me joining a dance class if you may know." I say coldly without sparing eye contact with ms.Kim. "oh, well it's not that important than my English right?" She replies smugly. "Actually it kind of is important, it'll give me something else to do." I say through gritted teeth. "Kang Haerin. See me after class." Ms.Kim strolls down to the board and begins to write her lessons on it so we can copy.

"Sorry for getting you in trouble..." Kazuha whispers in my ear. "It's okay. You didn't, I always get in trouble anyways." I smirk and she giggles. "Oh so I have a little troublemaker over here now,-" She nudges my shoulder with hers making me smile softly.


Class is over and Hyein kept eyeing me and Kazuha as we were laughing quietly together the entire time. "You guys would be cute together." Hyein says to us and Kazuha blushes. "Hyein, shut up!" I hit her shoulder as we pack up our school supplies.

"Kang Haerin. Wait here." Ms.Kim says coldly which almost makes me listen to her. "We will see you at lunch!" Kazuha rubs my shoulder as she walks off with Hyein.

I let out a long sigh, the last thing I want is to be with Minji right now. It's all I ever want...

"What?" I roll my eyes. "Haerin...Look im sorr-","Cut it Minji! I don't care anymore!" I cut her off. "Is that what you wanted me for? If so that was a waste of my time." I say and was about to walk out the door but she blocked it. "Haerin...can you just listen to me?" She asks me and I finally look I to her pleading, begging eyes for the first time.

I clench my jaw so hard it probably was going to break. "You already lost me Minji." I say and push her aside as I walk out her door and closing it behind me. I stand outside her door for a while looking at the tiles that filled the entire school building. Tears shed down my face, why did I say that? She didn't lose me, I'm just too hurt by what she said about us!


Why did I say that to her? I NEVER WANTED TO USE Her- I just didn't want to put her in danger of losing good education because of me...but I do really really like least I think I do. I'm starting to realize now...that I feel something for her. Maybe it's because I saw her with that new girl...

Minji done fucked up-😒😒

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